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“Plans provide a structured way for students to gather, analyze, synthesize and organize self, educational and occupational information. Norm Gysbers, 2004 ~. CLOSE-UP ON CAREER PLANNING. presented by:. A Key Strategy for Advancing the NLC* Vision. *National Leadership Cadre.
“Plans provide a structured way for students to gather, analyze, synthesize and organize self, educational and occupational information. Norm Gysbers, 2004 ~ CLOSE-UP ON CAREER PLANNING presented by: A Key Strategy for Advancing the NLC* Vision *National Leadership Cadre
Away from Random Acts of Guidance to… … Integrated School Counseling individualized planning curriculum Program Delivery
Integrated Delivery of Career Planning Develops Student Competencies in ASCA’s ACADEMIC DOMAIN (Most relevant standards in red. See handout for the complete list of competencies.) • Standard A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span. • Standard B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college. • Standard C: Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community.
Integrated Delivery of Career Planning Develops Student Competencies in ASCA’s CAREER DOMAIN (Most relevant standards in red. See handout for the complete list of competencies.) • Standard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. • Standard B: Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and satisfaction. • Standard C: Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work.
Integrated Delivery of Career Planning Develops Student Competencies in ASCA’s PERSONAL/SOCIAL DOMAIN (Most relevant standards in red. See handout for the complete list of competencies.) • Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. • Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary action to achieve goals. • Standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills.
Career Plan Definition (found at http://www.umass.edu/schoolcounseling/NLC/index.htm) A comprehensive, formalized written plan (that learners use alone and with the help of others) that relateslearning to career goals. The plan is based on both formal and informal assessments and should include areas in which a learner needs to increase knowledge and skills in order to reach documented goals.
Career Plan Definition(cont.) A career plan is designed to facilitate transition from high school to future learning or employment. It can be thought of as both an instrument and a process for monitoring one’s career development. “Every student, every year, deserves at least 30 minutes of a caring adult’s time to talk about their future career goals and dreams.” ~Richard Lapan, 2005~
State Career Planning Models Are Used in the Following NLC States Idaho Massachusetts Missouri Nebraska
Idaho’s Career Plan Models This template can be found at http://www.pte.idaho.gov/guidance/career_clusters.htm
Idaho’s Snapshot • Plans are the means by which students, counselors, teachers and parents maintain an organized understanding of where the student is and what needs to be done to accomplish his/her goals. • Sequential, well-structured activities and experiences are coordinated by grade level to support career/life planning. • Students are responsible for organizing and planning information. • Students’ interests, talents, achievements and goals must be reviewed with parents and school personnel. • Planning is viewed as an integrated processdocumenting acquisition of student information from a variety of sources (e.g., interest inventories, aptitude tests, computerized career information assessments, achievement test results and grades).
MASSACHUSETTS CAREER PLAN MODEL Name: ___________________________ School: __________________________ Projected Date of Graduation: ________ The MassachusettsCareer Plan Model This template and the checklist can be found at: http://www.doe.mass.edu/cd/plan/resources
A Massachusetts Snapshot • Career Plans are a Requirement for Students Enrolled in State Approved Career/Vocational and Technical Education (CVTE) Programs: • “Career guidance shall be provided to each student and shall includeassessment of all vocational technical studentsto determine individual vocational technical and academic aptitude, interest, and learning styles and assistance with the development of a career plan based on the assessments.” (603CMR4.03 (4)(d)) • “In order to qualify as a candidate for the Certificate of Occupational Proficiency […], a student must possess a portfolio containing at a minimum a competency profile […], as well as a career plan […].” (603CMR4.14) • Many CVTE high schools use or modify the MA Career Plan Model (found at http://www.doe.mass.edu/cd/resources/default.html) • In 2005 - 2006 an advisory committee was convened to assist the MADOE in establishing criteria for career planning implementation (See slides 23-24).
