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Tin-Hungh Nyei Dorng Jaa Sou

Tin-Hungh Nyei Dorng Jaa Sou. Ging-Sou: 1 Bide 3:5-7. June 24, 2007. 5 Zinh ndaangc gan longx Tin-Hungh, sienx kaux ninh wuov deix m'sieqv dorn hnangv naaiv nor zorng nzueic. Ninh mbuo mbuoqc ganh nyei nqox gunv,

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Tin-Hungh Nyei Dorng Jaa Sou

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  1. Tin-Hungh Nyei Dorng Jaa Sou Ging-Sou: 1 Bide 3:5-7 June 24, 2007

  2. 5 Zinh ndaangc gan longx Tin-Hungh, sienx kaux ninh wuov deix m'sieqv dorn hnangv naaiv nor zorng nzueic. Ninh mbuo mbuoqc ganh nyei nqox gunv, For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands.

  3. 6 hnangv Saalaa muangx Apc^laa^ham nor, heuc Apc^laa^ham zoux ninh nyei ziouv. Se gorngv meih mbuo zoux horpc yaac maiv gamh nziex haaix nyungc, meih mbuo ziouc zoux ninh nyei sieqv. Like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

  4. 7 Meih mbuo zoux nqox nyei mienh yaac oix zuqc fih hnangv nyei hiuv duqv korh lienh ganh nyei auv, weic zuqc m'sieqv dorn gauh mau m'jangc dorn. Yaac oix zuqc taaih auv weic zuqc ninh mbuo caux meih mbuo fih hnangv nyei duqv Tin- Hungh ceix bun nyei en, se duqv nzipc yietc liuz nyei maengc. Oix zuqc hnangv naaiv nor zoux weic maiv bun haaix nyungc laanh meih mbuo daux gaux nyei waac. Husbands in the same way be considerate as you live with Your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker Partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

  5. Introduction Cai-doix maaih njien-youh nyei jauv se hnangv naaiv. Meih caux meih nyei cai-doix oix zuqc ei jienv dongh yie heuc buo norm “C” nyei jauv zoux. Commitment,Companionship,Communication. The recipe for a happy marriage is simple. You and your spouse must practice what I call “The ThreeC’s” —commitment,companionship,and communication.

  6. I. Companionship A. Tin Deic Douh 2:18 Ziouv Tin-Hungh aengx gorngv, “Nduqc laanh mienh ganh yiem hnangv se maiv horpc. Yie aengx oix zeix dauh daaih puix ninh, caux ninh zoux doic tengx ninh.” Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

  7. 1. Camv-hnyaangx jiex daaih, maaih deix mienh zaah daaih gorngv dorng jaa nyei mienh gauh camv jiex se hnamv oix maaih doic, zoux doic nyei jauv se benx da’yietv nyungc yiem cai-doic gu’nyuoz. A survey of men some years ago discovered that companionship was the #1 thing they desired in marriage.

  8. 2. Yie nyei auv se benx yie nyei nitv fatv jiex, longx jiex nyei a’nziaauc doic. Ninh duqv tengx yie ziex nyungc longx nyei jauv jiex daaih duqv 30 lengh hnyaangx aqv. My wife is my closest and best friend. And that has greatly benefited to me of 30+ years.

  9. B. Gorngv Seix Zaangc 9:9 gorngv, Yiem meih kungx-morngh nyei hnoi-nyieqc, se Tin-Hungh bun meih yiem naaiv seix zaangc nyei maengc, meih gunv caux meih hnamv nyei auv njien-youh nyei yiem, weic zuqc naaiv se meih yiem lungh ndiev laauh luic zoux gong duqv nyei buonc. Ecclesiastes 9:9 says. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life...

  10. Njien-youh meih nyei maengc caux meih nyei auv … caux meih nyei nqox. ENJOY life WITH your wife ... with your husband. • 2. Zinh ndaangc yie mbuo nyei biei gu’nguaaz maiv gaengh cuotv seix nyei ziangh hoc, yie nyei mbatc mbiauz doic se yie nyei auv. Before our four children were born, my fishing companion was my wife.

