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History. Computers. Development of Computers. Abacus (500 BC). Pascaline (1642) - Blaise Pascal. Punch cards (1801) - Joseph Jacquard. Difference Engine/Analytical Engine (1822) - Charles Babbage. First programmer - Ada Augusta Lovelace. Census Bureau (1890) - Herman Hollerith.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History Computers

  2. Development of Computers • Abacus (500 BC)

  3. Pascaline (1642) - Blaise Pascal

  4. Punch cards (1801) - Joseph Jacquard

  5. Difference Engine/Analytical Engine (1822) - Charles Babbage

  6. First programmer - Ada Augusta Lovelace

  7. Census Bureau (1890) - Herman Hollerith

  8. ABC by Atanasoff & Berry

  9. General Purpose Computers • ENIAC by Mauchly & Eckert • First computer based entirely on vacuum tubes

  10. EDVAC by von Neumann Improved programming requirements of ENIAC Stored program concept

  11. First Generation • 1951 – 1958 • Vacuum tubes • UNIVAC I (1951) • First computer built for a data processing application • Punched cards • Machine language being replaced by assembly language • FORTRAN

  12. Vacuum Tubes

  13. Second Generation • 1959 – 1963 • Transistors • DEC introduced PDP-1 (1960) • First minicomputer • IBM began work on System 360 series (1961) • Magnetic tapes and disks • COBOL, Basic, and PL1

  14. Transistors

  15. Third Generation • 1964 – 1970 • Integrated circuits • Circuits reside on a single chip • IBM introduced System 360 series (1964) • RPG and Pascal

  16. Integrated Circuits

  17. Fourth Generation • 1971 – ??? • LSI and VLSI • Many circuits on a single chip • Development of microprocessor by Intel (1971) • Ted Hoff • MITS, Inc. – first commercially successful microcomputer (1975) • Apple II (1977), Tandy’s TRS-80 (1979), IBM PC (1981) • Ada

  18. LSI

  19. ? Next Generation ?

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