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ZOAS 2.0. Session 1 of 2 Exploration of issues and possible ‘breakthroughs’ Facilitating Innovation trough S elf O rganization and A utonomous S ystems. Overview ZOAS 1.0 see http://cmapspublic3.ihmc.us/rid=1KJ0KSXTK-4YQ7BP-1R7K/zoas%20overview.cmap.
ZOAS 2.0 Session 1 of 2 Exploration of issues and possible ‘breakthroughs’ Facilitating Innovation trough Self Organization and Autonomous Systems Overview ZOAS 1.0 see http://cmapspublic3.ihmc.us/rid=1KJ0KSXTK-4YQ7BP-1R7K/zoas%20overview.cmap Overview ZOAS 2.0 see http://cmapspublic3.ihmc.us/rid=1KZ4MLQ87-RMHDNV-Y0M/SOAS%20phase2.cmap
ZOAS ‘afhechting’ ZOAS-2 041.01077 • Doelopdrachtgever (Peter Werkhoven/Directieraad) • De uit ZOAS (tot juni) verkregen inzichten en beschikbare kennis laten doorstromen naar Thema’s Energie, Mobiliteit en Gezond Leven, respectievelijk: ‘smart grids’, ‘cooperatedriving’, en ‘darm flora’ • Opdracht en uitkomst mbt die 3 deelprojecten: • Stel de potentiele markttoepassingen vast. Potentie gevalideerd aan (en met) de markt. • Geef aan wat is er reeds in huis aan inzichten en kennis. Stel vast wat mogelijk nog ontbreekt (gap). • Schets beoogde Ontwikkeltrajecten (roadmaps) en onderkende kennis lacunes, resulterend in research agenda, met mogelijke allianties… • Beoogd Tijdpad: • Half oktober Sessie 1 - Discussie Tussenresultaten met forum uit Thema-reps, PSn, ZOAS team. • Half november Sessie 2 - Discussie Concept eindresultaten met forum • Begin december Oplevering Concept eindrapportage aan directie • Project: Verantw: Hans vdB: Sgrids; Lori T: Cdriving; Jan vdG: Dflora. PeterE/Tony geheel. Omvang: 3*30K (3*20 productie+30K afronding)
Participants Hours and Travel Costs to be billed to 041.01077/01.01
ZOAS 1.0 from controlling the predictable to managing the unpredictable Issue Strengths: rich assets, multi-sector, multi-domain, multi-disciplinary, multiple applicable technologies Weakness: fragmented, ‘bewustonbekwaam’ Opportunities: complex (wicked) problems (Grand Challenges, TopSectoren, BigSociety,….) Threats:losing ‘right to play’ • (expected) Results • Targeted sensor development (AMSN) • Control Rooms (interaction design) • Multi-stakeholder collaboration (goal setting) • (Cyber)security (anomaly detection) • E-freight systems(autonomous parcels) • Smart Grids (distributed power generation) • Living Labs (evidence based CD&E) • ……………………….. SOAS Approach ETP SOASroadmaps with stakeholdersnetwork thinking and representationsystem dynamics & agent based modellinganomaly detection & pattern recognitionself learning algorithmsmeta data architecture Community buildingwithin and between stakeholders and disciplinesgoal synchronization, shared values, appreciation of diversity, crowd sourcing R&D enhancement in ETP’s & VP’sawareness of ‘adaption, robustness & learning’system behavior is emergent in complex systems Impact External Enhancing competivenessFacilitating fair and sustainable societiesCombining people and knowledge InternalSatisfaction & ProductivityCreativity & InnovationAdaption, Robustness & LearningTrust & Prosperity
Darm flora • Overall system description is given on factors involved in BRD • A multi-factor, multi-level, multi-stakeholder complex problem • Levels need to be delineated more precisely • Identification of [significant] microbes, their interactions, and factors involved at level microbial network is required, cow is then seen as environment , this the would make ABM possible • Identification of actors and factors and interactions at organism level (cow & humans) is also required, but not the focus, for now? • Which issue will be resolved by this approach, which stakeholders will benefit from this research in the future? • System dynamics approach seems useful to combine both levels of analysis Utility of SOAS • Self organization is thwarted by indiscriminate use of antibiotics [evolution of resistant microbes] • Strategy Maximization of beef production is leading, consequences for animal welfare and human public health are emerging • Optimization of beef production could be alternative strategy for the (near)future
Smart Grids • Background has been described: a multi-factor, multi-level, multi-stakeholder complex problem • A number of issues has been put forward • Which issue will be addressed needs to be decided, depends on which stakeholder will be served, a system dynamics approach could bring clarity ¿MARVEL? Utility of SOAS • Human behaviour and decision making are central to supply and demand balancing at all system levels; can this be (partially) automated to achieve affordable, fair and sustainable energy economy in the (near)future?
Cooperate Driving • A combination of cooperate and smart logistics is being considered • Issues need to be defined • Which stakeholders to be served needs to be defined Utility of SOAS • Is not yet clear