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High Performance MOS Current Mode Logic Circuits. Saied Hemati Ph.D. Candidate Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical & Computer Engineering (OCIECE) Carleton University Ottawa, Canada. Outline. Introduction CML versus VML Different types of CML - ECL - CSL
High Performance MOS Current Mode Logic Circuits Saied Hemati Ph.D. Candidate Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical & Computer Engineering (OCIECE) Carleton University Ottawa, Canada
Outline • Introduction • CML versus VML • Different types of CML - ECL - CSL - MCML - DyCML - Feedback MCML • A 10-Gbps MUX/DeMUX • Conclusion
Motivations for new logic styles: • Higher speed. • Lower power consumption. • Lower area consumption. • Lower fabrication cost. • Higher robustness (environment noise , fabrication fluctuations, …). • Low noise operation. • Lower complexity (design, optimization, test,…).
What is wrong with CMOS? • 1- It is not suitable for high speed applications. • Turn off time and turn on time limit the maximum speed. • Power consumption increases by frequency. • Each input at least is connected to two gates. • P-type devices play a key role in CMOS. • Voltage swing is too large. • Rate of charging and discharging is not constant. • 2- High dynamic power dissipation. • Large swing voltage. • Large supply voltage and threshold voltage.
CMOS 1963 - 201X What is Wrong With CMOS? What is Wrong With CMOS? What is Wrong With CMOS? What is Wrong With CMOS? What is Wrong With CMOS? • 3- CMOS produces lots of noise. • Sharp switching currents. • Voltage variation. • 4- CMOS suffers from low robustness. • Propagation delay varies with supply voltage. • Propagation delay varies with threshold voltage (80%). • Noise can degrade the performance. • 5- CMOS consumes too much area. • Pull up network. • 6- Low degree of freedom in optimization.
Current Mode Logic • 1- Transistors are always on (fully or partially). • Higher speed • Low threshold devices can be used. • - Lower Vdd . • - Lower power dissipation. • - Static power dissipation. R1 R2 out out Inputs I
Current Mode Logic • 2- Swing voltage is small. • Higher speed • Lower dynamic power dissipation. • Lower noise generation. • Lower noise margin. • 3- Gates are based on n-type differential pair. • Immunity to common mode noise (supply bounce). • Smaller input capacitance. • Transistors should be identical. R1 R2 out out Inputs I
Current Mode Logic • 4- Gates draw a static amount of current from power supply. • Reduces the amount of spiking of the supply and substrate voltages (lower noise). • Rate of charging and discharging is constant. • - Higher level of freedom. • Static power consumption. R1 R2 out out Inputs I
Current Mode Logic • 5- P-type devices are never used as switch. • Higher speed. • Lower number of transistors. • 6- Pull up resistors are expensive. • 7- Suitable power down techniques should be found. • 8- The matching of fall and rise delays is not easy. R1 R2 out out Inputs I
Rl R2 A+B A+B A B Vref Vcs VEE VEE VEE Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) ECL is the fastest known logic family for silicon integrated circuits. ECL gates consists of : - differential amplifier. - temperature and voltage compensated bias network. - Emitter follower output. Vref=-1.25V VOH= -0.85V VOL= -1.75V ECL NOR/ OR
Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) Chip Technology in top500 supercomputers
Current Steering Logic (CSL) Vdd Ibias Vref A simple current mode logic with shortened swing voltage. VOH = VT + Veff VOL Veff Vout A B C D A 4-input CSL NOR
MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) Inputs and outputs are differential. Buffer and Inverter gates are the same. Nor/Or/And/Nand gates are the same. Mux/Xor gates are similar. RFP out out A A RFN Buffer/ Inverter
MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) RFP RFP Out(out) out out Out(out) B B B B(B) B (B) A A(A) A A(A) RFN RFN Xor And/ Nand (Or/Nor)
MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) 70 MCML XOR3 CMOS XOR3 2.5 60 CMOS 50 MCML 2 Energy-delay (pJ*ps) 40 Energy-Delay (pJ*ps) 30 1.5 20 10 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Delay (ps) Delay (ps) Energy-Delay vs. Delay for MCML and CMOS Inverters Energy-Delay vs. Delay for MCML and CMOS XOR3
MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) RFP out out Vdd- Vswing Vdd RFN - +
Dynamic Current Mode Logic (DyCML) Current source and load resistors have been redesigned. This configuration is similar to differential cascode voltage swing logic (DCVSL). Vdd Vdd CLK CLK out out Inputs MCML Circuit CLK CLK
Feedback MOS Current Mode Logic Threshold voltage fluctuation in short channel devices degrade matching between transistors in CML circuits. Vth fluctuation is due to fluctuation in fabrication process : - gate-oxide thickness. - channel length. - Random placement of the channel dopants. . . Negative feedback can be used to improve robustness.
Feedback MOS Current Mode Logic out out A A RFN Buffer/ Inverter
Feedback MOS Current Mode Logic For a first order system, gain-bandwidth is constant and feedback decreases gain and consequently increases bandwidth. Sensitivity of the circuit to transistor mismatch decreases too.
Feedback MOS Current Mode Logic D_Type flip-flop out out A A CLK CLK RFN
Feedback MOS Current Mode Logic A 10 Gb/s1:2 DeMux Master Slave Master D D D Q D Q CLK CLK D Q D Q CLK CLK D Q D Q CLK CLK Q0 Q0 Slave Master D Q D Q CLK CLK D Q D Q CLK CLK Q1 Q1 CLK CLK
Feedback MOS Current Mode Logic Power-delay product for different approaches
Conclusion: • Current mode logic is attractive because of: • - high speed. • - Energy-delay product can be optimized by designer. • - immunity against noise. • - quiet logic family. • - suitable for low voltage applications. • Optimization of CML circuits is challenging and need more research.
References: • N. S. Pickles, M. C. Lefebvre,“ ECL I/O buffers for BiCMOS integrated systems: a tutorial overview,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 40, No. 4, pp.229-241, Nov. 1997. • H. Ng, D. Allost, “ CMOS current steering logic for low-voltage mixed-signal integrated circuits,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.301-308, Sept. 1997. • J. Musicer, An Analysis of MOS Current Mode Logic for Low Power and High Performance Digital Logic, M.Sc. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 2000. • M.W. Allam, M. I. Elmasry, “ Dynamic current mode logic (DyMCL): A new low-power high performance logic style,” IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 550-558, March. 2001. • A. Tanabe, et al ,“ 0.18u CMOS 10Gb/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ICs using current mode logic with tolerance to threshold voltage fluctuation,” IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 988-996, June. 2001.