Komplex Ltd. Komplex Ltd. specializes in developing & implementing the methods increasing oil well production rates, namely the technology of secondary opening of productive formation in oil, intake & gas wells by two-sided hydro mechanical slatted perforation. Our Company has long-term experience of working with the well-known big oil companies in Russia & CIS countries. More than 600 oil wells were served during this period. Our Company has its own production capacities for perforator manufacturing, provides technical & engineering servicing. All manufactured equipment issubjectto hydraulic & bench tests in different production conditions. Our Company has official references & an official record of considerable increase in oil production after two-sided hydro mechanical slatted perforation has been carried out. This method allows our Customers to get more benefits & make bigger profits, to lower costs and minimize risks. This method is the leading oil well production rate increasing method according to key figures of method effectiveness and comparing with all the known methods of casing column oil well perforation.
CONSTRUCTION OF HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATOR Slatted perforator is hydro mechanical equipment. Its main parts are 2 cutting discs & 4 ejectors (water jet nozzles). Additional working holes Allow injection of chemical solutions, fluid swabbing, well development. Ejectors Liquid jet shatters the cement sheath under high pressure & washes out caverns in the nearwellbore zone. Firm mill-discs Open out a casing column. Positioning of the Hydro mechanical slatted Perforator in the casing column.
TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATOR PARAMETERS OF CASING COLUMN OPENING OUT Ejector parameters Parameters of technological process Equipment can be easily adjusted. Engineers of Komplex Ltd. can design the equipment adapted for specific parameters of the well.
TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF HMSP STAGE 1. POSITIONING OF THE PERFORATOR • Associated works during hydro mechanical slatted perforation are: • geophysical methods including positioning & tying in (gamma logging, small-sized collar locator); • diagnostic operation of the well before hydro mechanical slatted perforation (шаблонировка ОПЗ); • control & well development by swabbing after the works (seisviewer); Hydro mechanical slatted Perforator is fixed to the tubing column & is lowered to the planned perforation interval. Fixing of reference adaptor to the specified perforation interval is conducted by gamma logging which is written after the lowering.
TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF HMSP STAGE 2. COLUMN OPENING OUT Well service & workover crew, including standard equipment, a pump unit with the capacity to build up & hold up the pressure 15MPa during 8-10 hours are required for the conducting of HMSP. A Pump unit builds up the initial pressure 1,5-2MPa in the well mouth inside the tubing column, bringing the perforator into the working position, mill-discs thrust against the inside of the production casing. Mill discs force through the production casing & go out of it with to-and-fro motions in the tubing column with Perforator along the Interval in process with the working pressure in the tubing column increasing stepwise. Mill discs create 180º diametrically positioned longitudinal slots. The process of production casing opening out is based on metal plasticization from the forcing in every point & is registered by a weight indicator (hydraulic-weight indicator, electronic weight indicator) or any analogue of this tool. Special working side surface of mill discs makes a physical impact on slot edges by milling work & it excludes slot healing. Thereby, high quality of the production casing opening out is achieved.
TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF HMSP STAGE 3. CAVERN INWASH At production casing opening out with OD102mm & OD114mm it’s necessary to notice that there should be some tubing used in the perforation process with beveled couplings because of the small annular gap of the liner. There were no problems either with opening out or with water jet treatment based on experience of working in horizontal wells. Fluid jet of the ejector washes out the cement sheath & adjacent formation under high pressure 15MPa, creates filtration channels with deep penetrability (>0,5m) & caverns in the nearwellbore zone. High penetrating ability of ejectors is provided by the technology of alternate creating of 2 adjacent filtration channels, eliminating the jet tightness phenomenon which considerably decreases the jet speed & depth of rock destruction. Ejectors orient the jet into the plane of cut slots downward at an angle 75º (two ejectors), also at an angle 90º (two ejectors), against the perforator axis. The run time of pointlike operation is 3-5 minutes & discretisation of descent to the bed floor is 180-200mm. We recommend carrying out HMSP with chemical treatment of the nearwellbore zone through slatted Perforator for the purpose of a better renovation of fluid penetrating capability in the nearwellbore zone & its cleaning from mudding substances.
EFFECTIVENESS OF HMSP CASING CUT BY SLATTED PERFORATOR ON THE TEST BENCH Outside View Total opening out area is 0,024 m² per 1 running meter. It’s equal to the area opened by 34 perforation guns with the diameter of feedthrough hole 30 mm. Slots are not healed because of the balanced load metal tension removal. Total capability of opening out for one running in is 50 m. Inside View It’s possible to make the opening out in the form of 2 or 4 slots on 1 running meter. Inside edges of the slot are milled by finned surface of the cutting mill discs & don’t have any burrs.
EFFECTIVENESS OF HMSP CAVERN INWASH IN THE ENGINEERING SAMPLE Strong concrete block was specially made for the tests of the slatted perforator’s ejector effectiveness. This strong concrete block was in permanent stiffening during 1 month & in ideal conditions. Tests were conducted under fluid pressure 15 MPa. Operation time of ejectors was 2 minutes. Cavern was washed out with the depth 0,66 m.
