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European Commission Directorate General Information Society and Media ICT for Transport. Vehicle Communications WS San Francisco, 11 November 2005 Workshop on Spectrum Requirements Brussels, 28 February 2006. 17 January 2006. The SFO Workshop - Introduction.
European CommissionDirectorate General Information Society and MediaICT for Transport • Vehicle Communications WS • San Francisco, 11 November 2005 • Workshop on Spectrum Requirements • Brussels, 28 February 2006 17 January 2006
The SFO Workshop - Introduction The International Workshop on Vehicle CommunicationsVehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications for Safety and Efficiency Room 120, Moscone Center, San Francisco, Friday, 11 November 2005 Supported by The U.S. Department of Transportation EC DG for Information Society and MediaJapanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Organized by ITS AmericaAutomotive, Telecommunications, and Consumer Electronics Forum
The Objectives • To provide an overview of the ongoing initiatives on communications - enabled safety and efficiency applications, • To explore the requirements and challenges in wireless communications technologies and strategies, addressing as well as the regional approaches to communications. • To explore how to move forward towards practical and widespread deployment of communications - enabled systems, including the business case, cost-benefit analysis, • Address privacy issues and role of standardisation.
The Format • Panels of international experts, with all attendees being able to join the debates • Each panel with a moderator and one participant from each region • Panel 1: Communications- Enabled Applications for Safety and Efficiency: Status of Ongoing Initiatives • Panel 2: Communications Technologies and Strategies • Panel 3: Deployment, Business Case and Cost - Benefit analysis • Panel 4: Privacy and Standardisation
Panel 1: Communications- Enabled Applications for Safety and Efficiency: Status of Ongoing Initiatives Moderator: Mr. Akio Hosaka, AHSRA Panellist: Mr. Setsuo Hirai, MLIT, Dr. Luisa Andreone, CRF and Ralph Robinson, Ford. Conclusions: • The objectives of the programs in the three regions are very similar, aiming at substantial improvements in both road safety for all road users and network efficiency/environmental friendlinessof transport. • In U.S., a list of 10 “day 1” applications have been chosen. Some of these will be selected for the “proof of concept” field tests in 2007. • Applications must provide benefit even with low penetration, and to provide value for all • In Japan the key component of the “ITS Stage 2” system architecture is the open, standardised in-vehicle platform on which all applications will be based • In Europe, the Integrated Projects CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS will start in 2006. Many applications have been researched in the earlier projects. The Communications architecture has to support all applications.
Panel 2: Communications Technologies and Strategies Moderator: Matthias Schulze, DaimlerChrysler Panellists: Dr. Keisuke Uehara, Keio University, Rudolf Mietzner, Softlab (BMW Group) and Russ Shields, Ygomi. Conlusions: • A very complex issue, problematic to choose the right communications architecture and technologies. • In U.S., V2V and V2I communications is anchored on the 5.9 GHz DSRC and IEEE 802.11p. • However, this is not likely to be the only communications technology (may not satisfy all the needs of the different applications) • In Japan, 5.8 GHz DSRC will be used for deploying the initial “Stage 2” system. • Europe promotes an approach based on the “continuously connected” vehicle concept, open telematics architecture, standardised in-vehicle platforms and CALM set of communications standards (Allocation of 20 MHz at the 5.9 GHz band has been proposed) • The panel also discussed the pros and cons of other communications technologies such as cellular (GSM, GPRS and UMTS), mm-wave 62-64 GHz, WiMax and video-audio broadcasting technologies.
Panel 3: Deployment, Business Case and Cost - Benefit analysis Moderator: Michael Nielsen, ERTICO Panellists: Dr. Shunsuke Kamijo, University of Tokyo, Martin Capper, Mark IV and Dr. Bernd Rech, Volkswagen AG. Conclusions: • The problem faced by all regions: The potential social and other benefits cannot be used to cover the costs • U.S. estimates: Cost of traffic fatalities and accidents about 250 billion USD per year, initial investment for a co-operative system 3-4 billion USD • In Europe the figures are similar, with the costs estimated to be around 150 billion euro per year. • U.S. : “Nothing can be sold on cost avoidance basis”, • Commercial applications could be used to pay for the system, but the role of governments and public funding becomes blurred • In Europe and U.S. studies have been made on the use of incentives • On the required partnerships, the panel was of the opinion that they will be created as required by the market. A problem may be the mobile telecommunications industry
Panel 4: Privacy and Standardisation Moderator: Michael Noblett Panellists: Mr. Kenji Wani, MLIT, Gary Wallace, ATX and Knut Evensen, Q-free. Conclusions: • U.S. and Europe see privacy as a very important issue. In Japan privacy is also becoming a concern. • In complex communications networks privacy protection is not an isolated issue but rather has to be a built in all processes, and poses a daily problem. • Legitimate access for enforcement purposes is controversial. U.S. works on case by case basis. In Europe the situation differs greatly from one Member State to another, and is decided on the political level • U.S. sees that “opt-out” should not be possible. Europe and Japan promote a softer approach • The panel also supported the standardisation efforts, pointing out that a substantial amount of work had already been done on ISO TC 204 WG16 on CALM. The standards, however, have to be cost-effective as well and provide benefits. Also the standardisation processes should be faster.
