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Natural Sources SNAP11

Natural Sources SNAP11. Updates envisaged based on NatAir activities lead by Rainer Friedrich, IER, Stuttgart presented by Rainer Steinbrecher. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir.

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Natural Sources SNAP11

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Natural Sources SNAP11 Updates envisaged based on NatAir activities lead by Rainer Friedrich, IER, Stuttgartpresented by Rainer Steinbrecher

  2. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir

  3. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir

  4. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir • NMVOC from natural and seminatural vegetation:Improved compound specific emission model including description of canopy processes, saisonal change of LAI and improved leaf biomass factors, updated plant and chemical compound specific emission factors as well as default emission factors for general land use classes based e.g. on a potential vegetation map, improved and extended tree species data base, not only forests, but also agricultural and other land use included. • NO emissions from forests and agricultural soils:Improved emission modelnew soil and land management data base • Lightning (NO):Relations between lightning occurrence and meteorological parameters,updated emission factors

  5. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir • Volcanoes (SOx, PM10, PM2.5, Particulate S, HCl, HF, HBr,HNO3):Data from regular measurements for Etna, use of the VSI volcanic sulphur dioxide index, additional substances (halogenated compounds, HNO3 and particles) • Biomass burning and Forest Fires (NOx, PM10, PM2.5, CO, CH4 , OC, EC, NMVOC):New ‚burnt-area‘ information; updated fuel classes and emission factors • Wind blown dust (PM10, PM2.5):Use of detailed land use data, scaling of parameters by comparing model results with measurements

  6. Natural Sources SNAP11: NatAir • Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBABs):First estimation of emission factors and Europe-wide emissions • Wild animals, humans, pets (NH3):New methods to estimate quantity, updated emission factors • Sea salt and DMS from coastal zones:DMS concentration map, first estimation for NATAIR area • Geological methane seepages:Main geo-seepage sites identified, first estimate of CH4 emissions in Europe • Methane from wetlands:Updated emission factors, improved wetland inventory

  7. Natural Sources SNAP11: Peculiarities NMVOC

  8. Natural Sources SNAP11: Comparison

  9. Natural Sources SNAP11: Comparison

  10. Natural Sources SNAP11: Impact

  11. Natural Sources SNAP11: Summary • Selected second order drafts available • Publication of achievements in progress • Ready to implement in new guide book structure • But how to proceed? Thank you! and … Let‘s look forward to start the GB up-date

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