  11. 3. Naaiv se yietc zungv jauv bun meih maengc maaih njien-youh caux meih nyei auv fai nqox. This is all part of “enjoying life with your wife” or husband. 4. Yie mbuo nyei biei dauh fu’jueiv hlo daaih nyei ziangh hoc, yie mbuo corc lorz ziangh hoc zoux doic a’nziaauc. After our four children were growth up, we continued to look for ways to have companionship.

  12. 5. Yie mbuo lorz jauv daaih dorh fu’jueiv caux jienv yie mbuo mingh nziaauc, laanh caux laanh zoux doic njien-youh a’hneiv. We also found ways to include the children and still enjoy each other’s companionship:

  13. C. Saa^lo^morn nyei Nzung 5:16 Ninh nyei waac za’gengh gaam haic, ziangh laanh mienh maaih yuoqc fei fang. O Ye^lu^saa^lem nyei ziangx sieqv aah! Naaiv se yie HNAMV nyei mienh. Naaiv se yie nyei DOIC. Song of Solomon 5:16, KJV “This is my BELOVED, and this is my FRIEND.”

  14. 1. Meih hnamv wuov dauh horpc zuqc benx meih nyei a’nziaauc doic. Your beloved should also be your friend. 2. Se gorngv haih duqv nor, aengx jiex gorn meih nyei maengc bun meih nyei cai-doic benx ninh nyei fatv jiex wuov dauh doic caux ninh zoux dongh a’hneiv jiex nyei wuov dauh doic. If necessary, rearrange your life to return your spouse to the place of being your closest and most cherished companion.

  15. II. Communication 1 Saa^mu^en 1:1-2,5-8 Maaih dauh mienh mbuox heuc E^kaa^naa. Ninh maaih i dauh auv. Maaih dauh heuc Hannaa, maaih Dauh heuc Be^nin^naa. Be^nin^naa maaih fu’jueiv nyei, mv baac Hannaa mv maaih yietc dauh. 1 Samuel 1:1-2, 5-8 There was a certain man whose name was Elkanah. He had two wives; one was Called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.

  16. (8) Hannaa nyei nqox, En^kaa^naa, naaic ninh, Hannaa aac, meih weic haaix diuc nyiemv, maiv nyanc hnaangx? Meih nyei hnyouv weic haaix diuc nzauh? Maaih yie maiv zeiz gauh longx ziepc dauh dorn fai? (8) Elkanah her husband would SAY to her, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?”

  17. Elkanah Loved His Wife Hannah (v.5) 1. Hannaa nzauh nyei ziangh hoc, ninh nyei nqox caux ninh gorngv waac orn hnyouv ninh. When Hannah sad, her husband encourage her communicate with her. 2. Yie buatc meih hnyouv mun nyiemv.. Meih oix zuqc nyanc deix ga’naaiv…Yie haih tengx meih ndongc ziepc dauh dorn camv. I see you’re weeping and downhearted ... Eat something, my dear ... I’ll can help you more than ten sons.

  18. 3. Ninh buatc yaac hiuv duqv ninh nyei auv nyei juoqv setv hnangv haaix nor. He discerned and inquired about his wife’s emotions. 4. Ninh gunv taux ninh nyei auv nyei buonv-sin wangc-siangx nyei jauv. He cared about his wife’s physical health. 5. En^kaa^naa bun ninh nyei auv hiuv duqv ninh maaih hnyouv ziux goux ninh nyei auv nyei. He affirmed to her that HE was WITH her and FOR her.

  19. 6. Cai-doix jiu tong nyei jauv se benx mbu’ndongx-fim longc jienv haic nyei jauv bun cai-doix maaih njien-youh. Communication is an essential part of the recipe for a happy marriage. 7. Yie nyei auv njaaux yie hnangv haaix nor jiu tong nyei jauv yiem yie nyei hnyouv, yie hnamv nyei jauv caux yie nyei ga’qiex nyei jauv. Ih zanc yie duqv 50 lengc hnyaangx aqv, yie corc se hoqc jienv nyei. My wife taught me to communicate my heart, my thoughts, my feelings. Now in my 50s, I’m still learning!

