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This comprehensive guide outlines the principles of English and Maths support during a study programme, with a focus on initial assessments, diagnostic assessments, setting targets, and providing tailored support to young individuals. Key aspects include identifying skill gaps, creating individual learning plans, encouraging progression, and adapting support beyond the team. The document emphasizes the importance of collaborative work between Team Leaders and Literacy, Language, and Numeracy Support Tutors to enhance learning activities and monitor progress effectively. It also includes information on qualifications, exiting the programme, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Study Programme Principles – English and Maths support during Team Programme Initial assessmentto determine the young person’s current English and maths level. All young people participating in Team should complete an initial and diagnostic assessment as this will inform their wider Study Programme. Diagnostic assessmentto identify skill gaps and create an individual learning plan. At this stage, the young person and LLNST* should agree on and set, literacy, language and numeracy targets which can be worked towards during the Team programme. Entry Level 1 Entry Level 2 Entry Level 3 Pre-entry Level 1, Level 2 & above Young people should be encouraged to work towards the level above which they are assessed. Participating in the embedded LLN activities will contribute to part of a young person’s Study Programme, but providers should adapt their English and maths offer beyond Team to meet their needs. Young people will require more intensive support during Team to ensure they are working towards a higher level. Delivery Partners (DPs) should adapt their English and maths offer beyond Team to meet their needs. Embedded learning activities – Team Leader and LLNST* should work collaboratively to exploit naturally occurring opportunities for young people to improve their English and maths skills. The Trust has developed a range of resources to support literacy, language and numeracy development at Entry Levels and Level 1. LLNST and TLs are welcome to adapt these resources to map against the Level 2 standards or DPs may wish to use their own materials if deemed more appropriate (see Team Online for resources). LLN Support Tutor*Each Team should have support from an appropriately qualified Literacy, Language and Numeracy Support Tutor. DPs are responsible for ensuring that this assistance is in place. (For further information please refer to the Toolkit). The LLNST should work in an inclusive way with all young people, both in groups and individually. The LLNST should ensure that young people are working towards the appropriate level and monitor and record a young person’s progress. Qualification - If you wish to enrol a young person on an English and/or maths qualification, they must be enrolled on a level of learning above the level which they are assessed. For example, if a young person is assessed as being at Entry 3 they must be enrolled on a Level 1 qualification. Young people must undertake necessary learning before being entered for any assessment and only entered if ready. DPs can decide whether it is appropriate to enter any of their Team members for an English and maths qualification during Team programme. However, for young people aged 16-19 without GCSE A*-C, study towards an English and/or maths qualification should be included in their wider Study Programme (for further information please refer to Team Online) Exiting the programme- It is a requirement that young people aged 16-19, without the minimum grade C, must continue to study English and/or maths in order to progress on their journey towards achieving GCSE (A*-C). Although not a funding requirement,19+ learners should also be encouraged to work towards A*-C achievement. YP should be provided with adequate advice on progression routes and be encouraged to continue with maths and English study whether in education, training or employment. It is also advisable that all YP repeat the initial assessment and diagnostic process to measure distance travelled on Team.
Frequently Asked Questions • Q: I have a 16 year old Team member who recently achieved a D grade in GCSE English. Their initial assessment results show that they’re working at Level 2 but require some extra tuition. How can I make sure my programme meets their needs? • A: DPs should adapt their English and maths offer depending on the young person’s needs. • Some young people will need an immediate, focused intervention to turn a near miss into a GCSE pass at the first opportunity . DPs can decide the best route for the young person, whether that is taking a GCSE retake programme before or after Team, or providing the learner with specialist tuition during Team. • Other young people may require more intensive help over a longer period. Enrolment on maths and English ‘stepping stone’ qualifications, as part of their wider Study Programme, might be more appropriate. • Q: I have young person on my programme who already has English and maths GCSE at (A*-C) grade. • A: We recognise that most young people on Team will have an English and maths need, equally we are aware that some will not. However, all young people on the programme should be initially and diagnostically assessed when joining Team regardless of prior achievement. During the assessment process learners who already possess a GCSE often identify opportunities to ‘brush up’ their skills. In which case, the LLNST and TL should set appropriate targets and ensure embedded learning activities on the programme meet the learner’s needs. • On the other hand, learners that are found to have strong skills at Level 2 and possess a GCSE (A*-C) or higher, should be encouraged to continue maths and English study at a higher level beyond Team, whether in education, training or employment. • Q: One Team member has no formal qualifications and is operating at Entry 3 in maths and Entry 2 in English. Will the programme meet their needs? • A: Participating in Team programme will contribute to part of an Entry Level learner’s Study Programme, but it will be up to DPs to ensure that an appropriate Study Programme, including English and maths, is in place for the remainder of the year. • EFA funded young people aged 16 -19, who do not have GCSE A*-C in English and/or maths, must pursue a Study Programme which includes English and/or maths. • Although not a funding requirement, young people aged 19+ who do not have the minimum grade C in English and/or maths, should be given the opportunity to develop these skills during Team and encouraged to pursue a programme of study which will move them towards GCSE A*-C achievement.
Q: Do I need to enter all of my Team members for a English and maths qualification to meet Study Programme principles? A: No, there is no requirement to enter any young people for a qualification during their Team programme. Young people should only be entered for qualification if they are ready and have undertaken sufficient learning. However, for young people aged 16 – 19, who have not yet achieved the minimum grade C, further maths and/or English study must be included in their Study Programme. i.e. after their Team programme has finished. It is not a funding requirement for 19+ learners to be entered for an English or maths qualification during or after their Team programme. However, young people without the minimum grade C in English and/or maths should be encouraged to pursue another programme that progresses them towards A*-C achievement. Q: I am a Team Leader and I do not have support from a Support Tutor, how can I support my Team members as a non-specialist? A: It is a minimum standard to provide young people on Team with an opportunity to improve their English and maths skills. (Please refer to the Toolkit for further information) The Trust has developed a range of resources that are designed to enable non-specialist staff to support young people with literacy, language and numeracy development in an active, fun and engaging way. We have also developed a mapping document which suggests suitable times to use the activities during the programme. If you require more advise and guidance please contact Gemma Mullan