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RSS Construction in Bosnia-Herzegovina

RSS Construction in Bosnia-Herzegovina. David A. Kaulfers, P.E. Assistant State Materials Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation. Where is Bosnia. Where is Bosnia???. West Virginia????. US Sector.

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RSS Construction in Bosnia-Herzegovina

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  1. RSS Construction in Bosnia-Herzegovina David A. Kaulfers, P.E. Assistant State Materials Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation

  2. Where is Bosnia

  3. Where is Bosnia???

  4. West Virginia????

  5. US Sector

  6. In December 1995 the Dayton Peace Accord signed and shortly thereafter the US crossed the Sava and was supposed to be out in one year To provide stability in an area of the world that historically has been contentious The mission is not yet complete Why are we in Bosnia?

  7. In November 2000, my Army Reserve Unit was involuntarily activated for peacekeeping duties in Bosnia from March to September My job was the Construction Management Officer for all Soldier Construction Projects Why am I talking about Bosnia?

  8. HQ Staff – 3ID Engineers from Ft Stewart Engineer Company – C/448th ENG GaARNG Earthmoving Platoon – 92 Engineer Bn from Ft. Stewart Construction Management – 416th Engineer Command, USAR Army Engineer Team

  9. Army Engineer’s Job Maintain Freedom of Movement for Stabilization Forces in the US Sector

  10. My Job Construction Management Officer – Perform Reconnaissance, Scope Out, Design, Plan, Procure Construction Materials and Provide Construction Oversight for all Soldier Constructed Projects in the US Sector

  11. Route Georgia Landslide

  12. Hesco-Bastion Retaining Wall Concrete Gravity Retaining Wall Timber Crib Retaining Wall Reinforced Soil Slope Corrective Considerations NO BORINGS!!!!

  13. KEEP IT SIMPLE Used RSS for Design and estimated conservative soil properties Specified materials that were easy to work with and obtain Use Power Point for Design Design Approach

  14. Route Georgia Slope Correction Limits of Repair 1+00 Reflector Reflector 4.0 m Culvert 1+10 Limits of Repair +14 Approximate Limits of Failure 1+20 1+30 1+40 +46 1+50

  15. Route Georgia Slope CorrectionLimits of Excavation – Not to Scale Theoretical Slope Break 3.2m Existing Ground Surface 3.2m Limits of Excavation 1.0 Vertical 0.5 Horizontal 4.8 m 1.0 Vertical 1.0 Horizontal

  16. Route Georgia Slope CorrectionReinforcement – Not to Scale Theoretical Slope Break 3.2m 0.15m 0.30m Existing Ground Surface 3.2m 1.0 Vertical 0.5 Horizontal 0.05m 4.8 m NOTES: Geotextile Fabric Amoco 6086 (US Equivalent 2044) Spacing is 0.30m, 11 total Layers Backfill Material, 30-60mm Aggregate, cap w/ 0-30 Seams have min overlap of 0.2m and perpendicular to face of slope 1.0 Vertical 1.0 Horizontal

  17. Route Georgia Slope CorrectionFace Formwork – Welded Wire FabricWWF, Not To Scale 0.42 m 0.30 m 45 degrees 1.70 m 1.0 Vertical Notes: Face formwork consists of welded wire fabric, 6m long by 2.15m wide, folded along the long axis at a 45 degree angle. 1.0 Horizontal

  18. Route Georgia Slope CorrectionGeotextile Facing DetailNot To Scale 1.0m overlap 0.42 m 0.30 m 4.8m to 3.2m, depending on elevation 1.0 Vertical Notes: Place geotextile and drape at least 1.5m extra Over WWF formwork. Place aggregate up against Fabric/formwork. Once aggregate is placed, drape Geotextile back over for at least 1.0m overlap 1.0 Horizontal

  19. Remove Existing Guard rail and save Paint on ground limits of excavation Excavate out failed material and beyond Place geotextile in 0.3m layers between 30-60mm Aggregate Cap slope with 0-30mm Aggregate Replace Guard rail Excavate drainage ditch above slope to divert future runoff Route Georgia Slope CorrectionScope of Work

  20. Material shall be removed as shown on limits of excavation The Geotextile shall be placed, pulled tight and formed against the welded wire fabric No equipment shall be on the geotextile Aggregate shall be back dumped onto the fabric The aggregate shall be compacted with the D4 dozer All dimensions and slope angles must be maintained within 10% Route Georgia Slope CorrectionSpecifications

  21. Construction Planning

  22. ConstructionSlope Excavation

  23. ConstructionSlope Excavation

  24. ConstructionPlacing Geotextile & WWF

  25. ConstructionPlacing Geotextile & WWF

  26. ConstructionCompaction Equipment

  27. Finished ProductSlope Face

  28. Finished ProductRoad

  29. Materials Cost, $8,000 220 cubic meters of Aggregate 4700 square meters of Geotextile 2600 Man-Hours 13 Days Teamwork = Success Project Facts

  30. Keep it simple Communicate Show evidence of Prior Success Rehearse prior to construction Lessons Learned

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