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Aerodrome Operating Minima Head-Up Displays Enhanced Vision Systems

Aerodrome Operating Minima Head-Up Displays Enhanced Vision Systems. NPA-OPS 41. Presenters. Robert-Jan Venema (CAA NL) Chairman, AWOSG Tim Price (AEA / British Airways) Secretary, AWOSG [Bo Eckerbert (LS Sweden) Retiring Chairman, AWOSG]. Organisations Participating.

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Aerodrome Operating Minima Head-Up Displays Enhanced Vision Systems

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  1. Aerodrome Operating MinimaHead-Up DisplaysEnhanced Vision Systems NPA-OPS 41

  2. Presenters • Robert-Jan Venema (CAA NL) • Chairman, AWOSG • Tim Price (AEA / British Airways) • Secretary, AWOSG • [Bo Eckerbert (LS Sweden) • Retiring Chairman, AWOSG]

  3. Organisations Participating • AWOSG Member Organisations: • CAA NL* • LS (Sweden)* • DGAC (France) • CAA UK • FAA* • AEA (British Airways, BMI, Air France, KLM*) • IFALPA (Braathens) • EAG UK • Jeppesen (* ICAO Panel Members)

  4. Background • OST endorsed NPA OPS 41 in May 05 • Editorial and harmonisation work • Workshop for industry on 10 Nov 05 • OST further endorsement 30 Nov 05 • RST endorsement end 05 • Public Consultation 1 Mar – 31 May 06 • Revision of NPA in light of CRD

  5. Contents of Today’s Presentation • Rationale for NPA 41 • Contents of the NPA • Stabilised Approach • Continuous Descent Final Approach • Harmonisation work • Comment Response Period • Detailed Rule & ACJ changes following on from CRD • Conclusion

  6. NPA-OPS 41 • The proposal contains draft texts for: • Aerodrome Operating Minima (1.430) • Comments received post NPA 20, OST, Workshop • JAA / FAA harmonisation work (ongoing) • Requirements for Cat I, II and III Operations (1.440 and Appendix) • JAA / FAA harmonisation work • Introduction of HUD & HUDLS • Introduction of EVS • Training and qualification requirements for all of the above (1.450)

  7. Stabilised Approach - Background • CFIT & ALARP programmes encouraged authorities to prescribe stabilised approach criteria • SAp: An approach which is flown in a controlled and appropriate manner in terms of configuration, energy and control of the flight path from a pre-determined point or altitude/height down to a point 50 feet above the threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre is initiated if higher.

  8. Stabilised Approach and CDFA • NPA 20 / 41 defines a new method of meeting the Stabilised Approach criteria: the Continuous Descent Final Approach (CDFA) technique • A specific technique for flying the final-approach segment of a non-precision instrument approach procedure as a continuous descent, without level-off, from an altitude / height at or above the Final Approach Fix altitude / height to a point approximately 15m (50ft) above the landing runway threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aeroplane flown.

  9. CDFA and SAp - Benefits • The CDFA technique aims to increase the safety of inter alia Non-Precision Approaches by eliminating level flight at MDA, ie close to the ground • Pilot workload is reduced as a/c attitude, power and energy are stabilised • One ‘decision point’ for the pilot • The intention is that all approaches should be flown using the CDFA technique (if physically possible)

  10. CDFA CDFA NPA Decision Point ICAO MDH THR CDFA Technique v ‘Dive & Drive’ NPA Continuous descent from FAF; no level-flight segment at MDH

  11. Harmonisation Work • Further meeting of JAA / FAA AWO Harmonisation Working Group in Mar 05 • FAA members participated in AWOSG meetings • FAA will soon publish revised Ch 3 of TERPS (harmonised AOM) for consultation • NPA41 represents the European end of the harmonisation process; hence, it is of vital importance

  12. Comment Response Period • About 200 responses received • Hard to be precise: some were multiple comments on one form • Very useful process: much help to the AWOSG from interested parties • Most important: none of the comments said ‘this is rubbish, get rid of it!’ • All were supportive • Thank you to all who commented

  13. Detailed Rule, Appendix and ACJ ChangesFrom CRD

  14. Changes • No major change has occurred as a result of the Comment Period • The changes fall into 3 main categories: • Editing of the English (many thanks to UK CAA for very detailed editorial comments) • Clarification of what constitutes an approach operation, and the techniques which may be employed to fly an approach • Some better definitions

  15. Changes - CDFA Technique • Continuous Descent Final Approach • A specific technique for flying the last part of an instrument approach (as proposed by ICAO OPSP/7, May 06) • Not an approach operation in itself • This clarification is applied throughout the NPA41 document, notably in the appropriate ACJ • Important clarification

  16. Changes -Enhanced Vision Systems • An approach may be flown utilising EVS guidance to obtain lower minima • There is no such thing as ‘an EVS approach’ • Another important clarification

  17. Better definitions • JAR OPS 1.435 Terminology • (9) CDFA • (11) HUD • (14) EVS • (17) Other than Standard Cat II Operation • (18) GNSS Landing System [new]

  18. Other changes • Appendix 1 to 1.430 • (c)Criteria for establishing RVR / Converted Met Visibility clarified • (d)(5) Clarification of the requirements for allowing an RVR of <750m • Table 4. Lighting-system definitions improved and aligned with ICAO • (f) Requirements for Cat II and OS Cat II clarified • (j) Requirements for Circling clarified • ACJs improved

  19. Conclusion • No major changes have been made since OST 05/2 • Many of the items have been endorsed separately by the OST at various times in the past: • Circling ACJ • HUD material • NPA 20 • NPA 41 (first draft; reworking) • This major reworking of Sub Part E is overdue and should be well received by the aviation community

  20. Questions?? Robert-Jan Venema (robert-jan.venema@ivw.nl) Tim Price (tim.price@ba.com)

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