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION - HMSP THE LEADING TECHNOLOGY OF WELL PERFORATION • Cumulative perforation has been used in world practice for more than 60 years. In spite of it cumulative perforation has some considerable disadvantages: • It exerts destroying influence on the cement sheath. • Lack of steering system (balancing system) brings to unsatisfactory holes. • There is an opportunity that not all jet charges will be activated; • Glass is formed because of the cumulative perforation flow action in the terrigenous rock. This results in the mudding of nearwellbore zone. • The hole pattern in the production casing is not capable of including the maximum number of fluid conductive channels & well-drainage areas. Configuration of formed channels in nearwellborezonein slatted & jet perforation. • Hydro mechanical slatted perforation doesn’t have any disadvantages at all: • This is an absolutely safe technology. • There is no destruction of the cement sheath. • HMSP creates an extensive completion area & spacious caverns. • HMSP provides the best connectivity of the well & formation. • HMSP simplifies the operations for production stimulation & reservoir recovery increase.
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION - HMSP THE LEADING TECHNOLOGY OF WELL PERFORATION According to key parameters of method effectiveness HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION is considerably superior to all the known methods of casing column oil well perforation. Comparison of slatted perforation with cumulative perforation *When a standard perforator with 12 jet charges per 1 ft is used & all charges are successfully activated.
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION – HMSP QUALITY CONTROL BY SEISVIEWER METHOD The result of the Interpretation of the seisviewer method with the aim to control the hydro mechanical slatted perforation intervals. Embossed model. Cumulative perforation result Previously conducted cumulative perforation left some unsatisfactory openings & local inflations HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION RESULT
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION - HMSP MAIN ADVANTAGES OF HMSP TECHNOLOGY • No percussion impact on the column. • Preservation of the cement sheath integrity above and below the perforation interval. • Metal compression stress is removed during the simultaneous forming of two diametrically positioned cuts, which totally excludes the chance of the perforation cuts closing and healing. • Opening unit area of 1 running meter of the casing column is 12-14 times larger than with standard cumulative perforation. • Mill-discs move out of production casing for more than 20mm, which сan facilitate considerable shattering. • Nearwellbore treatment by opening out liquid including chemical acid treatment under pressure through water jet nozzles with 0,5-1,5m penetration into the formation depending on the geological structure of the productive formation. • An opportunity of well development by swabbing without the lifting of the perforator. • An opportunity of flowing well operation through perforator till nearest repair. • An opportunity of the offshoot & horizontal well opening out.
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION - HMSP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE APPLICATION • Perforation of production casing with outside diameter 102, 114, 140, 146, 168, 178, 194 mm. • Wells after squeeze cementing. • Wells after well boring. • Wells with inadequate quality of the cement sheath. • Wells with closely located water bearing stratums and oil-water contacts. • Use of slatted perforation before hydraulic fracturing of formation. • Use of slatted perforation in injection wells. • Repeated slatted perforation after cumulative perforation. • Use in the wells with decreasing production rate as the result of the bottom-hole formation zone mudding. • Well perforation before contingency cementing operation. • Perforation of the wells used for waste disposal. • Perforation of the wells used for underground gas storage. • Wells with high content of asphaltene, resin and paraffin deposits, wells with sticky oil, when specific dissolvent or heated opening out liquid are used.
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION - HMSP FAILURE-PROOF CONDUCTING OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING OF FORMATION • When HMSP is used before hydraulic fracturing of formation, due to the firm hydromaticbond: • Hydraulic resistance decreases considerably during propping agent injection on the border well – formation. • Any emergency stopping because of slatted perforation during injection of different fractions of propping agent is excluded. • Conditions are provided for the use of coarse propping agent fractions. • Conditions are provided for the execution of works with high concentration of propping agent. • Conditions are provided for the execution of works with high-speed propping agent injection. • Conditions are provided for the execution of works in horizontal wells & directional wells. • Conditions are provided for selective Hydraulic fracturing of formationafter squeeze job.
HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION - HMSP THIS IS THE MOST RELIABLE DECISION This technology is commonly implemented on production well stock & injector well stock, during perforation before hydraulic fracturing of formation. There is a considerable increase in the oil inflow to the surface as a result of HMSP. There is a considerable increase in the production rate up to the initial value as a result of secondary perforation. Increase in the well water-intake capacity& decrease in the working pressure of formation fracture are very typical during opening out before Hydraulic fracture of formation. All figures & facts are confirmed by references & summaries provided by authoritative experts & oil companies which have been using the technology of HYDRO MECHANICAL SLATTED PERFORATION successfully. Komplex Ltd. Opalihinskaya street 42 – 2.2, Ekaterinburg city,Russia Tel/fax: +7-343-344-32-09, info@perfokom.com