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SciFi Tracker DAQ

SciFi Tracker DAQ. DAQ system for KEK test beam Hardware Software Processes Architecture SciFi tracker data structure. M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE meeting at LBNL 10.Feb.2005. KEK beam test. Test for the SciFi tracker with 1T solenoid magnetic field p/ p / m test beam line in KEK-PS

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SciFi Tracker DAQ

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  1. SciFi Tracker DAQ • DAQ system for KEK test beam • Hardware • Software • Processes • Architecture • SciFi tracker data structure M. Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE meeting at LBNL 10.Feb.2005

  2. KEK beam test • Test for the SciFi tracker with 1T solenoid magnetic field • p/p/m test beam line in KEK-PS • Slow extraction from the internal target in 2-sec flat top of a 4-sec spill • Add 4th station to the prototype tracker • Newly developed Cryostat with Cryocooler • 2 VLPC cassettes embeded

  3. DAQ for the KEK beam test • Readout TOF counters and the other. • CAMAC ADC/TDC • Readout AFEII on VLPC cassette • In KEK beam test, ~1k particles / spill • MICE beam ~600 muons / 850 usec • Existing system used for cosmic-ray test is rather slow ~40 events / pulse • Need memory module to store data in MICE situation with fast LVDS data links

  4. LVDS receiver boards • AFEII puts serialized ADC data on LVDS data links • Need to deserialize before storing into FIFO • Solution: • Custom-made VME board (Fermilab) • 4 LVDS data links / board • (MCM  serialize)  cable  (deserialize  FIFO)  VMEbus • Backup: • Existing FIFO board (KEK) • 32-bit inputs / board • (MCM  serialize)  cable  deserialize  cable  FIFO board  VMEbus • LVDS interface boards have been produced

  5. DAQ System for KEK beam test Linux PC VLPC backplane VME BUS 6U AFE II (L) 8x64 ch PCI-VME (SBS Bit3) VLPC Cassette #1 1553 Slow Control 1024 ch AFE II (R) 8x64 ch SASeq #1 Trigger Control 8x64 ch AFE II (L) SASeq #2 VLPC Cassette #2 CAMAC-VME 1024 ch AFE II (R) 4 8x64 ch LVDS-FIFO #1 VLPC Cryostat 4 LVDS-FIFO #2 4 Serialized ADC DATA LVDS-FIFO#3 4 CAMAC ADC/TDC LVDS-FIFO #4 4x8bit = 32 bit / board

  6. DAQ Software for KEK beam test • Will use Unix-based DAQ programs • “Unidaq” developed by KEK • A lot of experience at the KEK beam tests • Server – Client system • An Event Builder • Collectors for CAMAC readout (TOF etc.) and VME readout (VLPC) • Transport data via Network Shared Memory • Processes can be distributed among PCs on the network.

  7. Processes • Event Builder • Merge data from collectors • Send event data to data storage system • Collector for TOF etc. (CAMAC) • Control trigger system via input/output register module on CAMAC • Read ADC and TDC • Send data to event builder • Collector for VLPC (VME) • Collect data in LVDS receiver boards • Send data to Event Builder • Slow Control for VLPC (VME) • Via 1553 interface board on VME to AFEII • Not synchronized to DAQ cycle • Set thresholds of discriminators on AFEII at the beginning of the data taking run • Temperature control

  8. Data Rate • A tracker has 5 stations  5x640=3200ch • 4 VLPC cassettes = 32 MCMs = 4096 ch • Assume: • Beam structure : 1k muons / 1msec (in every 1sec?) • Reading all channels • 4kBytes / event • 4MBytes / spill (8MBytes/spill for full tracker upstream and downstream)

  9. An idea of the DAQ architecture MICE Control MICE Builder MICE Storage 8MBytes/spill Tracker Control Tracker Builder PID Builder Beam Builder Bit3 SASeq#1 SASeq#2 SASeq#3 SASeq#4 SERDES#1 SERDES#2 SERDES#3 SERDES#4 SERDES#5 SERDES#6 SERDES#7 SERDES#8 Bit3 SASeq#1 SASeq#2 SASeq#3 SASeq#4 SERDES#1 SERDES#2 SERDES#3 SERDES#4 SERDES#5 SERDES#6 SERDES#7 SERDES#8 4MBytes/spill Cryosat Control Tracker Slow Ctrl Tracker Collector Upstream Tracker Collector Downstream 4kBytes/event Bit3 1553 1553 VLPC #1 L VLPC #1 R VLPC #2 L VLPC #2 R VLPC #3 L VLPC #3 R VLPC #4 L VLPC #4 R VLPC #1 L VLPC #1 R VLPC #2 L VLPC #2 R VLPC #3 L VLPC #3 R VLPC #4 L VLPC #4 R 4kBytes/event 4096ch Upstream Tracker Downstream Tracker

  10. How to talk between MICE control system and Tracker controller Protocol TCP/IP (Network Shared Memory) or ? Items to be communicated Run mode (beam, calibration, test) Commands for initialization, setup, and start data taking How to send tracker data to the MICE event builder Protocol Data structure Spill header (spill#, date, time, detector ID, temperature data, threshold setting, etc.) Event header (detector ID, event#, time, data length, etc.) Data (ADC, TDC, etc.) DAQ sequence Initialize Generate processes and send process ID back to controller Collectors Initialize electronics Setup Set run number Set run mode Set threshold, etc. Start Start data taking Stop Stop data taking Loop back to Setup Abort Kill processes To be determined

  11. Data structure (Zero suppressed) Header Length Spill# / Event# Date/ Time Detector ID Number of MCMs Data Length AFE number / MCM number Common mode chan / ADC / chan / ADC … chan / ADC / chan / ADC Data Length AFE number / MCM number Common mode chan / ADC / chan / ADC … chan / ADC / chan / ADC Delimiter Data structure Header Length Spill# / Event# Date/ Time Detector ID Number of MCMs Data Length AFE number / MCM number ADC1 / ADC2 / ADC3 / ADC4 … ADC125 / ADC126 / ADC127 / ADC128 Data Length AFE number / MCM number ADC1 / ADC2 / ADC3 / ADC4 … ADC125 / ADC126 / ADC127 / ADC128 Delimiter Data structure

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