EAP Programme Overview The EAP programme is an academic programme which aims to improve the English language proficiency of academic staff and covers listening, speaking, reading, writing and vocabulary development. The course is a 15-week programme offered each semester and participants should plan to attend the entire 15 weeks. The programme provides 12 hours of face-to-face instruction per week and is delivered over a three-day period. Courses are offered in the morning and in the afternoon. Participants are expected to complete homework and weekly assignments.
English for Specific Purposes Course Aims: • The course: • is divided into six English Language proficiency levels so that all participants receive the maximum learning experience. • balances accuracy and fluency. • systematically develops academic-related language skills that use communicative, authentic and realistic contexts. • uses an integrated communicative approach; this means that there will be a range of activities used so participants are given the opportunity to apply the language. • includes materials and processes that develop global awareness, self-understanding, professional attitudes and practices. • includes class and project work which incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving appropriate to the participants’ levels. • develops self-management through independent and individualised learning. • develops leadership and teamwork through group and pair work.
EAP Course Descriptions EAP Level 1 By the end of this course participants will be able to ask simple questions, introduce self and others, describe things and people, present simple information verbally, take part in a group discussion, and write simple sentences and paragraphs.
EAP Learning Outcomes Level 1 • Write complete sentences: a) introduce yourself, appearances and interests; and b) describe three friends. • Write a one-page and two-page paragraphs describing: a) your favorite room using prepositions; b) an important event in your life; c) types of weather in answer to question prompts; d) a city you visited; and d) how to change unhealthy habits. • Create, conduct and discuss a variety of surveys. • Interview a classmate about: a) her interests and introduce her to the class; b) important events in her life and present them to the class. • Give presentations: a) that describes some good ways to make friends, including details and examples; b) about a special city using the simple present and simple past; c) a plan for a perfect school and an ideal home. • Participate in a group discussion about fun places in your area. • Describe people, food and activities at a celebration. • Explain what you do for enjoyment and why you enjoy it. • This is a Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) Low Level A1 course. • Entry requirements are PNU Placement Test (equivalent to Academic IELTS<2)
EAP Level 2 By the end of this course participants will be able to conduct interviews, participate in group discussions, give simple presentations, describe and explain change, conduct surveys, write clear and effective paragraphs, and begin to write essays.
EAP Learning Outcomes Level 2 • Write interview questions and role play a job interview. • Write a paragraph explaining a) how much vacation time you need; b) their opinion about the importance of honesty; and c) about a time when they or someone they know changed a situation with positive thinking. Demonstrate correct grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and phrases associated with the writing. • Interview a classmate and introduce her to the class using simple present tense. • Explain how a place changed because of international immigration or culture. • Converse in pairs using between 5-6 sentences using 'Should/Shouldn't, 'It's + adjective+ infinitive. • Discuss in pairs about unpleasant situations with happy endings. • Use appropriate eye contact, tone of voice and pauses to tell a funny story or a joke to your classmates. • Participate in group interview asking questions about how important sports are in their lives. • Conduct a survey to gather opinions on honest and dishonesty, and then report your results to your class. • Deliver presentations on the following topics: a) providing instructions on how a person can make a change in his/her life; b) duties of the job they want and reasons why it is a good job for them; and c) describing a tour to a popular travel destination. Use intonation and phrases when presenting.
This is a Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level A1 course. Entry requirements are PNU Placement Test (equivalent to Academic IELTS 2- 2.5) Textbooks
EAP Level 3 By the end of this course participants will be able to participate effectively in group discussions, describe trends, describe features of things, participate in online forums, present a product to group, give a short impromptu speech, write a personal letter, describe a process, state and support an opinion, tell a personal story, write a short story, use numbers and facts effectively in a paragraph, create a FAQ page, and present solutions to problems.
EAP Learning Outcomes Level 3 • Role play a school committee discussion reaching a decision about a new building on campus. • Write a) a paragraph describing a current trend and why it is popular. paragraph in response to a question on an online discussion forum about politeness; b) a response to a question on an online discussion forum about politeness; c) a personal letter describing a new family business; d) a personal story using the Five Languages of Storytelling; e) a short story that includes a main character, setting, conflict, and resolution; and f) a description of a personal experience of learning. • In a group, a) describe key aspects of a building that the group members have designed; and b) develop a simple educational board game and introduce the game to another group. • Create a business and write a description explaining the colors you will use and why. • Give short presentations a) introducing and supporting a possible solution to a problem; b) on bad manners; and c) about a handmade object that you own. • Express and support your opinion about what makes a competition unfair. • Give a two-minute impromptu speech responding to a quotation about families. • Describe the steps of a process performed by either a person or a machine. • Participate in a panel discussion focusing on ways to reuse or recycle trash. • Role play a talk show discussion about giving a child independence. • Describe your personal experience of learning math in a paragraph that includes numbers and facts. • Create a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page about an illness that includes a definition of your topic.
