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Unit11. Cultural information. Cultural information. Cultural information 1. 1. Quote Bible: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.
Cultural information Cultural information Cultural information1 1. Quote Bible: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.
Cultural information 2. Christianity Cultural information2 Christianity (from the Greek word XpIoTós, Khristos, “Christ”, literally “anointed one”) is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God and God has become man and the savior of humanity. Christians, therefore, commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah. Adherents of the Christian faith, known as Christians, believe that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the HebrewBible (the part of scripture common to Christianity and Judaism, and referred to as the “Old Testament” in Christianity).
Cultural information Christianity began as a Jewish sect and is classified as an Abrahamic religion. Originating in the eastern Mediterranean, it quickly grew in size and influence over a few decades, and by the 4th century had become the dominant religion within the Roman Empire. Cultural information3
Structural analysis Main idea Main idea Global Reading-Text analysis What is the story narrated in the text about? The story is the author’s recall of an experience in his childhood. He had heard from old folks about the myth of Jesus saving , and as a child, held a sincere and naïve in it. His attendance at the resulted in his total . He wants to tell his readers that there is no , and that only by can black people deliver themselves from misery and suffering. one’s soul ___________ belief _______ disillusionment revival _________________ ________ almighty Savior _________________ relying on their own struggle _______________________________
Structural analysis Text analysis Structural analysis Structural analysis 1 1. How is the story organized? The story, which is told in the first person, is mainly organized in chronological order, with a flashback in the second paragraph and plenty of vivid and interesting descriptions in the whole text.
Structural analysis Text analysis 2. Work out the structure of the text by completing the table. Structural analysis 2 It introduces the background. It relates and describes the special meeting held for the “young lambs” to be saved. It reveals the writer’s psychological feelings with regard to what happened to him at the revival.
Detailed reading Salvation Detailed reading1 I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved. It happened like this. There was a big revival at my Auntie Reed’s church. Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds. Then just before the revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.” My aunt spoke of it for days ahead. That night I was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners’ bench with all the other young sinners, who had not yet been brought to Jesus. 1
Detailed reading Detailed reading2 My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life! And God was with you from then on! She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul. I believed her. I had heard a great many old people say the same thing and it seemed to me they ought to know. So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me. 2
Detailed reading The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. Then he said: “Won’t you come? Won’t you come to Jesus? Young lambs, won’t you come?” And he held out his arms to all us young sinners there on the mourners’ bench. And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of us just sat there. 3 Detailed reading3
Detailed reading A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands. And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. And the whole building rocked with prayer and song. Still I kept waiting to see Jesus. 4 Detailed reading4-6 5 Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, but one boy and me. He was a rounder’s son named Westley. Westley and I were surrounded by sisters and deacons praying. It was very hot in the church, and getting late now. Finally Westley said to me in a whisper: “God damn! I’m tired of sitting here. Let’s get up and be saved.” So he got up and was saved. 6
Detailed reading Then I was left all alone on the mourners’ bench. My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried, while prayers and song swirled all around me in the little church. The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mightywail of moans and voices. And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting — but he didn’t come. I wanted to see him, but nothing happened to me. Nothing! I wanted something to happen to me, but nothing happened. I heard the songs and the minister saying: “Why don’t you come? My dear child, why don’t you come to Jesus? Jesus is waiting for you. He wants you. Why don’t you come? Sister Reed, what is this child’s name?” “Langston,” my aunt sobbed. 7 Detailed reading7-9 8 9
Detailed reading “Langston, why don’t you come? Why don’t you come and be saved? Oh, Lamb of God! Why don’t you come?” Now it was really getting late. I began to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long. I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadn’t seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the platform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple. So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, I’d better lie, too, and say that Jesus had come, and get up and be saved. 10 Detailed reading10-11 11
Detailed reading So I got up. Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting, as they saw me rise. Waves of rejoicing swept the place. Women leaped in the air. My aunt threw her arms around me. The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform. When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens,” all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room. 12 Detailed reading12-14 13 14
Detailed reading That night, for the last time in my life but one, for I was a big boy twelve years old — I cried. I cried, in bed alone, and couldn’t stop. I buried my head under the quilts, but my aunt heard me. She woke up and told my uncle I was crying because the Holy Ghost had come into my life, and because I had seen Jesus. But I was really crying because I couldn’t bear to tell her that I had lied, that I had deceived everybody in the church, that I hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now I didn’t believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didn’t come to help me. 15 Detailed reading15
Detailed reading Paragraph 1 Questions 1) What was the special event that happened one night? Detailed reading1—Question Just before the revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.” 2) Why was Langston placed on the mourners’ bench? Because he had not yet been brought to Jesus.
Detailed reading preach: v. deliver a religious speech Detailed reading1– preach 1 e.g. Christ preached to large crowds. The priest preached a sermon on the need for charity. Derivation: preachn. Collocations: preach at/to/about:to offer unwanted advice on matters of right and wrong.
