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Concept Question What is a community?. Unit 2. What does a family do together?. How do we learn together at school?. Who makes our neighborhood a nice place to live?. How do animals work together to survive?. How do plants and animals live together?.
Concept Question What is a community? Unit 2 What does a family do together? How do we learn together at school? Who makes our neighborhood a nice place to live? How do animals work together to survive? How do plants and animals live together? How is a community of insects like a community of people?
How did the children work together in "The Farmer in the Hat?" What were some jobs people did in "Who Works Here? Morning Warm UpDay 1 Some animals live and work together. They are a lot like people. How do animals work together to survive?
enemy extinct protect crater holler swamp bluff boisterous
Mama Newt Said "Let me protect you" Mama Newt said. "I'll keep you safe and Make sure that you're fed." A crow is an enemy. A Snake is one too. Papa and I will Watch over you." "Try to be careful." Mama Newt smiled. "I know there are dangers Out here int he wild. If we keep our eyes open And keep our hearts linked Then there is no chance Of becoming extinct." listen for the amazing words: enemy extinct protect
Phonemic Awareness:Distinguish long/short vowel sounds We just sang a song about what mother Newt said. Her babies did not move while she was talking. Listen to the sounds in not. /n/ /o/ /t/. Say it with me. Now say it as I point to the letters that spell it. n o t = not Listen as I change the vowel sound to long o. /n/ /o/ /t/. Say it with me. Now say it as I point to the letters that spell it. n o t e = note Listen to the sounds in both words. not note. Which one has the short o sound? long o? let's continue on the next slide.
Phonemic Awareness n o t not n o t e note r o b rob r o b e robe h o p hop h o p e hope m o p mop m o p e mope c o d cod c o d e code
You studied words like these already. What do you know about reading these words? Yes, When you see e at the end of a word, the first vowel says its name. made hide Today we will learn about words that have the long o vowel sound and a silent e at the end. This is an ocean. The sound you hear at the beginning is /o/. Say it with me. /o/ The o in this word says its name. The e is silent. This is how I blend this word. Now do it with me. What do you know about reading words like this? The a says its name and the e is silent Let's practice blending words like these on the next slide.
p o l e pole • j o k e joke • c o n e cone • h o m e home • st o l e stole • r o s e rose • dr o v e drove • cl o s e close • gl o b e globe • fr o z e froze • v o t e vote • h o p e hope • d o z e doze
building words home Change the m in home to s.What is the new word? Change the h to th.What is the new word? Change th to ch.What is the new word? Change s to k.What is the new word? Change ch to br.What is the new word?
work reading with long o (monitor progress)
MODEL WRITING FOR SOUNDS Each spelling word has long o with the CVCe spelling pattern. Before administering the spelling pretest, model how to segment long a words to spell them. What sounds do you hear in like? (/h/ /o/ /m/) What is the letter for /h/? Write h. Continue with /o/ and /m/. What letter must we add to the end of the word to make a say its name? (e)Add e. In home the o has a long o sound and the e is silent: /h/ /o / /m/, like.There are four letters but only three sounds. Repeat with all spelling words. • home 6. bone • hope 7. hose • rose 8. joke • woke 9. rode • those 10. stone • High Frequency Words • 11. there 12. together
build background Let's talk aboutcommunities in nature Tell me about what you see here. Yes, that's right, a girl is touching the tooth of a dinosaur skeleton. Where do you think this dinosaur is? Is it real? Find the school of fish. Why are the fish safer from enemies if they are together? Why are the cheetahs chasing the antelope? How are they working together to survive? Are there dinosaurs on Earth now? Use the word extinct in your answer. What are some enemies these fish might have? Do you think another antelope will try to protect this one? Why or why not?
Develop concepts How do animals work together to survive? How are the cheetahs on the previous slide working together? How does this help them live?
Listening Comprehension:Teach/ModelSequence break into groups Events in a story happen in a certain order. Words such as first, next, and last can help readers figure out the order of events. Good readers pay attention to the order in which things happen. Read aloud: "A Clever Trick" MODEL When I read, I pay attention to the order in which things happen. In "A Clever Trick," the quail protects her chicks by tricking the fox. First she flies between the fox and her chicks. Then she pretends to be hurt. Practice The mother quail flies between the fox and her chicks. What happens then? What happens last? Recall "A Big Fish for Max." What was the first thing that happened in that story. What happened next? What happens after Max catches the ball, the ship and the shell. Connect to Reading: Any time you read a story, you should think about the sequence of events.
