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Advanced Persistence Techniques for Scalable Data Management

Explore various persistence types including No Persistence, Object Serialization, and Partitioning for efficient fault recovery and parallel processing. Learn about client-managed and class-managed state persistence.

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Advanced Persistence Techniques for Scalable Data Management

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  1. Persistence

  2. Persistence Usage • Scalability • disk cheaper than memory • Fault recovery • last known state maintained through recovery • Parallel processing • multiple processors working on shared data source • Queryable storage • locate objects for access • Checkpointing • save current state, potentially as a blob • Pass by Value • pass objects from one process to another so that method invocations on the passed object will result in a local method call in the process it was passed to

  3. Persistence Types • Basic • No Persistence • Simple Persistence • Object Serialization • Object/RDBMS • Using Blobs • Horizontal Partitioning • Vertical Partitioning • Unification • OODBMS

  4. Account id_ : String balance_ : double : Client : Account DataOutput ownerId_ : String Stream 1: get id_ ( ) 2: writeByes() 3: get balance_ ( ) 4: writeInt() 5: get ownerId_ ( ) 6: writeBytes No Persistence: Client Must Manage State • Used when legacy classes not designed with persistence built in

  5. No Persistence: Implementation does not address persistence of state public class Account { public String id_; public double balance_; public String ownerId_; public Account(String id, double balance, String ownerId) { id_ = id; balance_ = balance; ownerId_ = ownerId; } public print(java.util.PrintStream) { ... } }

  6. Client Code Must Implement Persistence void save() throws IOException { System.out.println("Client saving accounts"); DataOutputStream ostream = new DataOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(stateFile_)); ostream.writeInt(accounts_.length); for(int i=0; i<accounts_.length; i++) { ostream.writeInt(accounts_[i].id_.length()); ostream.writeBytes(accounts_[i].id_); ostream.writeDouble(accounts_[i].balance_); ostream.writeInt(accounts_[i].ownerId_.length()); ostream.writeBytes(accounts_[i].ownerId_); } ostream.close(); }

  7. Client Code Must Implement Persistence void restore() throws IOException { DataInputStream istream = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream(stateFile_)); accounts_ = new Account[istream.readInt()]; for(int i=0; i<accounts_.length; i++) { int len = istream.readInt(); byte buffer[] = new byte[len]; istream.readFully(buffer); String id = new String(buffer); double balance = istream.readDouble(); len = istream.readInt(); buffer = new byte[len]; istream.readFully(buffer); String ownerId = new String(buffer); accounts_[i] = new Account(id,balance,ownerId); } istream.close(); }

  8. : Client : Account :DataOutput Stream Account id_ : String 1: writeExternal (DataOutputStream) balance_ : double ownerId_ : String 2: writeBytes() readExternal (in : DataInputStream) writeExternal (out : DataOutput) 3: writeDouble() 4: writeBytes() Simple Persistence • Class takes over responsibility for state persistence • Slight improvement over no persistence

  9. Simple Persistence: Class Saves Its Own State import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; public class Account { private String id_; private double balance_; private String ownerId_; public Account() { } public Account(String id, double balance, String ownerId) { id_ = id; balance_ = balance; ownerId_ = ownerId; } //...

  10. Simple Persistence: Class Saves Its Own State public void writeExternal(DataOutputStream ostream) throws IOException{ ostream.writeInt(id_.length()); ostream.writeBytes(id_); ostream.writeDouble(balance_); ostream.writeInt(ownerId_.length()); ostream.writeBytes(ownerId_); } public void readExternal(DataInputStream istream) throws IOException { int len = istream.readInt(); byte buffer[] = new byte[len]; istream.readFully(buffer); id_ = new String(buffer); balance_ = istream.readDouble(); len = istream.readInt(); buffer = new byte[len]; istream.readFully(buffer); ownerId_ = new String(buffer); }

  11. Simple Persistence:Client Simplified • Client shielded from details of save/restore void save() throws IOException { System.out.println("Client saving accounts"); DataOutputStream ostream = new DataOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(stateFile_)); ostream.writeInt(accounts_.length); for(int i=0; i<accounts_.length; i++) { accounts_[i].writeExternal(ostream); } ostream.close(); }

  12. Simple Persistence:Client must know object’s class • Client still must know the class of the object saved/restored void restore() throws IOException { System.out.println("Client restoring accounts"); DataInputStream istream = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream(stateFile_)); accounts_ = new Account[istream.readInt()]; for(int i=0; i<accounts_.length; i++) { accounts_[i] = new Account(); accounts_[i].readExternal(istream); } istream.close(); }

  13. Simple Persistence Problem • Objects may have multiple references to them • An object may be saved multiple times, once for each reference • Multiple clones might be instantiated, one for each persisted copy

  14. Simple Persistence Problem Secretary name = Money Penny Secretary name = Money Penny Manager name= M secretary = Manager name= M secretary = Secretary name = Money Penny Manager name= James secretary = Manager name= James secretary = Secretary name = Money Penny When written out, we get multiple copies of aliased objects because object references are not resolved.

