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Tuesday, March 4

Tuesday, March 4. 1. Get out your History Spiral and update your table of contents Date Title Entry # 2/27 The World of the South bubble map 21 3/4 James Monroe video 22 3/4 Unity and Division notes 23 No warm-ups b/c of ice day (too much to do this week!!!!!)

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Tuesday, March 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tuesday, March 4 1. Get out your History Spiral and update your table of contents Date Title Entry # 2/27 The World of the South bubble map 21 3/4 James Monroe video 22 3/4 Unity and Division notes 23 • No warm-ups b/c of ice day (too much to do this week!!!!!) • Turn to entry #22 and title it: Monroe video

  2. #22March 4: James Monroe Video Personal Information Family life Presidency

  3. #23March 4: Unity and Division • Era of Good Feelings A. Monroe’s Presidency is one of national unity B. Federalist party disappears C. Conflict b/w political parties disappeared but disputes b/w the different sections of the nation increased

  4. 2. Three Sectional A. South - Calhoun Leaders appear *supported War of 1812 *supported slavery *opposed policies that strengthened the federal government

  5. 2. Three Sectional A. South - Calhoun Leaders *supported War of 1812 *supported slavery *opposed policies that strengthened the federal government B. North – Webster *opposed the War of 1812 *Favored strong federal government in the building of our economy (taxes) *Slavery was evil

  6. 2. Three Sectional A. South - Calhoun Leaders *supported War of 1812 *supported slavery *opposed policies that strengthened the federal government B. North – Webster *opposed the War of 1812 *Favored strong federal government in the building of our economy (taxes) *Slavery was evil C. West – Clay *Supported the War of 1812 *Favored the governments role in promoting the growth of the nation

  7. Helping America A. Economic Problems Grow -No national bank to lend money and regulate loans -State banks put to much money in circulation and caused inflation (prices rise) -Solution: Chartered the 2nd Bank

  8. Helping America A. Economic Problems Grow -No national bank to lend money and regulate loans -State banks put to much money in circulation and caused inflation (prices rise) -Solution: Chartered the 2nd Bank B. Foreign Competition -Goods coming from other counties -Solution: Embargo, establishing mills and factories

  9. Helping America A. Economic Problems Grow -No national bank to lend money and regulate loans -State banks put to much money in circulation and caused inflation (prices rise) -Solution: Chartered the 2nd Bank B. Foreign Competition -Goods coming from other counties -Solution: Embargo, establishing mills and factories C. Flood of British Goods -after the war of 1812 we started trading again -British factories were paid off so could sell cheaper -Solution: Protective Tariff (south not happy)

  10. Clay’s American A. Sectionalism System – loyalty to ones section of the country -In Congress, representatives are going to clash

  11. Clay’s American A. Sectionalism System – loyalty to ones section of the country -In Congress, representatives are going to clash B. American System -to promote economic growth for all sections -to make America economically self-sufficient (make in America/buy American)

  12. Clay’s American A. Sectionalism System – loyalty to ones section of the country -In Congress, representatives are going to clash B. American System -to promote economic growth for all sections -to make America economically self-sufficient (make in America/buy American) C. How? -Protective Tariff -Establish a National Bank -Improve Transportation (canals, R.R., roads)

  13. Sectionalism

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