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1. Hal - le - lu - jah, praise Je-ho - vah! From the heavens praise His

1. Hal - le - lu - jah, praise Je-ho - vah! From the heavens praise His. name; Praise Je - ho - vah in the high - est; All His. an-gels praise pro-claim, All His hosts to - geth - er praise Him,.

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1. Hal - le - lu - jah, praise Je-ho - vah! From the heavens praise His

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Hal - le - lu-jah,praiseJe-ho - vah!FromtheheavenspraiseHis name; Praise Je - ho - vah in the high - est; All His

  2. an-gelspraisepro-claim, All His hosts to-geth-er praise Him, Sun and moon andstarson high; PraiseHim, O yeheav’nof

  3. heav - ens, And ye floods a - bove the sky. Let them prais - es give Je - ho-vah, For His name a - lone is Let them prais-es

  4. high, And His glo - ry is ex - alt - ed, And His And His glo - ry glo - ry is ex - alt - ed, And His glo - ry is ex - And His glo - ry And His glo - ry

  5. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky.

  6. 2. Let themprais-esgive Je - ho - vah!TheyweremadeatHiscom- mand; Them for - ev - er He es - tab - lished: His de-

  7. cree shall ev - er stand, From the earth, O praise Je - ho - vah, All ye floods, ye dra - gons all, Fire and hail and snow and

  8. va - pors, Storm-y winds that hear Him call. Let them prais - es give Je - ho-vah, For His name a - lone is Let them prais-es

  9. high, And His glo - ry is ex - alt - ed, And His And His glo - ry glo - ry is ex - alt - ed, And His glo - ry is ex - And His glo - ry And His glo - ry

  10. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky.

  11. 3. All ye fruit-ful treesandce - dars, All ye hills andmountains high, Creep-ing things and beasts and cat - tle,Birds that

  12. in the heav-ens fly, Kingsof earthand all ye peo - ple, Prin-ces great,earth’sjudg-es all; PraiseHisname,youngmenand

  13. maid - ens, A - ged men and chil - dren small. Let them prais - es give Je - ho-vah, For His name a - lone is Let them prais-es

  14. high, And His glo - ry is ex - alt - ed, And His And His glo - ry glo - ry is ex - alt - ed, And His glo - ry is ex - And His glo - ry And His glo - ry

  15. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky.

  16. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky.

  17. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky.

  18. alt - ed Far a - bove the earth and sky.

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