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2014 Results GCSE 98.9% of examinations taken were graded A*-B 84.8% were graded A*-A

2014 Results GCSE 98.9% of examinations taken were graded A*-B 84.8% were graded A*-A 45.7 % were graded A* 100% of students gained the national ‘gold standard’ of at least 5 subjects at A*-C, including English and Mathematics. 2014 Results A Level 100% pass rate from A* to E

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2014 Results GCSE 98.9% of examinations taken were graded A*-B 84.8% were graded A*-A

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  1. 2014 Results GCSE • 98.9% of examinations taken were graded A*-B • 84.8% were graded A*-A • 45.7% were graded A* • 100% of students gained the national ‘gold standard’ of at least 5 subjects at A*-C, including English and Mathematics.

  2. 2014 Results A Level • 100% pass rate from A* to E • 91% of all examinations taken were graded A*-B. • Students have also had stunning success with university entry, with 16 girls accepted by Oxford and Cambridge.

  3. Mrs Galvin (Miss Lally) Head of Sixth Form Miss Rice Senior Tutor Year 12 Mrs Quigley Sixth Form Administrator Ms Egan Sixth Form Administrator 12-1 Mr Kilpatrick 12-2 Mrs Searle 12-3 Miss Taylor 12-4 Dr Yong 12-5 Mr Walker 12-6 Miss Horan 12-7 Mrs Downing (Miss Derbyshire) 12-8 Miss Bailey The Sixth Form Team

  4. The School Day 8.40Registration 8.45 Assembly or form time 9.05 Lesson 1 10.05 Lesson 2 11.05 Lesson 3 12.25 Lunch 1.30 Lesson 4 2.30 Lesson 5 3.30 School officially ends Libraries and resource centres are available until 5pm Extra curricular activities

  5. Home School Agreement • Details in Student Handbook • Attendance and punctuality (form time and lessons) • Uniform • Sixth Form detentions

  6. The Curriculum • 5 AS subjects including General Studies. • All taught by subject specialists • Onelesson per cycle on General Studies in • Year 12 • Year 13-no General Studies lessons but all have an EPQ Tutorial

  7. The Curriculum • 5 hours extra study expected per subject per 10 day cycle • Attendance and punctuality important • Help sessions and support • Active role in lessons is vital

  8. Extended Project Qualification • Year 13 • Independent research skills • Stepping stone to University • Self-directed and self-motivated project

  9. Extended Project Qualification • “We welcome the introduction of the Extended Project and would encourage you • to undertake one as it will develop your independent study and research skills • and ease the transition from school / college to higher education.” • University of Cambridge • “If you have undertaken the Extended Project, this may be taken into account if you do not achieve the conditions of your offer.” • London School of Economics • “We have an increasingly compelling evidence base that students who did well at EPQ settle in well to their studies, we are keen to see more of them.” • University of Southampton

  10. The AQA Baccalaureate • Optional • Students pay for entry • Designed to “celebrate the achievements of well-rounded post-16 students” • Depth of study – A level subjects • Breadth of study – AS General Studies • Independent learning – an Extended Project (EPQ) – Mandatory for all students • Personal Development – Enrichment Activities

  11. Extra Curricular Activities • Work experience • Young Enterprise • Peer mentoring of younger girls • Stewarding • Year group school councils • Charity events and fundraising • Bar mock trial • Debate society • Feminist society

  12. Book deposit • £50 deposit • Given back at end of Year 13 upon return of ALL textbooks

  13. Target Setting and ALIS • ALIS is used to set challenging targets based on national data • Average GCSE point scores are submitted for each student • Point scores are used to generate targets for A Levels

  14. Modules • No January modules this year • All exams sat in the summer

  15. AS Level Examinations Results – August Uniform Mark Score (UMS) In this example the maximum UMS score is 200 160 – A, 140 – B, 120 – C, 100 – D, 80 – E