  15. Serialization • Clients do not need to know the type of the object saved • an abstract interface (java.io.Serializable is defined to tag the object) • Clients do not need to know the class of the object restored • any abstract super-class or interface of the object is suitable • Serialization takes care of object references • Classes take responsibility for their persisted elements • delegate to the language • tag elements for no persistence • specialize the save process for alternate storage mechanisms

  16. Classes add a Tagging Interface import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; public class Account implements Serializable { private String id_; private double balance_; private Owner owner_; public Account(String id, double balance, Owner owner) { id_ = id; balance_ = balance; owner_ = owner; } }

  17. Associated Classes add the Tagging Interface import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; public class Owner implements Serializable { private String name_; private String taxId_; public Owner(String name, String taxId) { name_ = name; taxId_ = taxId; } public void print(PrintStream out) { out.println(this + "- name="+name_ + ", taxid=" + taxId_); } }

  18. Clients have Simple Saveand Restore Mechanism void save() throws IOException { System.out.println("Client saving accounts"); ObjectOutputStream ostream = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(stateFile)); ostream.writeObject(accounts); ostream.close(); } void restore() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { System.out.println("Client restoring accounts"); ObjectInputStream istream = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(stateFile)); accounts = (Account[])istream.readObject(); istream.close(); }

  19. creating Client with new accounts elements=3 id=1 balance=100.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d14- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 id=2 balance=200.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d0f- name=larry, taxid=222-22-2222 id=3 balance=300.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d14- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 Client saving accounts Client adopting statefile Client restoring accounts elements=3 id=1 balance=100.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173f4a- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 id=2 balance=200.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173f3f- name=larry, taxid=222-22-2222 id=3 balance=300.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173f4a- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 References to Common Objectsare Resolved

  20. Protecting Attributes from Serialization public class Account implements java.io.Serializable { private String id_; private double balance_; private Owner owner_; private transient Date dummy_; //only intialized on creation public Account(String id, double balance, Owner owner) { id_ = id; balance_ = balance; owner_ = owner; dummy_ = new Date(); }

  21. creating Client with new accounts elements=3 id=1 balance=100.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d14- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transientdummy=Sun Aug 01 22:23:35 EDT 1999 id=2 balance=200.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d0f- name=larry, taxid=222-22-2222 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:23:35 EDT 1999 id=3 balance=300.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d14- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:23:35 EDT 1999 Client saving accounts Client adopting statefile Client restoring accounts elements=3 id=1 balance=100.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@174af0- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transient dummy=null id=2 balance=200.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@174ae5- name=larry, taxid=222-22-2222 transient dummy=null id=3 balance=300.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@174af0- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transient dummy=null Protecting Attributes from Serialization

  22. Providing Manual SerializationOverrides public class Account implements java.io.Serializable { private String id_; private double balance_; private Owner owner_; private transient Date dummy_; //only intialized on ctor private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { System.out.println("do something to override writeObject"); out.writeObject(id_); out.writeDouble(balance_); out.writeObject(owner_); out.writeObject(dummy_); //write transient var out anyway } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { System.out.println("do something to override readObject"); id_ = (String) in.readObject(); balance_ = in.readDouble(); owner_ = (Owner) in.readObject(); dummy_ = (Date) in.readObject(); //read transient var in anyway }

  23. creating Client with new accounts elements=3 id=1 balance=100.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d14- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:39:57 EDT 1999 id=2 balance=200.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d0f- name=larry, taxid=222-22-2222 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:39:57 EDT 1999 id=3 balance=300.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@173d14- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:39:57 EDT 1999 Client saving accounts do something to override writeObject do something to override writeObject do something to override writeObject Client adopting statefile Client restoring accounts do something to override readObject do something to override readObject do something to override readObject elements=3 id=1 balance=100.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@174ad8- name=bob, taxid=111-11-1111 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:39:57 EDT 1999 id=2 balance=200.0 streaming.serialize.Owner@174b19- name=larry, taxid=222-22-2222 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:39:57 EDT 1999 id=3 balance=300.0 transient dummy=Sun Aug 01 22:39:57 EDT 1999 Providing Manual Serialization Overrides

  24. Account Owner owner_ id_ : String name_ : String balance_ : double taxId_ : String 1 * InterestBearingAccount CheckingAccount rate_ : double checkFee_ double termDays_ : int minimumBalance_ : double Object/RDBMS • How do we map the following Class Model to an RDBMS

