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Spanish Conjugation Lesson - Simple Present -ar Ending Verbs

Learn about Spanish subject pronouns, infinitive forms, and how to conjugate -ar ending verbs in the present tense. Study essential vocabulary and prepare for the upcoming quiz.

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Spanish Conjugation Lesson - Simple Present -ar Ending Verbs

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  1. January Conjugation LessonConjugation- Simple Present-ar ending verbs Escrito por Señora Bennett

  2. Please, read! Queridos padres/Dear parents, As you notice, I have downloaded educational videos from different sources, some come from youtube, so please make sure your computers at home are protected from unwanted ads. I have taught my students to skipthe ads if they come before a video. Also, please always monitor what your children are watching when they go online. ¡Muchas gracias! Enjoy your winter break! Señora Bennett

  3. EQ: What are the Spanish Subject Pronouns?

  4. EQ: What is infinitive form of a verb? • Please, memorize the following -ar ending verbs and the meaning of infinitive form for our quiz on January 9th. All the following verbs are in the infinitive form. The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic form. It is the version of the verb which will appear in the dictionary. The infinitive form of a verb is usually preceded by “to” in English (e.g., to talk, to walk, to wash, etc.). In Spanish, the infinitive form of a verb is expressed in the endings, such as –ar ending verbs, -er ending verbs and –ir ending verbs. When verbs are in the infinitive form they are not tensed. • -ar ending verbs: • hablar - to talk • caminar - to walk • estudiar - to study • tomar – to drink, to take • trabajar - to work • comprar - to buy • lavar - to wash

  5. List of -ar, -er, -ir ending verbs(You are only responsible for memorizing –ar ending verbs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bTJ0qHk3hs

  6. Essential Question:What is Spanish conjugation? Conjugation is tensing a verb by dropping the infinity ending –ar, -er, -ir, and adding its ending to match the subject.

  7. EQ: What are the necessary steps to tense a Spanish verb? hablar/ to talk • First, drop ending–ar habl- (So, you are left with the just the root “habl-”) • Next, add Simple Present Tense endings to match each subject pronoun as done on the next slide for –ar ending verbs.

  8. EQ: How do you conjugate the verb hablar / to talk ? habl- yo hablo(I talk)-o túhablas (you (familiar) talk) -as usted habla(you (formal) talk)-a él / ella habla(he / she talks)-a nosotros/nosotras(we the boys talk / we the girls talk)-amos ustedes hablan (you all or ya’ll) -an ellos/ellas hablan(they the boys talk/ they the girls talk)-an

  9. Present Tense Endings Chart

  10. Useful Websites for Tensing Present Tense -ar ending verbs Present Tense Conjugation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RuevxWIoCM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu1Szr4EjUA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebUUrq3n5lM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9xIxYd9G1s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ex3k3yKjYk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RuevxWIoCM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu1Szr4EjUA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqoKnA9SFXo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eK5ukENiWM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoJmchlWJks

  11. Conjugation & Subject Pronouns Quiz • Quiz will be the week of January 29th. Tips to Study Please, memorize/reviewthe subject pronouns and their meaning (slide 3), and memorize the –ar endings (slide 6). You can also memorize a song having the Present Tense Endings for –ar ending verbs.

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