  20. A. Solomon song from he to her 1:8 “Nzueic haic nyei sieqv.” “Most beautiful of women” 1:9 “Yie hnamv nyei sieqv.” “my darling” 4:8 “Yie nyei siang-mbuangz” “my bride” 4:9 “ Meih nimc yie nyei hnyouv.” “you have stolen my heart” 6:9 “Yie nyei baeqc gopv, yie nyei dunh yunh nyei mienh.” “My dove, my perfect one” 7:6 “O yie hnamv nyei mienh aac, meih za’gengh nzueic, horpc hnyouv haic, meih za’gengh yuoqc mienh hnamv. “ “how beautiful you are, and how pleasing, O love”

  21. B. Solomon song from she to him 1:7 Meih se dongh yie hnamv wuov dauh. “You whom I love” 1:16 Meih za’gengh nzueic haic.“How handsome you are” 5:8 Mbuo ninh yie hnamv gau ninh siangx meih nyei. “Tell him I am faint with love” Meih duqv hnangv naaiv nor zoux jiex bun meih nyei cai-doix nyei fai? Have you been communicating like this to your spouse ?

  22. III. Commitment • Tin Deic Douh 2:24 Weic naaiv m'jangc dorn • dorng jaa, leih ninh nyei diex maac, caux jienv • ninh nyei auv benx yietc dauh mi'aqv. • Genesis 2:24 “ For this reason a man will leave • his father and mother and be UNITED TO HIS • WIFE, and they will become one flesh.

  23. 1. Leih nqoi domh mienh mingh caux auv gapv jienv se benx Ging-Sou njaaux nyei jauv oix zuqc maaih ziepc zuoqv hnyouv. Leaving former high priorities for a higher one — that is biblical commitment to your spouse. 2. Haaix zanc maaih sic daaih nyauv mbuo ziouc zoux bun jiu tong nyei jauv zoqc njiec, weic naaiv mbuo qiemx zuqc ziepc zuoqv hnyouv bun doic. When pressures mount and companionship and communication may temporarily break down, commitment to one another will carry you through.

  24. 3. Maaih hnyaangx, yiem (1987) yie nyei hmuangv doic yiem Texas suiv daaih California, yie yaac guangc jienv gong suiv daaih California, yie mbuo daaih taux California daaih I dauh zungv maiv maaih gong zoux. Yie mbuo oix zuqc longc nzengc hnyouv borngz taux hingh naaiv deix kouv naanc nyei jauv, weic naaiv yie mbuo oix zuqc ziepc zuov hnyouv bun doic. One year in (1987) my family move from Texas to California, I quit my job moved to California, we both have no job, I was without job in California. We kept the victory in all this stress because of our commitment to each other.

  25. B. Nzamc Leiz-Latc 7:7-9 - Deuteronomy (7) Ziouv hnamv meih mbuo, ginv meih mbuo, maiv zeiz weic meih mbuo nyei mienh gauh camv ganh fingx. Beiv maanc fingx meih mbuo gauh zoqc jiex. (7) The Lord did not SET HIS AFFECTION on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.

  26. (8) Ziouv hnamv meih mbuo, ei jienv ninh caux meih mbuo nyei ong-taaix houv jiex nyei ngaengc waac, cingx longc ninh nyei domh qaqv dorh meih mbuo cuotv yaac zuoqc meih mbuo nzuonx, biaux ndutv zoux nouh nyei dorngx, I^yipv Deic-Bung, Faalo Hungh nyei buoz-ndiev. (8) But it was because the Lord loved you and KEPT the OATH he swore to your forefathers that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

  27. (9) Weic naaiv meih mbuo oix zuqc hiuv duqv Ziouv, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, kungx ninh ganh benx Tin-Hungh hnangv. Ninh se ziepc zuoqv nyei Tin-Hungh, ei jienv ninh laengz nyei ngaengc waac zoux, ziouc hnamv dongh hnamv ninh, ei jienv ninh nyei leiz-latc zoux wuov deix, taux yietc cin doic. (9) Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, KEEPING his COVENANT of LOVE to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.

