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Livestock Perspectives on Bio-energy co-products. Feeding DDGS to IN Livestock. Specie Diet inclusion tons / year Swine 10% 274,950 Dairy 20% 263,000 Repl. Heifers 30% 70,000 Poultry 10% 177,390 Beef/cow-calf var. 47,477 TOTAL 832,817. 60%.
Feeding DDGS to IN Livestock SpecieDiet inclusiontons / year Swine 10% 274,950 Dairy 20% 263,000 Repl. Heifers 30% 70,000 Poultry 10% 177,390 Beef/cow-calf var. 47,477 TOTAL 832,817 60% Est. production of DDGS = 1.4 M tons
DDGS Nutritional Issues • Variability in available amino acids • Lys digestibility range = 60 to 84% • Novus Intl. in vitro assay (r2 = 0.88)
Amino Acid Digestibility (%) Novus Intl., 2006
Low Dig. Lys. High Dig. Lys.
DDGS Nutritional Issues • Variability in available amino acids • Lys digestibility range = 60 to 84% • Variability in available energy • ME ranges between 2629 to 2981 kcal/kg • Variability in phosphorus Total P, % Available P, % total P Corn 0.3 20 to 30% DDGS 0.75 60 to 80%
DDGS Nutritional Issues • Variability in sodium content (corn=0.02%) • 0.05 to 0.17% Typical diet = 0.18% • Pelleting – molasses “balls” from solubles cause “gumming” of dies reducing throughput and pellet durability • INCONSISTENCY (w/in & between plants) • Mycotoxins (concentrated 3X) • Sulfur content (0.4 to 0.8 vs corn = 0.12)
SBM vs DDGS • DDGS contains 62% of the protein of SBMSBM = 44 or 48 DDGS = 27 • DDGS contains 30% of the total lysine of SBM SBM = 2.83 DDGS = 0.84 • DDGS contains 16% of the available lysineSBM = 2.41 DDGS = 0.39
Feed Manufacturing Issues • Flow rates (handling / transportation) • Bridging- bad with high inclusion rates • Particle size? ( < 400 to > 600 um) • Separation/settling issues? • Pelletability? • Wet feeding - spoilage
Other Issues / Unknowns with DDGS • Effect on Animal Performance (including reproductive performance) ? • Effect on Product Quality ?
Other Issues / Unknowns with DDGS • Effect on Animal Performance (including reproductive performance) ? • Effect on Product Quality ? • Effect on Nutrient Management ? • Producer Education
Processing Methods or Technologies 1. Conventional dry grind
Ruminant Feed Nonruminant Food Co-products in Dry Grind Corn Process One bushel of Corn Corn Dry Grind Facility 2.5-2.7 gal of Ethanol 15-17 lbs of DDGS V. Singh, UIUC
Processing Methods or Technologies 1. Conventional dry grind 2. Modified dry grind – recovers germ and pericarp fiber with a horizontal drum degerminator 3. Quick germ quick fiber – recovers germ and pericarp fiber by soaking corn in water for 6 to 12 hours with alpha-amylase
Ruminant Food Nonruminant Food Coproducts from Modified Dry Grind and Quick Germ Quick Fiber Processes Corn Dry Grind Facility One bushel Corn 2.6 gal Ethanol Dry Degerm Defiber Process 4 lb Germ 7.0 lb Residual DDGS + 4 lb Pericarp Fiber V. Singh, UIUC
Effect of Processing Technology on Nutrient Content of DDGS (%)1 Conventional Modified Quick germComponent dry grind dry grind quick fiber Protein 21 25 28 Fat 14 9 6 Fiber (TDF) 36 28 25 Lysine 0.73 0.63 0.91 Phosphorus, % 0.78 0.47 1.12 1 dry matter basis. Parsons et al., 2006
Processing Methods or Technologies 1. Conventional dry grind 2. Modified dry grind – recovers germ and pericarp fiber with a horizontal drum degerminator 3. Quick germ quick fiber – recovers germ and pericarp fiber by soaking corn in water for 6 to 12 hours with alpha-amylase 4. Enzymatic Dry Grind (E-Mill) – uses enzymes to recover additional endosperm fiber
Ruminant Food Nonruminant Food Coproducts from Enzymatic Dry Grind (E-Mill) Corn Dry Grind Facility One bushel Corn 2.6 gal Ethanol Quick Germ Quick Fiber E-Mill 3.3 lb Germ 3.7 lb Residual DDGS 4 lb Pericarp Fiber 4 lb Endosperm Fiber V. Singh, UIUC
Overall Issues with DDGS • Product Variation • Handling, Storage, Transportation • Effect on Animal Performance • Effect on Product Quality • Effect on Nutrient Management • Producer Education
Glycerol from Bio-diesel • ~ 10% of production • What to do with off-spec for human / industrial use? • Can use up to 10% in diets (CHO energy +) • Purity vs. cost? • Pellet binder? • Change in animal fat composition / amount • Handling issues?
Helpful Resources • http://www.ddgs.umn.edu/ • http://ilift.traill.uiuc.edu/distillers/