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EXIT PORTFOLIO. College of Health School of Nursing. Portfolio Schedule. First Semester –Junior Year Health Promotion: Develop notebook with tabs Write biographical narrative Resume HIT I: Communication Theory-based practice Nursing therapeutics Second Semester-Junior Year DT I:
EXITPORTFOLIO College of Health School of Nursing
Portfolio Schedule • First Semester –Junior Year • Health Promotion: • Develop notebook with tabs • Write biographical narrative • Resume • HIT I: • Communication • Theory-based practice • Nursing therapeutics • Second Semester-Junior Year • DT I: • Human diversity • Informatics • Psychosocial Transitions: • Interdisciplinary collaboration • Critical thinking • First Semester-Senior Year • Caring • Professional development • Second Semester-Senior Year • Refine outcomes and resume • Complete notebook and add examples • Include completed skills checklist
Portfolio Schedule—RN Completion • Professional Issues • Develop portfolio skeleton • Write Biographical Narrative • OC 1: Caring • Health Assessment • OC 2: Communication • OC 7: Nursing Therapeutics • Nursing Research • OC 3: Critical Thinking • OC 9: Theory Based Practice • Organizational Transitions • Resume • OC 4: Human Diversity • OC 5: Informatics • Advanced Organizational Transitions • OC 8: Professional Development • Refine Outcomes and Resume • Complete notebook; add examples • Include completed Skills Checklist • RN Practicum • OC 6: Interdisciplinary Collaboration
For Information And Guidelines • Go to the Clayton State Home page. • Click on “Offices and Departments” • Go to the “School of Nursing Home Page” • Click on “Program Outcomes” for the 9 Outcomes. • Click on the “Nursing Student Handbook” and go to “Progression Policies” and then “Exit Portfolio”
Editing and Writing • The student should follow APA guidelines. • The grammar and writing should be correct and the Clayton State University writing criteria should be followed. • If the student uses a definition or quotes, these should be referenced.
Purpose • Students in both tracks of the BSN program at Clayton State University must submit a portfolio as a program requirement for graduation. The portfolio is used as an outcome measurement and provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their academic experiences and to synthesize their learning and accomplishments.
Point To Remember • The portfolio is a personal reflection of the student's achievement and growth; thus, each portfolio will be unique.
Notebook Type And Size • We recommend a black or white 3 ring binder that is 2 inches in size. • Remember that this portfolio is a good tool to use in the interview process to provide evidence of the quality of education and the types of experiences afforded the student.
Dividers and Tabs • The dividers and tabs should fit the notebook and look professional. • Handwriting the tabs is not professional looking. • This is a professional work and not a scrap book of memories of nursing school.
Exemplars • The students should, at the end of the narrative for each outcome, list the exemplars for that outcome. • The exemplars should be put in clear pages where the reader of the portfolio does not have to pull out the example, but can simply turn the pages and see the content.
Cover Page • Include your name, Laker ID number and the date of submission • Do not put the Social Security Number on the page
Table Of Contents • List the materials submitted in the order they are found. • Make the Table of Contents fit the page and look professional.
Portfolio Content • This method of terminal program evaluation provides more in-depth data than standardized objective tests. In addition, the portfolios provide information to faculty members for their ongoing curriculum and program evaluation that benefits all Clayton State University students. • The portfolio consists of the following three components:
Narrative Section • This contains a compilation of the student’s goals for their BSN experience, as well as a summary of the accomplishments and personal growth that has been achieved through education experiential activities.
Biographical NarrativeIncludes: • Personal goals that led to nursing school to obtain a BSN—What led the student here? What did the student set out to achieve? • These goals should provide insight into the student’s personal goals and interest. • What has the student received in this process?
Resume Section • Career Services can assist you with the development of your resume.
Resume Section • Include a professional resume summarizing the student’s education and employment activities. • Include professional organizations and memberships, GANS, Invitation to join Sigma Theta Tau International • Honors • Pertinent civic activities
Outcome Mastery Section • This section identifies key concepts identified in the outcomes. • These 9 outcomes have been identified by faculty to be the key components of the nursing program. • For each outcome the student should explain how they have mastered the outcome and it should reflect their personal activities and their achievements. • In the narrative component of the outcome, the students should provide a detailed explanation, that when it is read the faculty can understand the student’s meaning without looking at the examples. • The student then identifies the assignments, projects, and/or learning activities which contributed to achievement of this outcome.
Caring • Demonstrate human caring as a key philosophical basis for the practice of nursing. • Identify what caring is in nursing is, according to what has been taught in the program. • Caring is not just volunteering for “walks”, etc. but using the science of caring in the practice of nursing.
Communication • Utilize effective communication skills to promote therapeutic nurse-client interactions and good collegial relationships. • How is communication taught, used, and emphasized in the nursing program? • How is it defined in the program?
Critical Thinking • Engage in critical thinking by using creative problem solving and making appropriate inferences, based on evidence derived from clinical practice. • How is it emphasized in the nursing program? • How does it impact nursing practice?
Human Diversity • Demonstrate client care that reflects the consideration of socioeconomic, political, legal, ethical, and human diversity variables in the changing health care environment. • How is human diversity emphasized and integrated into the practice of nursing by the faculty in the nursing courses?
Informatics • Demonstrate competence in utilizing information technology resources to advance professional practice. • How is informatics used in the classroom, in lab, in the hospital and community settings?
Interdisciplinary Collaboration • Collaborate with health care provides from other disciplines to improve client outcomes. • In what ways does the student interact with other disciplines to achieve the goals set forth for the patient?
Nursing Therapeutics • Utilize nursing therapeutics based on a synthesis of critical thinking strategies and a theoretical knowledge based in nursing knowledge to provide competent professional care and maximize healthy outcomes. • How do nursing theories, the nursing process, and critical thinking drive practice?
Professional Development • Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional development as a life-long learner. • What has the student done to demonstrate professional development? • Has the student gone to continuing educational opportunities afforded them?
Theory-Based Practice • Apply selected theoretical frameworks to nursing practice in diverse settings. • How have the students learned to use various theories in nursing practice? • Theory-based practice is not evidenced-based practice.