This is a Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level A2 course. Entry requirements are PNU Placement Test (equivalent to Academic IELTS 3- 3.5) Textbooks
EAP Level 5 By the end of this course participants will be able to give an effective presentation, effectively use persuasive language to sell a product or service, write a personal narrative, analyse and prepare for test questions, discuss advantages and disadvantages, compare and contrast , summarise written texts effectively, and verbally recount personal experiences.
EAP Learning Outcomes Level 5 • Give a formal presentation describing qualities of someone and giving advice. • Participate in a group discussion to persuade. • Participate in a debate to give and support an opinion. • Narrate a personal experience. • Participate in an interview to ask about and articulate advantages and disadvantages. • Write to describe, persuade and sell. • Write to identify and describe a problem and present solutions. • Write to compare and contrast, summarize a text, identify purpose of text, thesis statement, and main idea. • Prepare for formal examinations by analyzing text and identifying and answering questions.
This is a Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 course. Entry requirements are PNU Placement Test (equivalent to Academic IELTS 5-5.5) Textbooks
نظرةعامةللبرنامج: برنامج ال EAP هو البرنامج الأكاديمي الذي يهدف إلى تحسين إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس، ويغطي الاستماع والتحدث والقراءة والكتابة وتنمية المفردات. يتم تقديم البرنامج خلال 15 أسبوع في كل فصل دراسي وبالطبع على المتدربات الالتزام بحضور ال 15 أسبوع بالكامل. ويقدم البرنامج 12 ساعة من تعليمات وجهاً لوجه خلال الأسبوع الواحد. مع ذلك، من المتوقع على المتدربات إكمال الواجبات المنزلية والمهام الأسبوعية.
أهداف برنامجاللغةالإنجليزية: • ينقسمالبرنامجإلىعدةمستوياتحتىيتسنىللمتدرباتالحصولعلىأقصىالخبراتالتعليمية. • البرنامجيوازنبينالدقةوالطلاقة. • البرنامجيطوربشكلمنهجيمهاراتاللغةذاتالصلةالأكاديميةالمستخدمةفيالمحتوياتالواقعيةوالصريحة. • يستخدم البرنامجمنهج (integrated communicative approach) ; وهذايعنيأنهسيكونهناكالكثيرمنالنشاطاتالمُستخدمةداخلالفصلحتىيتسنىللمتدرباتالتّعودعلىاللغةبشكلأفضل. • البرنامجيشملموادوعملياتتساعدعلىتنميةالوعيالعالمي , وفهمالذات , وفهمالمواقفوالممارساتالمهنية. • البرنامجيوفربيئةدراسيةوعملمشروعمناسبلمستوىالمشتركةوالتيتدمجالتفكيرالنقديواستراتيجيةحلالمشكلات. • البرنامجيطورالإدارةالذاتيةمنخلالالتعلمالذاتيوالفردي. • البرنامجيطورالقيادةوالعملالجماعيلدىالمتدربةمنخلالالأعمالالجماعيةوالزوجية.
وذلك تبعًا للإطار الأوروبي المرجعي العام للغات (CEFR)، دورة المستوىB2 اختبار جامعة الأميرة نورة لتحديد المستوى ( تعادل امتحانات الآيلتس الأكاديمية 5 – 5.5) الكتب
المستوى الخامس • في نهاية هذا المستوى، ستتمكن المتدربات من تقديم عروض فعاله، الاستخدام الفعال للغة مقنعة لبيع منتج أو خدمة ما، كتابة رواية شخصية، تحليل وتحضير لأسئلة الاختبار، مناقشة المزايا والعيوب والقدرة على المقارنة والتباين، تلخيص نصوص كتابيه بفعالية، و سرد تجارب شخصيه شفهيا. • نتائج التعلم لبرنامج اللغة الإنجليزية للأغراض الأكاديمية (EAP) المستوى الخامس • إعطاء عرض رسمي لوصف ميزات شخص وإعطاء النصائح. • المشاركة في نقاش جماعي للإقناع. • المشاركة في مناظرة لإعطاء ودعم رأي. • رواية تجربة شخصية. • المشاركة في مقابلة للسؤال عن وتوضيح المزايا والعيوب. • الكتابة للوصف، الإقناع والبيع. • الكتابة لتحديد ووصف مشكلة وعرض الحلول. • الكتابة للمقارنة، تلخيص نص، تحديد الهدف من النص، الجملة الرئيسية، والفكرة الرئيسية. • الاستعداد للاختبارات الرسمية بتحليل النصوص وتحديد والإجابة عن الأسئلة.
وذلك تبعًا للإطار الأوروبي المرجعي العام للغات (CEFR)، دورة المستوىB2 اختبار جامعة الأميرة نورة لتحديد المستوى ( تعادل امتحانات الآيلتس الأكاديمية 5 – 5.5) الكتب