Daily Fix It • A fox lives in pine park. • it has fiv kits.
Daily Fix It • A fox lives in pine park. A fox lives in Pine Park. • it has fiv kits. It has five kits.
Shared Writing: WriteAdvice GENERATE IDEAS Ask children to recall a time when they have worked in a group to do something, such as paint a wall mural or create a science project.Ask them what advice they would give to others about working together. WRITE ADVICE Explain that the class will write advice about working in a group. They can use what they have learned from working together at school. COMPREHENSION SKILL Events in a story happen in acertain order. When you give advice about how to dosomething, that information should be in an order thatmakes sense.
Grammar: Teach/ModelDays, Months, Holidays REVIEW PROPER NOUNS Remind children that names of people, places, animals and things are called proper nouns. Proper nouns begin with capital letters. IDENTIFY DAYS, MONTHS, HOLIDAYS Display Grammar Transparency 10. Read the definition aloud. Then model with item 1. Monday is the name of a day of the week. The word Monday needs to begin with a capital letter. I will write the sentenceon the line, and I will use a capital M at the beginning of Monday
What sound does the letter a have in each of these words? Why? home joke Long o Spell the word take and write it in the air. What letter can you not hear? What is the rule? h o p e – n o t e - r o b e spelling: long o Tomorrow we will read about a frog and some of the other animals it meets in a bog sequence Recall what happened in "A Clever Trick." What did the mother quail do first, next, and last to save her babies? Let's talk about it How do you think the mother quail is like some workers in our community?
raise your hand when you hear or see a noun Morning Warm UpDay 2 Today we’ll read about a frog that sits on a log in a bog. Eating bugs and slugs makes him grow. What makes you grow?
enemy extinct protect crater holler swamp bluff boisterous
FICTION Have children read the title of A Frog . in the Bog Identify the author. Review that booksabout animals that behave like people are make-believe. These books are fiction. Discuss what clues children can find that tellthem this book is fiction. BUILD ORAL VOCABULARY Discuss what can be found in a bog. Suggest that children listen asyou read to find out what happens to the frog. Why is the frog afraid of the alligator? What does the frog do when it sees the alligator?
Phonemic Awareness:Blend and segment phonemes We know that the frog did not like the alligator. He did not like the alligator at all. Listen to the sounds in did. /d/ /i/ /d/. Say it with me. /d/ /i/ /d/ Now say the sounds as I point to the letters that spell it. d i d What are the sounds? What is the word? Let's practice some more words on the next slide.
phonemic awareness • d i d did • n o t not • w i ll will • c a n can • a m am • h a s has
Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘llteach/Model Fluent Word Reading 1 connect You studied words like these already. What are these words? Today we will learn how to make new words with no, am and will, and some other words you know. not am will Didn’t is a contraction. A contraction is a short way of writing two words as one. Did and not make up the contraction didn’t. Didn’t is a short way of writing did not. An apostrophe takes the place of the letters we leave out. 2 Model didn’t did not We can put the words I and am together to make the contraction I’m. The apostrophe takes the place of the a that we took out. I’m
blending strategy – contractions (n’t, ‘m, ‘ll) not am will didn’t = did not I’m = I am we’ll = we will • Group Practice • Review What do you know about reading contractions? When you see a contraction, you know that it is a short way of writing two words. The apostrophe takes the place of the letters that are left out.
Blending words • I’ll • couldn’t • I’m • it’ll • hasn’t • she’ll Read the words. Tell me what you know about each word.
sort contractions aren’t I’m you’ll haven’t he’ll I’m aren’t he’ll haven’t you’ll
word reading Progress monitoring
Spelling: PracticeLong o dictation: • home 6. bone • hope 7. hose • rose 8. joke • woke 9. rode • those 10. stone • High Frequency Words • 11. there 12. together We rode home together. There is a rose in that vase. I hope those stones are flat. break into small groups
Daily Fix It • The Boys ran a rase. • steve is not as fast as tom.
Daily Fix It • The Boys ran a rase. The boys ran a race. • steve is not as fast as tom. Steve is not as fast as Tom.
