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GRAMMAR GRIND. Verb Tenses. Simple Present . Usage: Action in the present, habitual action or general truth. Form: Verb + s/ es in third person only!. Examples: I talk. He talks. Every day Mr. Langan talks to the class. Humans talk to each other to communicate. Present Progressive.

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  1. GRAMMAR GRIND Verb Tenses

  2. Simple Present Usage: Action in the present, habitual action or general truth. Form: Verb + s/ es in third person only! Examples: I talk. He talks. Every day Mr. Langan talks to the class. Humans talk to each other to communicate.

  3. Present Progressive Usage: Activity in progress or verbs of perception (looking, seeing, smelling etc.) Form: am / is / are + present participle of verb Examples: We are reading House on Mango Street. Mr. Langan is happy that everyone loves the Grammar Grind.

  4. Past Simple Usage: Completed action or condition. Form: Verb + ed Irregular: To Buy – bought To Bring – brought To Bet – bet To Do - did Examples: Mr. Langan owned a music company. It was sunny yesterday.

  5. Past Progressive (Continuous) Usage: Past ongoing action or an action interrupted in the past. Form: was / were + present particple Examples: They were climbing for twenty seven days. I was speaking when someone interrupted me.

  6. Future Usage:With will/won't — Activity or event that will or won't exist or happen in the futureWith going to — future in relation to circumstances in the present Form: will / am going to + verb Examples: I will get an A in Mr. Langan’s class. I don’t get this assignment, I’m going to study hard. Technology is awesome! Verb conjugator application! “English Verbs,” by Appicenter LLC

  7. Let’s Try It I _________________________this GRAMMAR GRIND! will ace / am going to ace Verb: To Ace Tense: Future I ___________________ very hard for this quiz Friday! was studying Verb: To Study Tense: Past Progressive

  8. Let’s Try It Kevin____________________________ all his tenses by Friday! will know / is going to know Tense: Future Verb: To know Ana _______________ this down in her notes. is writing Verb: To write Tense: Present Progressive

  9. Let’s Try It Ariel ___________________ every day in class. participates Verb: To participate Tense: Present practiced Mumin _____________ his jump shot for three hours yesterday. Verb: To practice Tense: Simple Past

  10. Let’s Try It was hoping Anastasia ________________ there would be a grammar grind today! Verb: To hope Tense: Past Progressive Samantha ________________ on verb tenses! is concentrating Verb: To concentrate Tense: Present Progressive

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