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Enhancing Education with Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 offers cost-effective, interactive tools like blogs, wikis, and online polls to revolutionize teaching methods, engage students, and streamline information sharing in education. Discover the benefits and possibilities with this innovative approach.

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Enhancing Education with Web 2.0 Tools

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  1. New Teaching Tools WEB 2.0 Lector drd.ing Teodora Chicioreanu

  2. What is Web 2.0? „Web 2.0 is an economic, social and technological trend which lays the foundations of the new Internet generation, a more mature one, a distinctive environment characterized by user involvement, openness and network effects.”

  3. WEB 2.0 In education, Web 2.0 can serve as a means of revigorating teaching strategy by introducing a new kind of teacher-student interaction

  4. Advantages: • cost reduction • easier and faster access to information • extended opportunities for gaining knowledge and cooperating via the social marking services – collective bookmarking; • resource access control through user authentification; • increased attractivity of materials due to sound-picture combinations; • compatibility to the elements of the educational environments; • effort rechanelling so as less and less time and energy should be invested into the search for information and information management.

  5. Tools - WEB 2.0

  6. YouTube Del.icio.us Flickr Blogs Wikis Social Bookmarking BitTorren Ning Wikipedia Skype Gmail Meebo Postcasting Sharing RSS Components

  7. Blog- knowledge publishing The blog can contain a series of tools that combine theory (the curriculum in the school subjects taught during courses), examples, pictures and many other pieces of information presented in an amusing way. The blog starts (in education) from the idea that students can access information much easier in an interactive way and that they can at the same time post their own opinions, commentaries, thus contributing to the development of this blog with new information, in addition to that provided by the teacher and the other colleagues.

  8. Blog - knowledge publishing The tools that can be used are: Slide shows (photo albums imported with Picasa), Polls, Print, Link list, Photos, Text, Labels, Video menu, Profiles, Archive, Heading. Online polls The main advantage of online polls is that they can reach a lot of people in a very short period of time. If a specialized online software is used, the designing costs are almost null.

  9. RSS - information syndication • Really Simple Syndication/ Rich Site Summary • RSS is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it. Why RSS? • RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. • You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. You ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each site's email newsletter

  10. Wiki -online content creation/cooperation The most important feature of a wiki is the fact that anyone can modify anything on a wiki page, anytime and anywhere, without the need for a certain access/writing/reading/publishing permission – “anyone-anytime-anywhere- anything”

  11. The use of wikis in teaching Wikis can be used in teaching for: • collaboration between teachers • syncronizing the subject matter and a more effective subject matter interaction • modifying the course/laboratory by more teachers and even by students after it has been delivered (a form of feedback) Student cooperation (in teamwork) • for project research and reference • for describing and referencing the research method they used (for instance when they create a robot and have to explain how it connects to a computer)

  12. Collaboratively written documents Collaboratively written documents represent those types of applications which offer the possibility of creating and editing a document on the Internet. In addition, several users may be working on a specific document at the same time. Example: 1.Google docs; 2. WriteBoard; 3 ThinkFree. This is a very useful tool especially when different people have to edit a document together and each of them has been assigned to edit a certain chapter. Thus, they can work simultaneously. In education it can prove useful for any project to be carried out by a team of students.

  13. Social networking -knowledge sharing

  14. Communication :asynchronic or real time (GMail, Messenger/Meebo, Skype)

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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