  16. AS Level Examinations Results – August Uniform Mark Score (UMS) In this example the maximum UMS score is 200 160 – A, 140 – B, 120 – C, 100 – D, 80 – E

  17. A2 Level Examinations Results – August Uniform Mark Score (UMS) Example where A2 maximum UMS is 400 320 – A, 280 – B, 240 – D, 200 – D, 160 - E

  18. A2 Level Examinations Results – August Uniform Mark Score (UMS) Example where A2 maximum UMS is 400 320 – A, 280 – B, 240 – D, 200 – D, 160 - E

  19. Why AS Levels are Important • In May/June of Year 12 • AS results used to inform predicted A2 grades; • School reference written based on Y12 performance; • Personal statements / CVs written at the end of Year 12; • AS level exams easier than A2 exams; • Girls’ choices of Universities and courses based on the above

  20. Monitoring • Targets set • Discussions with subjects teachers and form tutors • Tracking by form tutors, Miss Rice and Mrs Galvin • Parents’ Evenings: • Thursday 4th December • Thursday 12th March • Interim reports and SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG)

  21. SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG) • Mr Osborne

  22. AS Level Results Day • Thursday 13th August 2015 • If possible, please also be here the following week • Admissions policy to Year 13

  23. Higher Education, Courses and Employment • Careers interviews • Year 13 to Year 12 information exchange • Tutor time • Parents’ Evenings • UCAS system and training days • Open days

  24. Well being • Tutor time programme • Form tutor, Miss Rice, Mrs Galvin • Miss Miller and Dr Welch - Higher Education questions and ‘what to do next’ • Connexions advisors-Colette McLoughlin • School counsellor and pastoral mentor • Talks e.g. Drugs, alcohol

  25. Who to contact • Miss Rice-Senior Tutor • Mrs Galvin-Head of Sixth Form • Miss Miller and Dr Welch - Higher Education questions and ‘what to do next’

  26. Year 12 Work Experience: 13-17th July 2015 • Students to source their own placement at a reputable company within the industry or profession a student might want to work in post ‘A’ Level or post university. Sole traders will not be accepted. • Must be within the Greater Manchester area. Placements out of area will be classed as unauthorised and we do not accept unauthorised placements. • School’s duty of care - The company must agree to a Health and Safety risk assessment visit. This is a requirement of the Local Authority.

  27. Government funding for work experience has now ceased. School will be subsidising part of the cost of the risk assessment visits, however, we would request £25 from parents to be made via Parentpay. • Paperwork to be completed & enclosed: • Self-placement form • Must enclose a copy of the Employer’s Liability Insurance – paperwork cannot be accepted without this document • Medical form, if appropriate Must be returned by Wednesday 17th December.

  28. Letters will be sent out via Parentmail by the end of the week & the self–placement forms will be given out to each student via their Form Tutors. • IT IS NOT TOO EARLY TO START SEARCHING. Many placements supplied by large companies are taken by Christmas time. • Any queries or questions are to be directed to Mrs Gillibrand, Careers Co-ordinator at the main school office. • Some students may be on the Ecuador trip at this time so this does not apply to them.

  29. Bursary • Means tested financial support for students • Paid in addition to all other benefits • Evidence of income required to support applications • Information from Mrs Quigley in the Sixth Form Office

  30. Important Dates • Wednesday 24thSeptember: GCSE certificate presentation evening RNCM • Thursday 14thNovember: Sixth Form Open Evening • Thursday 4th December & Thursday 12th March: Year 12 Parents’ Evening • AS Results: Thursday 13th August

  31. Home Support and Home-School Liaison • Early contact • Parents’ Forum 1st October 2014

  32. Thank you for joining us tonight • We look forward to celebrating success with you in August 2015 and 2016!

  33. Important Dates • Wednesday 24thSeptember: GCSE certificate presentation evening RNCM • Wednesday 12thNovember: Sixth Form Open Evening • Thursday 4th December & Thursday 12th March: Year 12 Parents’ Evening • AS Results: Thursday 13th August

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