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This seminar in the summer semester 2017/2018 focuses on developing communication skills in management. Participants will give two presentations, prepare a CV and cover letter, participate actively in class discussions, and take a test. Grading criteria include presentation content, creative tasks, and presentation style. Attendance is mandatory, with limited absences allowed. Participants are encouraged to engage others, prepare thoroughly, and dress appropriately. Bibliography includes texts on organizational communication and leadership experience. 8 Relevant
Communication in Management seminar Jolanta Babiak Sumer semester2017/2018
Terms and conditions for succesfullycompleting the seminar • Presentation 1 (30 pts) • Presentation 2 (30 pts) • Curriculum Vitae and coverletter (10 pts) • Participation in class (10 pts) • Test (20 pts) Youhave to come to everyclass, youmay be absentonce (1) with no negativeconsequences. Anyadditionalabsencewillcostyou 5 points.
Criteria for grading the presentation: • Complete and thoroughpresentation of a giventopic(10 pkt.) • Preparation of creativetasks for otherstudents to work on in groups (10 pkt.) • Style of performance: appropriateattire, style of presenting – tone, voice, non-verbalcommunication, overallactivity of a presenter (10 pkt.)
Tips for preparinginterestingpresentation • Basic terminology, definitions, introduction to the subjectmatter • Engagement of allclassparticipants: focusedtasks, groupworks, readings, questionnaires, discussions • Summary, discussion, doubts, clarification • Ifyoucannnotcome to class for yourdue performance/presentationyoumustaskyourclassmates to presenttheirowntopic on thatveryclassdate. Youshallletyourteacherknowaboutit in advance. Otherwiseallpointswillgetcancelled
Bibliography: • Downs, C. W., Adrian, A. D. (2004) Assessing Organizational Communication New York, London: The Guilford Press • Daft, R.L., (2015) The leadership experience, Stamford,CT: Cengage Learning (chapter 9)