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SciFi option for neutrino target tracker

Dive into the latest advancements in the SciFi Neutrino Target Tracker program, including detailed insights on tracker options, production status, quality assurance, and future development plans. Stay informed with the most recent updates and plans towards the Critical Design Review.

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SciFi option for neutrino target tracker

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  1. SciFi option for neutrino target tracker Presented by Alexander Malinin, NRC KI, Moscow 7th SHiP Collaboration Meeting 11 February , 2016

  2. SHiP experimental set-up SciFi TT Option 2 11 February 2016

  3. SciFi tracker structure Conceptual view ECC Brick SciFi mats Honeycomb Honeycomb 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 3

  4. Tau-neutrino detector cros-section SciFi tracker envelope SciFi SciFi SciFi SciFi 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 4

  5. SciFi sp-resolution and rad-hardness Measured charge weighted Double Gaussian fit σ1 = 59 μm σ2 = 203 μm σeff = 79 μm (weighted average) Measured attenuation length Λ with respect to the SciFi irradiation dose. https://indico.cern.ch/event/406444/contribution/10/attachments/1127656/1610549/EDRTest-beamresults.pdf 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 5

  6. SciFi Target Tracker option cost • Fiber: 1/8.6 of the total fiber length for the LHCb SciFi. 2750 kCHF /8.6 = 320kCHF (12 stations, 15 x 7 ribbons) • Honeycomb panels: 50 kCHF • FE Electronics: The same number of boards, but no -40 C cooling and simple serial Ethernet interface :~1000 KCHF. • Special production equipment: 30 kCHF • Consumables, chemicals, and CR maintenance: 40 kCHF. Total ~1500 kCHF 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 6

  7. SciFi detector fabrication 275 m Not to scale The alignment pins define center and fibre direction Alignment pins on the mat produced through glue filled holes on the wheel 3mm 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 7

  8. SciFi production clean room at KI 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 8

  9. Fibre rewinding and QA machine model 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 9

  10. Fibre Rewinding & QA machine parts Optical quality control (light leak detector) LED Photodiodes LLB Cover with Z-path is not shown SiPM 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 10

  11. Fibre QA scanner, light leak box The box (not blackened). The sensors board (3 Hamamatsu photodiodes and 1 SiPM). 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 11

  12. Fibre QA scanner, light leak box Photodiodes The sensor side of the board which will face the fibre. The LLB board’s schematics. 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 12

  13. Ribbon QA optical stand 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 13

  14. A new SciFi winding wheel from Bryansk Good shape and the surface quality. Correct positions of the alignment holes. 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 14

  15. SciFi winding wheel alignment pinholes 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 15

  16. SciFi production status update • The KI personnel is trained at RWTH, Aachen, to operate the production and the QA equipment (October 2015). • Winding machine is being shipped to NRC KI (pickup date was January 29th ) and is expected to be delivered this week. The first winding wheel is ready; • The production zone at KI, the clean room, will be integrated by March 14th. • All necessary production and QA equipment will be operational by the LHCb SciFi Production Readiness Review in May 2016. • The fibers and other consumables delivery contracts are being negotiated (delivery profiles, batch sizes and rates). 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 16

  17. Fiber and ribbon QA status update • Fiber QA scanner is at the final stage of the integration (all the mechanics parts and motors are integrated, all the electronic boards and power supplies are produced and delivered, the light leak detector is ready, the laser micrometers and the control electronics are the last to be integrated). The software is ready. • Ribbon QA custom made optical stand is ready. The software to detect and to measure fiber's positions and diameters is ready. • The neural net based code to detect the fiber's shape defects and as well as the optical output variations (brightness, color) is being tested. • The Sr90 SciFi light yield and uniformity stand is being built. 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 17

  18. Plans towards CDR • Securing R&D funds. • Target tracker geometry optimization (together with the neutrino target detector). • Detailed tracker MC simulation together with the neutrino detector to evaluate its performance. • Production of the qualification module and electronics (Module 0, or technology demonstrator) and its mechanical study. • The Beam tests of the Module-0 • Engineering Design Review 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 18

  19. Conclusions: • Big way ahead, but the work done for the LHCb SciF tracker makes it a lot shorter. • We welcome motivated people to join it. Thank you! 11 February 2016 SciFi TT Option 19

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