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Understanding Children's Dosage Calculation

This article provides key terms and information on calculating children's dosages, including stages of development, the "7 Rights" of drug administration, routes of administration, new dosage forms, and dosage calculation using body weight.

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Understanding Children's Dosage Calculation

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  1. UNIT 6 Calculating Children’s Dosages

  2. Key Terms Child Infancy Puberty

  3. Stages of Development Child Any human from infancy to puberty Infancy Birth through end of first year Puberty Age of reproductive function Boys: usually ages 13–15 Girls: usually ages 9–16

  4. The Right Patient The Right Drug The Right Dose The Right Route The Right Time The Right Technique The Right Documentation “7 Rights” of Proper Drug Administration

  5. Assess Each Patient Age Weight Physical state Disease process Mental and emotional state Level of understanding Allergies

  6. Gain Parental Cooperation Identify yourself Call parent and child by name Explain procedure Allow parent to assist May need to have parent leave the room

  7. Establish Rapport with Child Be straightforward and positive Do not waste time Explain at child’s level of understanding Allow child to assist Show approval for positive behavior

  8. Routes of Administration Depends on Age, weight, body size Physical, mental, and emotional state Disease process Level of understanding Properties of medication Physician’s order (continues)

  9. Routes of Administration Oral: never force or give if child is crying Liquid: dropper, syringe, or medicine cup Solid: may have to be crushed Do not mix medication into an infant’s formula (bottle)

  10. Oral Administration Devices

  11. Routes of Administration Parenteral: requires two people One person to administer medication One person to maintain body position Rectal May be embarrassing for older children Child may resist

  12. New Dosage Forms Melting tablets Fixed-dose combinations Inhaled insulin Long-lasting injections (continues)

  13. New Dosage Forms Delivery devices formulated for easier use Administration of corticosteroids for asthma using a jet nebulizer (face mask or mouthpiece) Long-acting formulations Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can take a 12-hour formulation of Ritalin

  14. Dosage Calculation UsingKilogram of Body Weight Convert lb to kg : 1 kg = 2.2 lb 1 lb = 16 oz Multiply dose ordered by kg of weight If ordered in divided doses, divide by number of doses

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