Missouri’s Personal Plan of Study (note: under revision) For more info, contact http://missouricareereducation.org/curr/cmd/guidanceplacementG/GLE.html or http://dese.mo.gov/divcareered/career_plan
A Missouri Snapshot An individual planning system is in place (including necessary forms and procedures) to assist all students in developing their plans. Planning is initiated no later than grade eight (8) and includes: • Assessment activities • Advisement activities • Identification of long- and short-range educational/career goals including a Personal Plan of Study that is reviewed and revised annually • Collaboration with parents/guardians • Individual Planning is enhanced through Missouri’s web-based career/educational planning system, Missouri Connections: www.missouriconnections.org
Nebraska’s Snapshot • The centerpiece of Nebraska’s career education guidance process is the state’s Personal Learning Plan (PLP), a web-based tool that is downloadable with an ID and password. • Students are required to review and revise their plans each year with input from their school counselors and families. • Initial plans are developed in 7th grade and updated on a yearly basis through the high school and the postsecondary years. • Parents and school staff work together to assist students in developing their plans and meeting their goals. • The PLP process begins with a discussion of each student’s current learning, earning and living goals per a discussion guide found at www.NebraskaCareerConnections.org.
Individual Student Planninginthe ASCA Model “Individual student planning consists of school counselors coordinating ongoing system activities to: • Help individual students establish personal goals and develop future plans; • Help all students plan, monitor and manage their learning; • Help all students meet competencies in the areas of academic, career and person/social development.”
fromthe ASCA Model (cont.) • “Within this component, students evaluate their educational, occupational and personal goals. • School counselors help students make the transition from school to higher education. • Activities are delivered on an individual basis or by working with individuals in small groups or advisement groups. • Parents/guardians and other school personnel are included in planning activities.”
Time Management is Critical Calendars should be used to document: (1) student access and participation levels and (2) the time school counselors spend on delivery. Recommended Time for Individual Planning (based on ASCA’s recommended counselor to student ratio 1:250 maximum)
In several states, career planning is a requirement Idaho Indiana Kentucky Massachusetts Missouri Nebraska New York North Carolina * Based on a 2007 survey of state guidance directors done by CSCOR (still underway)
Requirements and Monitoring in Idaho Through the State Board Rules and Regulations • …no later than the end of grade 8, all students will develop parent-approved student learning plans for their high school and post-high school options. • The learning plan will be developed by students and parents/guardians with advice and recommendation from school personnel. • It will be reviewed annually and may be revised at any time. • …[Idaho’s Division of Professional-Technical Education] has worked to put together a vision of the process and the product to meet the “heart of the rule”: the needs of the student.
Requirements and Monitoring inMassachusetts Through the Coordinated Program Review process,districts aremonitored for compliance with federal and state education requirements: • If they have programs that meet the Perkins Act definition of career & technical education and are of such size, scope and quality to be effective, and receive Perkins allocation funds (directly or indirectly, including Tech Prep). • Staff from the CVTE unit, together with any necessary outside consultants, conduct the CVTE portion of the Coordinated Program Review.
MA’s CVTE Career Plan Monitoring Criteria* • MCAS and/or other appropriate academic assessment results, as well as career assessment results are used to tailor instructional and support services and improve programs. Perkins Section 134 & 135, Vocational Technical Education Regulations 603 CMR 4.03(4) • A Career Plan for each student enrolled in a career/vocational technical education programs is developed with the involvement of parents/guardians. Perkins Sections 134 & 135, Vocational Technical Education Regulations 603 CMR 4.03(4)
MA’s Career Plan Criteria (cont.) Services including career guidance are provided to assist each student: (1) with a disability, (2) from an economically disadvantaged family (including foster children), (3) with limited English proficiency and (4) that is preparing for a career that would be nontraditional for their gender in the successful completion of a career/vocational technical education program, and the transition to employment and/or further education including registered apprenticeship programs. Perkins Section 3 & 134; Vocational Technical Education Regulations 603 CMR 4.03(4).
Requirements and Monitoring in Missouri The Missouri School Improvement Standards and Indicators require that all students have a Personal Plan of Study developed no later than 8th grade. • Monitoring occurs through the Missouri School Improvement Review by which schools report to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education compliance. Schools not meeting AYP performance standards are eligible for an onsite review. • The Department works with schools as needed to provide any assistance in the implementation of the Individual Planning Process.
Requirements and Monitoring in Nebraska Through the State Accreditation Process • A Personal Learning Plan for all students grades 7-12 is being proposed as a new Nebraska School Accreditation Rule. • Nebraska’s new accreditation rules (Rule 10) are currently in negotiation between Commissioner of Education and the Governor. The State Board of Education has already approved them, before sending them to the Governor. • Schools will need to assure/provide evidence that they are implementing PLP for all students in order to get accredited by the state.
A Final Note on Career Planning “Remember, the conversation that you have with a student may impact their future economic potential.” ~ Trish Hatch, 2007 ~ .