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Why should you choose the Prochem coffee stain remover to treat tea or coffee stains? This cleaning product from Prochem is highly effective for maintaining carpet and fabric products. To understand coffee stains and the effectiveness of this Prochemu2019s cleaning product, check this out now!
The Ultimate Solution for Removing Stubborn Coffee Stains With Prochem Coffee Stain Remover
People love coffee, and on our busy working days, they almost become coffee addicted. Isn’t it? However, the nightmare of accidental spills is something they don’t even want to talk about. Once this mishap happens, the coffee stain leaves a mark for a lifetime. Do you think it remains a scar for a lifetime? Not actually! As a professional cleaner, you have so much to do. You can ease your clients’ pain by assisting them to remove coffee stains effectively. Let’s know more about it!
Understanding Coffee Stains Coffee stains belong to water-soluble and acidic substances. The tough browned stain happens from the coffee spills due to the tannin pigments on fabrics. Once the water evaporates, this tannin pigment develops deeper bonds on the fabric and causes a tougher stain. Hence, how permanent the stain will be depends on the fabrics’ nature and category.
Introducing Prochem Coffee Stain Remover Choose Prochem coffee stain remover one the best spot and stain remover to eliminate tannin mark remover. One can remove stains caused by tea, coffee, watermark, and browning from fabric or carpet products. • Fast acting This ready-to-use coffee stain remover can eliminate stains faster. • Safe on most surfaces This acidic spotter is safe to use (Pretest is recommended).
Application Areas and Process Application areas This stain removing product can remove stain form all type of carpets made with natural and synthetic fibres. Different surfaces (except water of acidic sensitive surfaces or fabrics) Process Spray the ready-to-use cleaner directly on the spot. Take a white towel or paper and start blotting the spot overall. Leave it for 5 to 15 min, then rinse the spot with water. Reapply the process until the stain is completely removed.
Benefits and Advantages Here are some best advantages of using the Prochem coffee stain remover: • 2.5 pH balance • No need to wait; just open it and use it directly on stains • Highly effective on acidic or tannin stains • Remove yellow or browning discoloration • Leave a lemon-like fresh smell • Remove watermarks from surfaces