Say and Spell Look at the words on p. 86. You cannot yet blend thesounds in these words. We will spell the words and use letter-sounds we know to learn them. Point to the first word. This word is there, t-h-e-r-e, there. What is this word? What are the letters in this word? Identify Familiar Letter-Sounds Point to the first two letters in there. What two letters do you see at the beginning? These letters make one sound. What is the sound? (th/th/) Demonstrate Meaning Tell me a sentence using this word 1 2 3
Interactive writingwritelist BRAINSTORM Use the Big Book A Frog in the Bog to encourage a discussion about what the frog eats. Picture walk through the book and ask children to identify the things the frog eats. SHARE THE PEN Have children participate in writing a list of the things the frog eats. To begin, have a child tell about the first thing the frog eats. Have theclass repeat it. Write the food, asking individuals to write familiar letter-sounds,word parts, and high-frequency words. • The frog eats one tick • It eats two fleas. • It eats three flies. • It eats four slugs. • It eats five snails.
Grammar:Develop the ConceptsDays, Months, Holidays Practice Let’s name some more special days. What are some you know. How do they begin? day Thursday which one names a specific day? month November Which one names a specific month? holiday Thanksgiving Which one names a specific holiday? The names of days of the week, months of the year, and holidays are Proper Nouns. How do proper nouns begin? MODEL I like Independence Day because it is hot and we can have apicnic. Write Independence Day. Do you know what we sometimes call Independence Day? It is the Fourth of July. July is a month, so it has a capital letter. Write July. I can look on a calendar and find out what day of the week the Fourth of July falls on. It might be a Tuesday. WriteTuesday. I know Tuesday is the name of a day of the week, so it should begin with a capital letter.
Speaking and Listening:Participating in a Discussion MODEL DISCUSSION BEHAVIORS Explain that when the whole class gets together to share ideas, you are having a discussion. Review speaking and listening behaviors and then begin a brief discussion about how animals take care of their babies. Prompt children with questions such as: How does a fox take care of her kit? How do mother birds care for their babies? How did the newt from "Mama Newt Said" protect her babies?
Wait their turn. Let everyone have a chance to speak Don’t interrupt others Listen politely to others Use appropriate voice level sit quietly
High frequency words We went inside a skating rink. My sister and I went there together. I fell down hard. Now my sister holds my hand. 3 contractions can’t I’m we’ll What words do each of these stand for? can not I am we will Which letters are replaced by the apostrophe? Tomorrow we will read about dinosaurs who protect one another. Let’s talk about it How do you think the alligator protected the animals from the frog?
notice the amazing words. Morning Warm UpDay 3 Today we will read about dinosaurs We’ll learn how they cooperate. They share the job of protecting each other. What jobs do you share?
enemy extinct protect crater holler swamp bluff boisterous
Share Literature:Listen and Respond Ellipses:(...) recall that A Frog in A Bog tells what happens as the hungry frog meets up with other critters. What happens to the frog when he eats the tick? Notice the ellipses after the word bigger. Ellipses mean more to come. Build Oral Vocabulary: How did the frog recognize the gator? Monitor Listening Comprehension: How did the frog recognize the gator? How would you describe the bog? What kinds of plants live in the bog?
Phonemic Awareness:Blend and segment phonemes We just read about a frog whose home was in bog. Listen to the sounds in home. /h/ /o/ /m/ say it with me. /h/ /o/ /m/ Now say it as I point to the letters that spell it. h o m e Let’s practice some more on the next slide.
phonemic awareness h o m e home r o p e rope c o d e code z o n e zone ch o k e choke s t o v e stove
Long o and and contractionsteach/Model Fluent Word Reading 1 connect You can read this word because you know that when words have a vowel-consonant-e, the vowel usually says its name. What does the o in this word stand for? What is the word? bone You can read this word because you know the word wall word “you.” You also know that an apostrophe takes the place of missing letters. What is this word? you’ll When you come to a new word, check to see if it is a word you know. Look for a contraction. Read the base word and the ending or say the sounds to yourself and read the word. Let’s practice bone you’ll When you come to a new word, what are you going to do? let’s practice on the next slide. 2 Model
Group Practice Let’s read these words. Look at all the letters, think about the whole word, or think about the letter sounds and say the sounds to yourself. When I point to the word, let’s read it together. 3 • hadn’t • smoke • aren’t • chose
word reading find these words in the song woke spoke I’m joke drove I’ll home didn’t hope can’t slope A big t-rex woke up and said, “I’m hungry, but I won’t eat bread. A baby dinosaur tastes great. I’ll eat it up! I just can’t wait!” A baby heard him when he spoke. He knew the threat was not a joke. “I’m very smart.” the baby said. He ran home to get help instead. His family said, “Don’t give up hope.” The hid their baby on the slope. They drove the bully far away. And T. Rex didn’t eat that day.