Conclusions and Next Steps • First ever International Workshop on Vehicle Communications supported by three regions and both industry and public sector • A great success, attracting over 60 participants (full), very lively and informative panel discussions • Presented work in progress in the three regions – follow-up needed • Europe is well placed due to eSafety, the activities starting now (CVIS, SAFESPOT, COOPERS, COMeSafety), and Car2Car Consortium • Momentum to be maintained – Next WS in London in October 2006
The Spectrum Workshop - Introduction • Title:Workshop on spectrum requirements for road safety • Venue and Date: Brussels, tentatively on 28 February 2006 • Requested by the Radio Spectrum Committee (meeting on 5 October 2005) who is keen to have a better understanding of the industry’s requirements in spectrum use. • Status • Pre-announcement including the preliminary agenda sent in December 2005 • Finalising of the agenda, selection of speakers ongoing • Invitations with final agenda by the end of January. The Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) has been established under the Radio Spectrum Decision 676/2002/EC. The RSC assists the Commission in the development and adoption of technical implementing measures aimed at ensuring harmonised conditions for the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum.
Objectives • The purpose of this workshop is to get the interested parties together to discuss the spectrum requirements especially for the safety critical applications in the context of Intelligent Transport Systems and Co-operative Systems • The Workshop will explore the status of current activities in Europe and globally in terms of the ongoing initiatives, harmonisation and standardization, and finally how to proceed. • The questions made by the MS delegations at the RSC meeting will need to be addressed as well. This is a very important Workshop for the road safety spectrum issues and for the industry – Member States dialogue
Invitees • Radio Spectrum Committee delegations • CEPT and ETSI experts, IST-SG Chair • eSafety Communications Working Group • eSafety Forum Steering Group and WG Chairs • eSafety Forum (those who have shown interest) • Car-to-Car Communications Consortium, SARA Group • ACEA, ERTICO, CLEPA, ASECAP, ERF • Representatives of R&D projects funded by the EU Framework Programme 6. • EC services (DGs INFSO, ENTR, TREN, RTD)
Agenda CHAIR:European Commission 10.00 – 10.10 Opening 10.10 – 10.30 The Commission viewpoint Objectives of the workshop. The mechanisms for spectrum allocation. 10.30 – 12.30 Cooperative Systems and spectrum requirements: Overview (Communications WG) Applications (COMeSafety + projects) Requirements (Why 5.9 GHz?) (Car-to-Car Consortium) 12.30 – 13.00 Current activities, standardisation (CEPT, ETSI) 13.00 – 14.30 Lunch break 14.30 - 15.00 International harmonization Europe in comparison with USA and Japan 15.00 – 16.00 Statements by the participants Questions and Answers 16.00 – 16.30 Conclusions and Next Steps 16.30 Adjourn
Proposal for speakers Cooperative Systems and spectrum requirements: Overview (eSafety Forum Communications WG) 15’ Uwe Daniel Applications(COMeSafety + projects) 15’ Rudolf Mietzner from COMeSafety 10’ Paul Kompfner or Knut Evensen from CVIS 10’ Luisa Andreone from SAFESPOT Requirements (Why 5.9 GHz?)(Car-to-Car Consortium) 20’ K-O Proskawetz to coordinate with Gerhard Rollmann, others… Current activities, standardisation (CEPT, ETSI) 15’ Fatih Yurdal (CEPT) 15’ Michael Sharpe ETSI, with Bob Williams Chair ETSI ERM TG37 International harmonization - Europe in comparison with USA and Japan 20’ Matthias Schultze, DC and/or Knut Evensen, Q-free
Interested? • email: infso-rsc@cec.eu.int • Infso-esafety@cec.eu.int