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Explore the historical crisis of the 14th century as not just an accident but as a potential opportunity for transformation in this CLIL unit. The methodology, thinking skills, and language focus are designed to engage students and foster critical analysis.
Clil Unit Subject: HistoryThe Crisis of the 14th century Crisis : only an accident or an opportunity to change? Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Introduction I am a teacher in Italianlanguage and Literature and Hystory: the methodologicalissuehasbeenalways for me the «core» of my work Therefore , non onlytheoreticalresearchbut , what’s more significant, self-reflection, experience-exchangesamongteachers, action-research , team-working Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
The schoolcontext Difficult social environment : economicalhardship , Students parents often unemployed orin an unfavourable living situation : students need active support and advice if they want to become independent. That’s why the serious crisis , as sybject content, and the structural patterns of hystorical narration as L 2, seems to me a good choice , in order to provide a learning context, which is relevant to the needs and interests of my students .Besides , as a subject content, any crisis, deeply analysed, is always an opportunity for changing behaviour and cultural perspective ,it is a challenge to creativity and skills Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Methodology • According to The 4Cs framework for CLIL ( which starts with content(such as subject matter, themes, cross-curricular approaches) and focuses on the connections among cognition( understanding and thinking skills) content (subject matter), communication(language)and culture (self and other awareness) , the unit plan has been built on specific thinking processes and on their linguistic demands Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Comparing the old with the revised Bloom taxonomy • Creatingas the highestthinkingskill Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Pyramid from Krathwohl and Anderson (2001) adaptation of Bloom's taxonomy (1956) Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Thinkingskills and specificlanguage • The nouns of the oldtaxonomy are convertedintoverbs , therefore the cognitive levelisthoughtas more dinamic • The peak of the Pyramidis the highestorderthinkingskill and the evidentproof of a goal in the learningprocess: creating • For thisreason the wholeunithasbeenplanned , trying to combine content and languagedemands, accordingto the steps of the new taxonomy Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Learning Unit Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Continue….. Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
A special lesson • Cognitive skill : Evaluating • Short and cooperative summary of the mainfactors, of the mainprocesses of the crisis and of keyissuespreviousanalysed • Groupshavebeenassignedchoosing a particulartopic , linked to the content, to enhance and furtherresearching ,with digitaltools • After the choiceeachgrouphad to devise the structure of finaloutcome , and the specificrole of eachmember for realizing the product Surprisingly, the variousthread of inquiryhavebeenchoosenby eachgroup, in a quite free way, notamong the keyissuespreviousdefined , butamong the more general cultural questions, linked with the specificcontent : • the role of fear in social behaviour • The antisemitism in the history • The Lazarets in Europe • A question : Whyalways the « Scapegoat»? Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Continue… • Preparing material setting for each group ( websites, references) • Working in groups :engaging in writing, combining imagines and textes with reflections, preparing their outcome , to be presented in the final lesson A good result in motivation and a good feeback in terms of independent thinking Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
MethodologicalApproach First of all , the aim of the wholeunit ( of coursenotonly for CLIL) ispromoting , fosteringlearner’sauthonomy and , ifgradingcomplexities, , learner’scriticism For thisreason , teachinghas • to plan and managealowanxietylearningsetting , asnear to the students’ real life aspossible,where the high orderthinkingskill can take shape. • to promote and fosterdinamic and intense interaction , expeciallyamongstudents • to adopt a • « studentcentered» teaching • Cooperative learning • Teamworking • Scaffoldingstrategies ( for bothcontent and language) • Choice of an argument or a theme , which, by reflecting in actionresearch, hasbeenfound out for stimulatingstudentsmotivation • To payattention to the feedback , for eventuallychangingapproach and setting • To use everystrategy in a flexible and reflective way, givingpriority to one’sownexperience Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Assessment • First of all , I usedvariousassessmenttecniques for the differentstages in the learningprocess of the Clil Unit Each of them involves learner and teacher in a real dialogue about the process of dual focused learning • Everytecniqueisbuiltaround a principle : in the dualfocusedlearning the evaluation of the achievement of cognitive goal has the priority : thatdoesn’tmeanthat the languagecorrectnessisn’timportant, butit can by practice and during the cognitive processimprove. For notstopping the interaktivecommunication with students, errors can be corrected , at the end of eachphase The exercises proposed are easier to assess( matching, true or false, clozeexercises), it’s more complex a formative evaluation for the thinkingprocess , thatdevelopsinto a « task» • Moreover, formal and informalevaluationintersect , expeciallywhenwe take into account partecipation, askingquestions, fullfilling the obligations, in otherwordsattitude and response Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Criteria for assessment • In a CLIL class, evaluation is associated with peer evaluation and with self evaluation and will take the form of a dynamic process that constantly evolves. • Parameter for assessment and formative evaluation is the achievement of the specific cognitive skills ,one with development of language skills, at several levels, which correspond to a score. • Observation’s rubrics and analytical cognitive grids ( like those normally used in my teaching subject) are indoubtely useful to rate individual learning progress, if they are used in a flexibel mode, according to the task and to the classroom Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Reflection Positive results : • Attitude and motivation of studentshavebeenvisible, during the wholeactivity : It’sundoubtely for themengagingwhenthey are allowed to choosetheirownthread of inquiringand enhancingconcepts and relationshipsbetweenconcepts on the web ; moreovertheygetinvolved in planning the final work and in combining the variousmaterial for the outcome , aswellastheywant to do • Engaging in a cognitive processinvolves more awareness in languageacquisition • The use of English, with the support of multimedia,hasmade it “more attractive” for students, who have approached it with curiosity and interest. In this sense, the experience in the lab has contributed very much • It’sequallynoteworthy the selfevaluationprocess, whichtakesshapeincreasingly, when the activities, in a gradingcomplexity, let the studentstransform the understanding in high orderskill. • The teacherhas the opportunity to observelearnerswhilethey are exercising, communicating with eachothers and doing in groups and so he can evaluatetheirresponse and skill in a global and more complex way Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Critical issues and way of solvingthem • Working in groupshastaken more time thanexpected, because of the studentsdifficultyharmonizing images, textes, reflections , graphics in a finalproduct • In otherwordsithasbeendifficult for me , at the beginning, to lead the studentsnotgoingout off track: despiteteacher’sguidance, the digitaltoolhas a considerablepower of detractingattention , whichwe must consider Adoptedsolution : a reduction of the number of websites and more scaffolding in encouraging to buildtheirprevious personal ideas • Noteverystudentlikesworking in groups; adding to that some studentspreferreading, writingratherthandiscussing or communicating, according to theircharacter or their personal way of learning . Consequentlytheydidn’taskabout some argument or didn’t express curiositiesfrequently, ifnotconstantlystimulated Adoptedsolution : I had a flexibleapproach: whentheywerevisiblyreluctant , I letthemlistening, reading, writingratherthanspeaking, and after a whilemaking a oralsummary for the othergroup’smembers , that led them to engage more easily with interpersonalcommunication. • Therewan’tanycooperationbetween me and the languageteacher, whodidn’twant to be involved : for thisreasonithasn’tbeenpossibleagree with the languageteacheruponsimilargrammaticalactivities. Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
Conclusion and implementation’spoints • Clil’smethodologyis a goodchallenge for teaching and for the wholescolasticsystem, non only for the specificClil area : ifstudents are allowed and scaffolded for independentthinking, theyought to do itthroughtout the whole curriculum ; otherwiselearnerscouldfeelconfused, disorientedbecause of the contrastingmethodologies • Clilteachingrequires more attention to attitude and response, more ability in leadingdiscussion and teamwork, more energy to involve and to stimulatemotivation, more responsibility in promoting and evaluating personal, cognitive and life skills • Thereforeitrequires : • a time’ssetting, longerthan a fewhour • a revisedscolasticsystemwhereitispossible for teacherharmonisingprespectives and approach, atleastamongSubjectteacher e Language teachers • Reflecting in teachingought to became a normalpractice and notonly a particularmethod , for special and isolatedexperience Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra
References • ClilHistory in English, I Volume – Pearsonetext • www.historytoday.com- The Black Death –the greatestCatastrofever • Etd.Lsu.edu/docs -The Black Death and itseffect in fourteenthcentury • www.history.com /topics • www.jpost/com/.../Antisemitismus-2000years of scapegoat • Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org • www.historylearningsite.20.uk-Jews in Nazigerman • www.history of painters.com/ The effect of the blackdeath on medievalartists and Art Patrizia Rateni IIS Antonio Serra