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The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin. research ◦ development ◦ commercialization. 170+ graduate degree programs $ 1.2 B, sponsored research awards (past 2years) 1000+ patents filed (past 5 years) $45M+ licensing and royalty revenue (2010-2012)

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The University of Texas at Austin

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  1. The University of Texas at Austin research ◦ development ◦ commercialization 170+ graduate degree programs $1.2 B, sponsored research awards (past 2years) 1000+ patents filed (past 5 years) $45M+ licensing and royalty revenue (2010-2012) Typical year: 100 disclosures, 100 patent applications, 50 patents issued, 150 licenses/options, 10 startups Founded 1883
  2. IC² Institute is a “think and do” component of The University of Texas at Austin. IC² = Innovation, Creativity, and Capital The Institute fosters wealth creation, economic growth, and prosperity at the local, regional, and global levels. Locally: Austin Technology Incubator (ATI) Technology Commercialization degree programs Regionally: Bureau of Business Research Globally: Global Commercialization Group IC² Fellows Programs in 19 countries At the University: IC² units and projects serve as laboratories for students, faculty, visiting researchers, and business leaders who explore the theory and practice of entrepreneurial wealth creation.
  3. Four Pillars of Success 2. Access to Capital Develop angel and venture capital investment funds 2 Successful Eco-System 3 4 4. Sustainability & Momentum Teach and support the ecosystem – train the trainers Train the entrepreneurs – develop a commercialization culture Develop global business partnerships & global advisory networks 3. Access to Markets Position companies in external markets Develop global business development resources Strengthen local markets Global Competitiveness Pursue most effective, global commercialization strategies Develop support for entrepreneurs: Incubators, TTO, Accelerators 1
  4. Austin Technology Incubator Founded in 1989 as a program of the IC2 Institute at The University of Texas at Austin Non-Profit Business Model 2800 square meter facility ~ 20 Companies
  5. ATI’s Results to Date >160 graduate companies >$750 million in investment capital raised 4 Initial Public Offerings on NASDAQ ~25 acquisitions ~35 independent, profitable companies >$1.5 billion in annual revenues >10,000 jobs created by ATI companies Erin Defosse
  6. Incubators It’s all about subsidies! Capital Rent Services Equipment Knowledge Experience Networks Partners Team members
  7. From Incubator to Accelerator and Beyond Value to today’s entrepreneur Market Making Sector Specific Acceleration (clean energy, wireless) Incubator Start-up infrastructure support Time 1989 Example services offered to entrepreneurs Office space Professional services facilitation General capital networks Business advice High-touch coaching & mentoring “Virtual Board” Target capital matchmaking University resources Access to “chokepoint” technologies, key customers
  8. Sector Specific Coaching and Mentoring Structured, not informal Focused on business strategy, not tactical fundamentals Industry experienced incubator staff Advisory Board of industry experts Erin Defosse
  9. Structured Coaching and Mentoring Process Up to 3 years Vet Internally Quarterly Reviews Screen Admit into ATI Set Milestones Review Graduate or Leave ATI Vet Externally Industry Sector Focused Advisory Board ATI representative on Company Board Erin Defosse
  10. The Sector FocusedAdvisory Board Current or retired executives with significant experience in the sector Business leaders, venture capitalists, technologists No compensation from incubator Screen applicants and review company performance Appoint representative to the Company’s Board Erin Defosse
  11. Market Making, Value from ATI Access to test facilities, key early adopter customer Looking for new clean technologies to further its mandate to offer green choices to customers Entrepreneurs Significant need for test resources, customer pull Novel, targeted technologies/solutions Erin Defosse
  12. Questions? For Profit Incubators are hard to do There is no law on how incubators should work Customize to your local conditions and needs Erik@azulay.net 7-705-292-1812
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