Detailed reading Translation: Detailed reading1– preach 2 Christ preached that we should love each other. 基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。 My sister has been preaching at me again about my untidy habits. 我姐姐又对我唠叨,要我改掉不爱整洁的坏习惯。
Detailed reading Detailed reading1– escort 1 escort: v. go with and protect sb. e.g. The queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory. The police escorted her to the airport. Collocation: escort sb. (to sth.)
Detailed reading Translation: Detailed reading1– escort 2 May I escort you to the ball? 我可以陪你去参加舞会吗? The drunken man was escorted firmly to the door. 醉汉被强制送出门口。
Detailed reading I was saved from sin … Detailed reading1– I was saved from sin… Explanation: The word “sin”, with an exclusively religious connotation, refers to any offence against God or a religious law. However, the word “crime” refers to an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it. Paraphrase: I was rescued from sin …
Detailed reading To bring the young lambs to the fold Detailed reading1– to bring the… Explanation: According to Christianity, Jesus is the Lamb of God, any Christian is a lamb, and the preacher is a shepherd. In the text, “the young of lambs” refers to children. “Fold” literally means an enclosure for sheep. Here it means a group of people who are Christians. So “to bring the young lambs to the fold” means to bring the children into the Christian community. Paraphrase: to bring the children to the Christ and into the membership of church Translation: 将幼小的羔羊领回羊群(让儿童加入教会)
Detailed reading Paragraph 2 Questions 1) What had Langston learned about the revival before he actually attended it? Detailed reading2—Question 1 Langston’s aunt had told him that when one was saved one saw a light, and something happened to him inside! She said one could see and hear and feel Jesus in his soul. He had heard a great many old people say the same thing about the revival.
Detailed reading Paragraph 2 Questions 2) Did Langston believe his aunt’s tale of Jesus? What did he do? Detailed reading2—Question 2 Yes, he did. So he sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting eagerly and expectantly for Jesus to come into his life.
Detailed reading Detailed reading3—Question Paragraph 3 Question What was the reaction of the “young lambs” to the preacher? The “young lambs” reacted to the preacher in different ways. The little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of them just sat there.
Detailed reading rhythmical: adj. having a regular repeated pattern of weak and strong stresses Detailed reading3– rhythmical e.g. The rhythmical sound of the train sent him to sleep. He could hear the rhythmical beating of his heart. Derivation: rhythmn.
Detailed reading moan: n. a soft low sound of pain or grief; a complaint, expressed in a suffering discontented voice Detailed reading3– moan 1 e.g. From time to time there was a moan of pain from the sick man. We had a good moan about the weather. Derivations: moanern. moanv. Collocation: moan about: complain annoyingly
Detailed reading Translation: Detailed reading3– moan 2 She’s always moaning that she has too much work to do. 她老是抱怨她的工作太多了。 The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep. 生病的小孩呻吟了一会儿,然后就睡着了。
Detailed reading leave out: v. phr. 1) pay no attention to sb. Detailed reading3– leave out 1 e.g. No one speaks to him; he’s always left out. 2) fail to include e.g. This word is wrongly spelt; you’ve left out a letter. Don’t leave me out when you’re giving out the invitations! Collocations: leave over: postpone sth. leave off: stop sth./doing sth. leave behind: fail or forget to bring or take sb./sth.
Detailed reading Translation: Detailed reading3– leave out 2 Leave me out of this quarrel, please — I don’t want to get involved. 请别把我拉入这场争吵中 ——我可不想牵连进去。 你在这一句中漏掉了最重要的一个词。 You have left out the most important word in this sentence.
Detailed reading Exercise: Choose the proper phrases in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences. Detailed reading3– leave out 3 leave off leave behind leave over • It won’t rain: you can your umbrella . • 2) Hasn’t the rain yet? • 3) These matters will have to be until the next meeting. • 4) I wish you’d whistling like that. leave behind _______ ________ left off _________ left over __________ leave off ___________
Detailed reading hold out: 1) stretch out Detailed reading3– hold out 1 e.g. He held out his hand to Mary. 2) offer e.g. These plans hold out the prospect of new jobs for the area. Science may hold out the prospect of feeding the hungry. 3) last; remain e.g. How much longer can our supplies hold out? The town was surrounded but the people held out until help came.
Detailed reading Collocations: Detailed reading3– hold out 2 hold back: make something stay in place; prevent from moving, esp. in spite of pressure hold down: control the freedom of sb.; oppress sb. hold off: (of rain, a storm, etc.) not occur; be delayed hold on: wait or stop
Detailed reading Translation: Detailed reading3– hole out 3 We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out. 我们的供应品能维持多久,我们就能在这里呆多久。 医生帮助她康复的希望甚微。 Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering.
