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Sugar and justice

Sugar and justice. Or marx , capitalism, socialism and communism. Marx – german theorist. STAGES OF HISTORY FEUDALISM CAPITALISM REVOLUTION SOCIALISM COMMUNISM. FEUDALISM. Society functioned around agriculture Landowners and peasants

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Sugar and justice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sugar and justice Or marx, capitalism, socialismand communism


  3. FEUDALISM • Society functioned around agriculture • Landowners and peasants • Landowners were the ‘haves’ and owned the resources (land) and exploited the peasants, the ‘have nots’, by making them work the land.

  4. capitalism • Private ownership of industry (you all had the lollies) • Freedom of competition (rock, paper, scissors) • Unequal economic classes (lots of lolliesvs no lollies at all)

  5. Class struggle and revolt • Your complaints about how unfair it all was • Your ideas about how to get back into the game

  6. socialism • Government ownership of industry (I took the lollies) • Goal of economic equality (I redistributed the lollies fairly) • Goal of a classless society (you all had the same amount).

  7. Communism (theoretical) • Goal of classless society achieved (lollies were shared) • No government needed (I wouldn’t need to supervise)

  8. Communism in reality • Those in power have more than everyone else (I kept all the extra lollies) • Government treats citizens harshly as it is determined to keep power (I told you to suck it up)

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