  28. C. Three principles of commitment here for spouses: (1) Dingc hnyouv hnamv meih nyei cai-doix. SET your affection on your spouse (7). (2) Siou jienv meih laengz nyei waac dongh meih dorng jaa nyei ziangh hoc wuov. KEEP the OATH you made at your wedding (8). (3) Ziepc zuoqv hnyouv hnamv yiem meih laengz nyei ngaengc waac. Be FAITHFUL to your COVENANT of LOVE (9).

  29. Conclusion E^fe^so 5:25 gorngv, “Zoux nqox nyei mienh aah! Oix zuqc hnamv ganh nyei auv hnangv Giduc hnamv jiu baang, yaac weic jiu baang siev ninh nyei maengc.” Ephesians 5:25 says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and GAVE himself up for her.”

  30. (1)Yesu hnamv ninh nyei jiu baang yaac siev maengc daic weic ninh nyei jiu baang, naaiv se benx nyungc zeiv taux ziepc zuoqv hnyouv nyei jauv bun dongh mbuo hnamv wuov dauh. Jesus’ love for His Church is the ultimate Example of commitment — giving Himself unto death for His beloved.

  31. (2) Zoux nqox caux zoux auv nyei mienh aac, yie nyei orn hnyouv nyei waac bun meih mbuo se dongh naaiv: Gan jienv Giduc nyei nyungc zeiv mingh; za’gengh oix zuqc zoux, maiv maaih maiv ziepc zuoqv nyei jauv bun meih nyei cai-doix, yiem longx nyei ziangh hoc caux waaic nyei ziangh hoc. Husbands and wives, my encouragement to you is this: follow Christ’s example; be absolutely, unshakably committed to your spouse, in good times and bad.

  32. (3) Yie nyei auv caux yie dorng jaa daaih duqv faah ziepc lengh hnyaangx aqv, fungx daaih se maaih orn-lorqc nyei, yiem yie mbuo nyei cai-doix gu’nyuoz. Yie mbuo ei jienv Tin-Hungh nyei waac njaaux nyei jauv yiem, maiv gunv ih zanc zungv corc se oix zuqc hoqc jienv mingh. Jangx jienv “Dorng jaa nyei sou se Tin-Hungh nyei waac njaaux mbuo, bun mbuo maaih a’hneiv nyei jaa se “Ziepc zuoqv hnyouv…Zoux doic…andJiu tong doic nyei jauv.” My wife and I have been happily married for over a thirty years. We attribute this to the Lord’s goodness as well as to our having learned and practiced. Remember, “The Recipe for a Happy Marriage is the Word of God,” It teaches us —commitment ...companionship... and communication.

  33. (4) Ei jienv jiex daaih naaiv deix buo nyungc jauv zoux bun meih mbuo nyei cai-doix, yie sienx gorngvTin-Hungh nyei fuqv oix liouc njiec taux meih mbuo nyei cai-doix. Meih zungv haih zoux zorng-zengx bun taux ganh dauh mienh gorngvGing-Sou se benx dorng jaa nyei sou bun cai-doix maaih njien-youh orn-lorqc nyei jauv. Apply these three principles in your marriage, and I can assure you that the blessing of the Lord will be consistently upon your relationship. And before long you will be telling others about the bible’s recipe for a happy marriage. God bless!

  34. The Principle of Happy Marriage Commitment Companionship Communication 1 Peter 3:7

  35. What are these three Principle? • Commitment – Longc ziepc zuoqv hnyouv bun cai-doix doic. • Companionship – Laanh caux laanh zoux a’nziaauc doix. • Communication – Laanh caux laanh jiu tong doic.

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