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E xploring MOOC Pedagogies

E xploring MOOC Pedagogies. Karen Swan, Scott Day, Leonard Bogle & Traci van Prooyen University of Illinois at Springfield. CONTEXT. American Council on Education’s (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service is e valuating MOOCs for content and approving them for specific college

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E xploring MOOC Pedagogies

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  1. Exploring MOOC Pedagogies Karen Swan, Scott Day, Leonard Bogle & Traci van Prooyen University of Illinois at Springfield

  2. CONTEXT • American Council on Education’s (ACE) College • Credit Recommendation Service is • evaluating MOOCs for content and • approving them for specific college • credits if students pass ACE CREDIT • tests ($150). • ACE CREDIT evaluates MOOCs for their content; we are reviewing MOOCs for their pedagogical approaches.

  3. AMP (Assessing MOOC Pedagogy) tool • We developed an instrument to characterize the pedagogical approaches taken in MOOCs -- • modeled on a similar instrument proposed by Tom Reeves (1996) for describing the pedagogical approaches found in computer-based instruction -- • “Pedagogical dimensions are concerned with those aspects of design and implementation . . . that directly affect learning.”


  5. METHODS By Fall 2013, ACE evaluated and approved 5 Coursera, 1 EdX, and 7 Udacity MOOCs -- College Algebra, BioElectricity, Genetics, Pre-Calculus, and Single Variable Calculus, Circuits, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Physics, Introduction to Statistics, Introduction to Parallel Programming, 3-D Modeling and HTML 5 Game Development We reviewed the same 13 MOOCs and four other Coursera MOOCs that covered non-STEM courses.

  6. METHODS We iteratively revised the AMP tool as we tested its efficacy on the approved MOOCs, first by reducing the scale of each dimension from ten to five, and then by establishing specific criteria for each dimension, to improve inter-rater reliability. We reviewed all the approved MOOCs using the revised instrument. Four researchers reviewed each MOOCs. Inter-rater reliability was >80% on all the reviews before meeting to achieve consensus on the ratings.

  7. The approved COURSERA courses followed a format that resembled the traditional lecture/text/testing routine of traditional university courses, including cohorts and weekly hard deadlines.

  8. college algebra

  9. bioelectricity

  10. genetics & evolution

  11. pre-calculus

  12. single variable calculus

  13. college algebra bioelectricity genetics & evolutionpre-calculus single variable calculus

  14. circuits

  15. The Coursera courses approved for ACE credit, as well as EdX’sCircuits, tended to be objectivist, teacher-centered, convergent, highly structured, more abstract than concrete, with minimal feedback. • The courses tended to fall somewhere in the middle between supporting and not supporting cooperative learning, accommodating and not accommodating individual differences, artificial and authentic activities/assessment, and passive and active user roles.

  16. college algebra bioelectricity genetics & evolution pre-calculus single variable calculus circuits

  17. UDACITY courses followed a format that resembled programmed learning, including self-pacing and embedded quizzes.

  18. interactive 3-d graphics

  19. html 5 graphics

  20. introduction to artificial intelligence

  21. introduction to computer science

  22. introduction to parallel processing

  23. introduction to physics

  24. introduction to statistics

  25. Udacity courses tended to be neither objectivist nor constructivist, slightly less teacher-centeredand convergent than Coursera courses, highly structured, halfway between abstract and concrete, with immediate, clear, and constructive feedback. • They also tended not to support cooperative learning, but because of their self-directed approach were quite accommodating of individual differences. Udacity also made an effort to develop authentic activities, and perhaps because of the large number of CS courses, supported a more generative user rolethan the ACE-approved courses from Coursera and EdX.

  26. interactive 3-d graphics HTML 5 graphics intro to artificial intelligence intro to computer science intro to parallel processing intro to physics intro to statisics

  27. average ratings across platforms

  28. comparisons of ACE approved courses across platforms CourseraEdXUdacity

  29. art & inquiry

  30. comic books & graphic novels

  31. jazz improvisation

  32. the music of the Beatles

  33. non-stem art & inquirycomic books & graphic novelsjazz improvisation the music of the Beatles

  34. non-stem art & inquirycomic books & graphic novelsjazz improvisation

  35. average ratings across domains

  36. STEM Beatlesnon-STEM

  37. two metaphors for learning (Sfard, 1998) acquisition participation

  38. CONCLUSIONS AMP tool can effectively characterize MOOC pedagogies At least two distinct pedagogical approaches can be distinguished Future research will explore these distinctions, as well as MOOCs offered on different platforms & differently organized Future research will try to link pedagogical to learning outcomes

  39. lbogl1@uis.edu sday1@uis.edu kswan4@uis.edu tvanp2@uis.edu

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