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Earthquake Resistant Building Techniques Presentation

Explore seismic considerations, tectonic plates movement, major plate boundaries, seismic waves, and understanding earthquake epicenters and magnitudes. Learn about past earthquakes in India and seismic hazards to improve construction practices.

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Earthquake Resistant Building Techniques Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentationon Earthquake Resistant Building Techniques and Construction Practices Compiled by R K Bajpai

  2. Theme of the presentation • About Earthquake • Construction practices • Seismic considerations during Planning • Other Structural considerations in field • Earthquake Resistant Masonry Structure • Conclusion/guidelines for good construction

  3. Earthquake and Seismic hazards


  5. TECTONIC PLATES & CONTINENTAL DRIFT • The surface of the Earth consists of SEVEN MAJOR TECTONIC plates and many smaller ones. • These plates move in different directions and at different speeds from those of the neighboring ones • The relative movement of these plate boundaries varies across the Earth; on an average, it is of the order of a couple to tens of centimeters per year

  6. Major Tectonic Plates in Earth’s Surface

  7. Three types of Movement take place in the Plate Boundary COMPRESSIONAL MOVEMENT EXTENSIONAL MOVEMENT TRANSFORM MOVEMENT

  8. COMPRESSIONAL MOVEMENT Compression Movement / Convergent Boundary: Where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another. Example: Ring of Fire and The Himalayan mountain range.

  9. EXTENSIONAL MOVEMENT Extensional Movement / Divergent Boundary: Where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. Example: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

  10. TRANSFORM MOVEMENT Transform Movement / Transform Boundary: Where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other. Example: San Andreas fault, California, U.S.A.

  11. The relative movement between two or more plate boundaries ultimately release large strain energy, caused propagation of Seismic Waves SEISMIC WAVES SURFACE WAVE BODY WAVE

  12. Two most common types of surface waves Basic Introduction of Earthquake 13 1/5/2020

  13. Epicentre of the Earthquake Epicentral Distance Focal Depth Fault Focus, Centre or Hypocenter of the Earthquake The point of generation of an earthquake inside the Earth's body is known as Focus, Centre or Hypocenterof the Earthquake. It located on the Fault line where the slip is generated The point on the Earth’s surface directly above the Focus is known as Epicentre Thedepth of focus from the epicenter, called as Focal Depth Distance from epicenter to any point of interest is called Epicentral Distance orFocal Distance

  14. An increase in magnitude by 1 implies 31 times higher the energy release. For an example, energy release in a M7.7 earthquake is about 31 times that release in M6.7 earthquake. The M8.7 is almost 1000 is more powerful than M6.7. Energy release in a M6.3 earthquake is equivalent to the energy released by the 1945 atom bomb dropped in Hirosima.

  15. Past Earthquakes in India

  16. ZONE-II ZONE-III ZONE-IV ZONE-V Revised Indian Seismic Zone Map

  17. SeismicHazards • Ground Damage • Structural hazards • Liquefaction • Landslides • Retaining structure failure • Lifeline hazards • Tsunami

  18. Ground Damage • Ground Fissures • Ground Ruptures

  19. Structural Failure

  20. Soil Liquefaction

  21. Life Line Hazards

  22. Lack of Proper Inter-Connection between Shear –Wall ( Lift Core) with The remaining Structural elements

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