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Student Services Student Learning Outcome Theme. Communication Critical Thinking Personal Development &Community Involvement Technical Competence Self-Advocacy
Student Services Student Learning Outcome Theme Communication Critical Thinking Personal Development &Community Involvement Technical Competence Self-Advocacy Student Financial Services Mission StatementStudent Financial Services at Monterey Peninsula College is committed to assisting students and their families to bridge the gap between their personal resources and the cost of attending college. We are ready to educate students, families and the community on understanding the steps involved in receiving financial assistance.
Student Financial Services Results Oriented Operation (ROO)Student Learning Outcomes • Financial Aid Application Process Students will know when to complete their financial aid file and will enroll prior to the Financial Aid Enrollment Deadline for the 2nd day of class disbursement • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Students will have an understanding of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) and will know how to complete their probation contracts and apply for a dismissal appeal.
SLO – Concept IFinancial Aid Application Hypothesis • There will be an increased number of students who have registered at MPC and have a Student Information Form (SIF) and a FAFSA (ISIR) received by Student Financial Services • There will be an increase in the number of students who have a completed financial aid file by the Enrollment Deadline Date (EDD) two weeks before Fall Semester begins.
SLO CONCEPT IAPPLICATION PROCESS 2005-2008 • Assumptions • The earlier students are aware of the application process the earlier they will complete their file. • If we add more staff during the application period (January – July) the more students will complete their financial aid by the Fall Enrollment Deadline date. • Challenges • Managing two years at one time • Money • Trained personnel
SLO CONCEPT IAPPLICATION PROCESS2007-20010 RESULTS Large increase in BOGFW starting 2008. Began inputting BOGFW based on ISIR EFC, no longer waited for the student to apply for a BOGFW Substantial number of ISAR’s have been generated by the increase in our outreach activities. Out Reach Coordinator hired in September 2007. Students who file an ISAR don’t necessarily enroll January 2009 hired two 20 hour people to assist with intake for the 2009 -10. Tracking letters went out in February requesting needed documents from the student to complete the file. Students completed their files earlier. 2009-2010 More students were awarded because of early notification
SLO – Concept IISatisfactory Academic Progress Students will have an understanding of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) and will know how to complete their probation contracts and apply for a dismissal appeal. • Data to be sorted below • 2336 Excel entries • NAME_LAST SAF_YR_SESDFDSDXPFPSPXLATEST_TERMLOCAL_GPLOCAL_UATRANSFER_GPTRANSFER_UATotal_GPTotal_UANORMAN2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER20083315012950031501295DEVANNY2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER20053259071088066534701375MARTINEZ2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER2005759518500595185VERDUSCO2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200832140640002140640ACOSTA2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER2006794043000940430MAZZIA2041ON PROBATION SUMMER SEMESTER200531360570001360570MCCLENDON2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200752100720002100720SHAFFER2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER2005358023000580230ELIAS2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200533075003075PATRICK-JEFFERS2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200732770855002770855TRUONG2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER20047220700022070BALLESTEROS2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER2006753027000530270BLACKWELL2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER20045000000CANTU2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER200671200480001200480YOON2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200472035560002035560SULLIVAN2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTERON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200731510580001510580SMITH2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER20057000000SAN NICOLAS2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER2006337012500370125TRAN2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER200831930720001930720LE2041ON DISMISSAL FALL SEMESTER200671820720001820720GUERRERO2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER2007745030000450300RAMIREZ2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER20047901300090130GONZALEZ2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER200832050002050FIELDING2041ON DISMISSAL FALL SEMESTERON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER2004744016000440160JOHNSON2041ON PROBATION SPRING SEMESTER20053301200030120GALLANOSA2041ON DISMISSAL SPRING SEMESTERON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER2007309000090DILENA-REASOR2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER200532640750002640750FALKE2041ON PROBATION FALL SEMESTER200572560820002560820 Review the data Establish new ways to reach the data Review what needs to be proven Reassess what we are looking for Always remember it takes a whole department to reach a conclusion. Back to the drawing table
Summary Student Financial Services Mission Statement Student Financial Services at Monterey Peninsula College is committed to assisting students and their families to bridge the gap between their personal resources and the cost of attending college. We are ready to educate students, families and the community on understanding the steps involved in receiving financial assistance. • SFS in the last 14 years has continually reviewed their data and used that data to establish goals. The entire staff has been involved in this process. • SLO’s or “Results Oriented Operation” (ROO) is a excellent mechanism for both fiscal planning and operational efficiency. • Because of ROO we know that we need at least 1.5 FTE’s during the first 6 months of the year to run two years simultaneously. • We have difficulty reviewing data when we do not have good report generator at our fingertips and integrated systems. • In planning and reviewing ROO’s it was important to not get overwhelmed with the minutia.