Detailed reading Exercise: Choose the proper phrases in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences. Detailed reading3– hole out 4 hold out hold back hold down hold off 1) The dam was not strong enough to the flood waters. 2) The rain just long enough for us to have our picnic. 3) We can stay here for as long as our supplies . 4) The people are by a vicious and repressive military regime. 5) The forthcoming talks the hope of real arms reductions. hold back ___________ held off _________ hold out __________ held down ____________ hold out __________
Detailed reading The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. Detailed reading3– the preacher preached… Explanation: The preacher gave an excellent moralistic rebuke, describing the terrible image of hell, and then he sang a religious song about little lamb. Translation: 牧师的布道跌宕起伏,精彩绝伦,通篇都是关于地狱里痛苦的呻吟和号叫,寂寞的哭泣和可怕的场景。接着,他吟咏了一篇祷文,说的是九十九只羊已安然归圈, 只剩下一只迷途的小羔羊在寒冷的天气中徘徊。
Detailed reading Detailed reading3– and some of… And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. Paraphrase: Some of the people jumped up and went towards Jesus immediately. Translation: 他们中的一些人跳了起来,立即朝耶稣走去。
Detailed reading Paragraphs 4~6 Questions 1) What were many old people doing when the preacher was preaching? Detailed reading4-6--Quesion 1 Some old people were moaning, others were shouting, and still others were crying. 2) Why did Westley get up and get saved? It was very hot in the church, and getting late. Finally, Westley felt tired of sitting there. So he got up, went to the altar and was saved.
Detailed reading Paragraphs 4~6 Questions 3) Why didn’t Langston go to the altar with Westley? Detailed reading4-6--Quesion 2 Langston still kept waiting serenely for Jesus. He wanted to see Jesus and hoped something would happen to him. That was why he didn’t go to the altar with Westley.
Detailed reading Detailed reading4-6– and the church… And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. Explanation: Here “the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved.” are the words in the song. “The church” means “all the people in the church.” Translation: 教徒们唱着:“低矮的灯光在燃烧,可怜的罪人便被救赎了。”
Detailed reading Detailed reading4-6– finally all the… Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, but one boy and me. Explanation: Here “one” is used instead of “a” to emphasize that there was only one boy left on the mourner’s bench beside me.
Detailed reading Paragraphs 7~9 Questions 1) Why wasn’t Langston saved by the time he was left all alone on the mourners’ bench? Detailed reading7-9--Quesion 1 Because Langston neither got up nor went to the altar. He failed to do so because he did not want to lie that he had seen Jesus.
Detailed reading Paragraphs 7~9 Questions 2) Why did Langston’s aunt kneel at his knees and cry? Detailed reading7-9--Quesion 2 Langston was not saved and was left all alone on the mourners’ bench. Her aunt was making such extreme efforts because she was anxiously expecting him to rise and go to the altar and get saved.
Detailed reading swirl: v. move round and round quickly Detailed reading7-9– swirl e.g. The water swirled about his feet. The leaves were swirled away on the wind. Derivation: swirl n. Translation: Smoke swirled up the chimney. 烟气从烟囱里袅袅上升。 The log was swirled away downstream by the current. 水流载着原木盘旋而下。
Detailed reading mighty: adj. very great in force Detailed reading7-9– mighty e.g. He raised the hammer and struck the rock a mighty blow. She gave him a mighty thump. Derivation: might n. Idioms: high and mighty: arrogant; haughty the pen is mightier than the sword: poets, thinker, ect., affect human affairs more than soldiers do
Detailed reading Detailed reading7-9– wail 1 wail: v. cry or complain in a loud (usu. shrill) voice e.g. The sick child was wailing miserably. There is no use wailing about/over mistakes made in the past. Collocation: wail about/over sth.: cry or complain about sth. in a loud (usu. shrill) voice
Detailed reading Translation: Detailed reading7-9– wail 2 You can hear the wind wailing in the chimney. 你可以听到风穿过烟囱发出的尖叫声。 Stop weeping and wailing and do something about it! 别那么哭天喊地的了,还是做点什么吧! Comparison: wail; sob sob: draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow, pain, etc., esp. while crying
Detailed reading Detailed reading7-9-- serenely serenely: adv. calmly and peacefully e.g. She smiled serenely and said nothing. She just says what she thinks, serenely indifferent to whether it may offend people. Derivations: sereneadj. serenityn. Synonyms: peacefully; tranquilly
Detailed reading sob: v. to cry while making short bursts of sound as one breathes in, because of sadness or fear Detailed reading7-9-- sob 1 e.g. A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner. She sobbed into her handkerchief. Derivations: sobbingadj sobn. Synonyms: cry; wail Collocation: sob sth. out: tell sth. while sobbing
Detailed reading Idioms: Detailed reading7-9– sob 2 sob oneself to sleep: sob until one falls asleep sob one’s heart out: cry bitterly with great emotion