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Welcome to 5th Grade!. Contact Information Conference time: 10:15 – 11:05 School web address: http://humbleisd.net.swe. Mary Nichols– 281-641-3054 Mary.Nichols@humble.k12.tx.us Laure Friedel– 281-641-3051 Laure.Friedel@humble.k12.tx.us Crystal Rosen– 281-641-3053
Contact Information Conference time: 10:15 – 11:05 School web address: http://humbleisd.net.swe Mary Nichols– 281-641-3054 Mary.Nichols@humble.k12.tx.us Laure Friedel– 281-641-3051 Laure.Friedel@humble.k12.tx.us Crystal Rosen– 281-641-3053 Crystal.Rosen@humble.k12.tx.us Robbie Morrow– 281-641-3050 Robbie.Morrow@humble.k12.tx.us Laura Anne Hughes- 281-641-3052 Laura.Hughes@humble.k12.tx.us
Daily Schedule • 7:30-8:10- Morning warm up/ announcements • 8:15-10:10- Block 1 • 10:10-11:05- Specials • 11:10-11:40- Recess/Restroom • 11:45-12:15- Lunch • 12:20-12:40- Block 1 • 12:45-3:05- Block 2 • 3:10-3:20- Dismissal
Math • Homework will be assigned almost daily as needed. • Students will have an interactive math journal that contains concepts and daily work. • Must know Multiplication & Division Facts through 12.
Science • Rice University Cohort (Ms. Hughes) • Science Fair Investigation Projects (required for each 5th grader) • Science Interactive notebook • Labs
Reading, Language Arts and Social Studies • Students will be encouraged to participate in the Million Minute Reading Challenge. More information will be coming home soon. • Words Their Way- Spelling/ Word Study program • Interactive Reading Notebooks • Vocabulary each week • Patriots Day- TBD
Home Access • Please sign up through the district website! https://eshac.humble.k12.tx.us/homeaccess/ • Allows parents to see student grades at all times. • E-school email address is a very important communication link in 5th grade!
Daily Agenda Planners *Planners will be used to keep up with assignments, tests/quizzes, and reminders. *Every child will be provided with a planner. *To be used as an open form of communication between parents, students, and teachers. *Parents will be required to sign the planner daily.
Weekly Folders • Weekly folders will go home with graded papers, flyers, grade level and school information on Thursday. • If you have updated your child’s information in HAC, the StarGazer Newsletter will be emailed weekly. It will also be available on the school’s website. • Please check the teachers’ websites for additional information.
Retake Policy • If a student makes a grade below a 70%, they may retake a different assignment on the same content. • In order to retake an assignment, the student will be required to complete a contract and it must have a parent signature. • Once the retake has been completed and graded, the final grade will be the average of the two assignments.
Attendance Policy • Doors to the school will be opened at 7:30. • Students are considered tardy after 8:10. • Attendance will be taken at 9:10; Students will be marked absent if they arrive after this point. • If your child will be absent, please call the absent line 281-641-3019. • Briefly list the symptoms on the message in order to better monitor health concerns. • Student must return to school with a note within 2 days or send an e-mail excuse to the child’s teacher. • Humble ISD will be sending letters to parents if a student has • 3 unexcused absences in a 4 week period • 10 or more unexcused absences in a 6 month period
Dismissal • Does your child need to leave early? • Please send a note with your child in the morning or if the early dismissal is previously unknown, e-mail the teacher. • Be sure to call the office NO LATER than 2:45,if there is a last minute change.
CAR RIDERS • We anticipate many car riders this year since we do not have regular bus service at Summerwood Elementary. If your child will be a car rider, please follow these directions when dropping off or picking up: • 1. Families that live on the EAST side of West Lake Houston Parkway (the same side as the school) will drop off and pick up in the front of the school. • 2. Families that live on the WEST side of West Lake Houston Parkway will drop off and pick up on the cafeteria side of the school. • Please stay in your vehicle. Please do not park your vehicle and walk to come pick up your child. It is for safety and sanity. • MAKE SURE YOU GRAB THE CORRECT COLOR CODED CAR RIDER SIGN BEFORE YOU LEAVE TONIGHT FROM THE TABLE IN THE CAFETERIA.
STAAR TESTING • 5th grade takes three STAAR tests • Math-Monday, March 30 • Reading- Tuesday, March 31 • Science – Wednesday, April 22
Fifth Grade Manner’s Banquet TBD Please consider volunteering for this memorable event in your child’s life.
Photographers Wanted: • We need parents to help take photos of fifth grade events throughout the year for our end of the year slideshow. We will be taking as many as possible, but if you would please send photos from holiday parties, field trips, school events, etc…to SWE5thGrade@yahoo.com, it would be greatly appreciated.
Patriot’s Day! *More exciting information to come. As of now, we are looking at a November date. *Parents, please be thinking about volunteering for this event. We need your assistance to make this your child’s most memorable event.
Biz-Town • Monday, December 15, 2014 • This is an opportunity for our children to endure a real life working situation in which skills learned in the classroom will be applied in a business situation. • We will need parental support to help run the businesses. If we do not have enough volunteers, we will not be able to attend. • If you are interested in volunteering, you will need to be trained. Forms will be sent home within the first few weeks of school.
WHAT’S FOR LUNCH? • Lunch: 11:40-12:15 • Breakfast cost is $1.40 per tray. • Lunch cost is $2.10 per tray. • Set up your account today! • To contact the cafeteria about questions or concerns call 281- 641-3008. • A brown bag lunch will be served on Early Release days.
Visitors • Must check in at front office with valid drivers license. • Must wear badge and be in your specified location. • If visitors do not have a badge, you will be escorted back to office to receive one.
Dress Code • Wear appropriate clothing on P.E. days (tennis shoes and shorts) • Check handbook for approved dress code • It can get cold in the building, a light sweater or jacket will help your student feel more comfortable.
Physical Education Students must wear tennis shoes to P.E. class. Students are required by law to participate in P.E. A student must have a note from a parent/guardian, doctor, or school nurse to be excused from P.E. ONLY WATER bottles (with names on them) are highly encouraged to take outside. The building is always locked and students are not allowed back in to get water during class. STAY INFORMED!! Important information about your child’s P.E. class can be found on the P.E. website. LIKEthe Summerwood Elementary Physical Education Facebook page to help stay informed.
Activity Funds • 5th Grade Activity fee is $25.00 • Consumables, transportation, etc…
EARLY RELEASE • Early Release days are usually once a month and are available on the school website. • Our first early release will be this Friday, August 29th at12:00
Stu-Co is back! Yeah! • Information will be coming home Thursday in your child’s folder. If you have questions, the student council representatives are: Laura Anne Hughes- 5th grade/281.641.3052 Jessica Valenta- 2nd grade/ 281.641.3022
Student Information Sheet • Please turn in one emergency card to your child’s homeroom teacher before leaving tonight. • Please be sure to complete the transportation list to ensure your child’s safety. • It is imperative that you complete these tasks before leaving tonight.
We All Scream for Ice Cream! • Parents who wish to order ice cream from the cafeteria must request the ice cream two weeks before the date the ice creamwill be served. Please check with your classroom teacher on certain food allergies. • Birthday Party invitations may not be distributed at school (Please check the Humble ISD Elementary Handbook).
Please visit the table at the end of our hallway for fifth grade information on this year’s events and class shirts. Also, be sure to visit the PTO information stations in the cafeteria before you leave. Don’t forget that you can purchase, T-shirts, sweat shirts, and hair accessories through PTO! Have a GREAT weekend. See you on Monday!