  25. Storing the Objects as Blobs void save() throws SQLException, Exception { PreparedStatement pstatement = null; try { pstatement = connection_.prepareStatement("insert into accounts(id, data) values (?, ?)"); for(int i=0; i<accounts_.length; i++) { pstatement.setString(1,accounts_[i].getId()); try { File file = File.createTempFile("tmp","dat"); ObjectOutputStream ostream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); ostream.writeObject(accounts_[i]); ostream.close(); FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream(file); pstatement.setBinaryStream(2, istream, (int)file.length()); //pstatement.setObject(2,accounts_[i]); pstatement.execute(); pstatement.clearParameters(); } } finally { if (pstatement != null) pstatement.close(); } }

  26. Restoring Objects from Blobs void restore() throws SQLException, Exception { Statement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { statement = connection_.createStatement(); rs = statement.executeQuery("select id, data from accounts";); Vector accounts = new Vector(); while (rs.next()) { String accountNo = rs.getString(1); ObjectInputStream istream = new ObjectInputStream(rs.getBinaryStream(2)); Account account = (Account) istream.readObject(); //Account account = (Account) rs.getObject(2); accounts.add(account); accounts_ = new Account[accounts.size()]; accounts.toArray(accounts_); } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (statement != null) statement.close(); } }

  27. Using Blobs • Pros • Good encapsulation of object properties • Cons • Example still allows for accidental object duplication • Slows database performance • can segment object into multiple tables and make use of lazy instantiation • Serialization brittle in the face of software changes/extended time • better use as a cache • possible use of XML or other stable marshalling forms

  28. Account Owner owner_ id_ : String name_ : String balance_ : double taxId_ : String 1 * InterestBearingAccount CheckingAccount rate_ : double checkFee_ double termDays_ : int minimumBalance_ : double Horizontal Partitioning • Each concrete class is mapped to a table

  29. Account Owner owner_ id_ : String name_ : String balance_ : double taxId_ : String 1 * InterestBearingAccount CheckingAccount rate_ : double checkFee_ double termDays_ : int minimumBalance_ : double Vertical Partitioning • Each class is mapped to a table

  30. Account Owner owner_ id_ : String name_ : String balance_ : double taxId_ : String 1 * InterestBearingAccount CheckingAccount rate_ : double checkFee_ double termDays_ : int minimumBalance_ : double Unification • Each sub-class is mapped to the same table

  31. Horizontal Partitioning entire object within one table only one table required to activate object no unnecessary fields in the table must search over multiple tables for common properties Vertical Partitioning object spread across different tables must join several tables to activate object Vertical Partitioning (cont.) no unnecessary fields in each table only need to search over parent tables for common properties Unification entire object within one table only one table required to activate object unnecessary fields in the table all sub-types will be located in a search of the common table RDBMS Mapping

  32. Inserting Data Access Objects Application Object Data Access Object Value Object Account AccountDAO Account Value Owner Value Owner OwnerDAO

  33. Roles • Application Objects • Encapsulate the business rules • Obtain connections • Demarcate transactions • Not Serializable • Value Objects • Simply carry values • Serializable • Data Access Objects • Encapsulate interaction with information source (database) • Designed to work with different Application Objects (e.g., no threads) • Not Serializable

  34. Value Object package ejava.persistence.dao; public OwnerValue implements Serializable { String name_; String taxId_; public OwnerValue(String name, String taxId) { name_ = name; taxId_ = taxId; } public OwnerValue(OwnerValue rhs) { this(rhs.name_, rhs.taxId_); } public String getName() { return name_; } public void setName(String name) { name_ = name; } public String getTaxId() { return taxId_; } public void setTaxId(String taxId) { taxId_ = taxId; } public String toString() { return "name="+name + ", taxId="+taxId_; } }

  35. Data Access Object package ejava.persistence.dao; public class OwnerDAO { OwnerValue values_; public void insert(Connection connection, OwnerValue values) { Statement statement = null; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); int rows = statement.executeUpdate( "insert into owner (name, taxid) values (" + values.getName() + ", " + values.getTaxId() + ")"); if (rows != 1) ... } finally { if (statement != null) statement.close(); } } }

  36. Application Object package ejava.persistence.dao; /** This class represents the business logic for Owners. */ public class Owner { private OwnerValue values_; private static OwnerDAO ownerDAO_ = new OwnerDAO(); public Owner() { } public OwnerValue getValues() { return new OwnerValue(values_); } public void setValues(OwnerValue values) { values_ = values; } private Connection getConnection() {…} private void closeConnection(Connection connection) {…}

  37. Application Object public void create(OwnerValue values) throws SQLException { values_ = values; Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(); ownerDAO_.insert(connection, values_); } finally { closeConnection(connection); } }

  38. Application Object (cont.) public void remove() throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; try { connection = getConnection(); ownerDAO_.remove(connection, values_); values_ = null; } finally { closeConnection(connection); } } }

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