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5 Essential Life Skills for Adults in Sober Living in NYC

5 Essential Life Skills for Adults in Sober Living in NYC - Sober Living homes provide individuals in recovery with countless learning experiences and opportunities to develop important life skills that will make the transition back into society much easier. Although the recovery process is extremely personal and can occur in many different ways, a transitional living program such as City Recovery will provide recovery life skills and time to practice new healthy habits before re-entering society as an independent, sober individual.

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5 Essential Life Skills for Adults in Sober Living in NYC

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  1. 5 Essential Life Skills for Adults in Sober Living in NYC 5 Essential Life Skills for Adults in Sober Living in NYC - Sober living homes provide individuals in recovery with countless learning experiences and opportunities to develop important life skills that will make the transition back into society much easier. Although the recovery process is extremely personal and can occur in many different ways, a transitional living program such.

  2. City Recovery will provide recovery life skills and time to practice new healthy habits before re-entering society as an independent, sober individual. Here are 5 of the main life skills residents of sober living in NYC can look for in City Recovery. Setting and achieving personal goals One of the top life skills in recovery should also include making goals. Years of continued substance abuse may have left some people feeling hopeless, without any life goals or aspirations. Goals keep life moving forward and prevent old habits from seeping back in. Others may have never had goals in the first place. Fortunately, recovery is the perfect time to start defining and pursuing personal goals. Some examples of positive goals might be: Going for a run three times a week. Opening a savings account. Volunteering for a community organization. Submitting three job applications each week until employment is secured.

  3. Whatever a person’s goals are in recovery, they should be rewarding and keep them away from drug and alcohol use. 2. Maintaining a clean living space Learning how to maintain a clean living space is not just good practice in discipline, but it will also make returning home a whole lot easier, especially for those who have family members. Living with other individuals (whether in a sober living home or in a more traditional home environment) presents its own challenges and obstacles. As individuals in recovery learn to keep their living environment clean and tidy, they also learn the importance of respecting others and considering others’ wants and needs when making decisions.

  4. 3. Building healthy relationships Building healthy relationships is one of the most important and challenging new life skills for addicts in recovery. While the person in recovery is adjusting to their new life of sobriety, their family and friends will also be adjusting to the change. Regardless of how family and friends respond to an individual’s newfound sobriety, it is vital that people in recovery focus on the following things: Communicating clearly Expressing emotions in a healthy way Listening Identifying and coping with triggers in social situations These skills can be gained by interacting with other residents in a sober living home, by attending outpatient support groups, and building new relationships with other individuals in recovery.

  5. 4. Managing time In the past, people who were addicted most likely spent the majority of their time and energy using or obtaining drugs and/or alcohol. In recovery, these individuals must learn to fill their time with goals, activities, and recovery-oriented work. One of the best ways to practice time management while in a sober living program is to invest in a daily planner. Using a planner to schedule out free time is a great way to avoid boredom and wasted time, which put a person at higher risk for relapse. 5. Finding and maintaining employment Maintaining a good job is one of the many things that makes life more meaningful, especially for those in recovery. City Recovery’s transitional housing program provides support to help people in recovery find and obtain employment. We help individuals learn how to search for employment using various methods, fill out applications, create or update a resume, and how to properly present themselves in a job interview.

  6. Source Link: https://www.issuewire.com/5-essential-life-skills-for-adults-in-sober-living-in-nyc-1618988681806646 Call us today 646-668-0352 Email us: info@CityRecovery.com Website: https://cityrecovery.com/ Add: New York City, USA.

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