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CAMPEP RESIDENCY: MSKCC “2 + 2” PROGRAM, . Accredited by CAMPEP since 2010. Will attempt:. 1. Present MSKCC Residency Program. (This presentation) 2. On a second presentation, will give an overview of the current medical physics research/training in Latin America. .

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  1. CAMPEP RESIDENCY: MSKCC “2 + 2” PROGRAM, Accredited by CAMPEP since 2010 MSKCC:CAB_IB

  2. Will attempt: 1. Present MSKCC Residency Program. (This presentation) 2. On a second presentation, will give an overview of the current medical physics research/training in Latin America. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  3. MSKCC Program Overview: “2 + 2” years program First 2 years: post-doctoral fellowship, full time clinical research project. Second 2 years: full time clinical training MSKCC:CAB_IB

  4. A. Program OverviewOrganizational Structure Medical Physics Department, includes: Therapy Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and MRI) Radiation Safety Biomedical engineering services Basic research laboratories MSKCC:CAB_IB

  5. A. Program Overview Organizational Structure The Department provides all physics support for : Radiation Oncology Department Radiology Department Radiation Safety for the entire MSKCC MSKCC:CAB_IB

  6. A. Program Overview:Organizational Structure 160 employees (Main Campus plus the regional network) Of which 50 board-certified medical physicists. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  7. Program Structure and Governance • The program is administered in the Department of Medical Physics which is a separate and independent clinical department. • All residency programs are under the general oversight of the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC). MSKCC:CAB_IB

  8. Program Administration MSKCC:CAB_IB Responsibility of: • The Program Director (PD), a faculty level individual who is Board Certified in Therapeutic Medical Physics (Member of GMEC) and • The Co-Director, who will be the Chairman of the Department of Medical Physics.

  9. Program Administration MSKCC:CAB_IB The PD will be assisted by a faculty-level Associate Program Director (APD) and by a Program Steering Committee All physicists on the Program Steering Committee are Board Certified and licensed to practice Medical Physics in New York State

  10. Program Steering Committee Members Jean St.Germain,MS–Acting Chair,Medical Physics Dep.,t,ABHP, ABMP (After Dr. Deasy’s arrival, he will join the Steering Committee) Doracy Fontenla, Ph.D., PD, ABR-Therapy Lawrence Rothenberg Ph.D., Assoc. PD, ABR-Radiological Physics, ABMP-DX Imaging Physics Katherine Beal, M.D., Assistant Attending Radiation Oncologist ,ABR-Rad. Marco Zaider, Ph.D., Section Head, Brachytherapy Physics. ABMP- Therapy Tom LoSasso, Ph.D., Section Head, Radiation Dosimetry Lab ABR- Therapy James Mechalakos, Ph.D., Section Head, External BeamTreatment Planning ABR-Therapy Howard Amols,Ph.D.,ServiceChief,Clinical Physics Program,ABMP- Therapy Gig Mageras, Ph.D., Service Chief, Computer Service ABMP- Therapy Grace Tang, Ph. D. Chief Resident Chandra Burman, Ph.D., Attending, Regional Network – ABR, Therapy Lawrence Dauer, Ph.D., Assistant Attending, Radiation Safety Manager, ABHP MSKCC:CAB_IB

  11. Role of Program Director (PD) The PD is directly responsible for the details of the residency program. Arranges for provision of adequate space and educational and clinical resources for the program. Works with the Section Chiefs to evolve the structure of the clinical rotations. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  12. Role of Program Director (PD) Ensures that proper evaluation procedures are followed during the training program. Handles problems relating to resident progress and inter-personal relation. Is responsible for assuring that the guidelines for selection of residents are followed MSKCC:CAB_IB

  13. Admissions • Six residency positions for physicists who have successfully completed two years of post-doctoral research in the MSKCC Department of Medical Physics . • Funded from the department’s • operating budget. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  14. Application Procedure a letter of interest an application form, official undergraduate and graduate transcripts and copies of doctoral diploma, certificates of program completions, a current curriculum vitae, and Three letters of reference. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  15. Recruitment Efforts MSKCC:CAB_IB • Advertising in appropriate scientific journals and placement bulletins • Annual mailings to medical physics graduate training PD”s will serve as reminders of program availability.

  16. Training RequirementsGeneral MSKCC:CAB_IB Clinical experience: Training in clinical setting with “state of the art” Radiation Therapy Equipment, both for External Beam and Brachytherapy procedures Under supervision of Board-certified and NY State Licensed medical physicists.

  17. Training RequirementsIncoming Residents Deficiencies(Remediation : First 2 yearsduring research project) MSKCC:CAB_IB • Anatomy and physiology (S.Rad.Ther.Tech, JCERT accredited) • Radiobiology (Mount Sinai) Columbia Univ .(Med.Phys. MS Program) 3.“Fundamentals of Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry” 4. “Radiation Therapy Physics”. 5.“Diagnostic Radiology Physics”

  18. Training Requirements: Educational MSKCC:CAB_IB • Clinical Physics Lectures Series (MSKCC) • Rad. Oncology Dept Grand Rounds • Medical Physics Dept Grand Rounds • Medical Physics Journal Club • Educational Sessions • Monthly meetings of RAMPS • Rotation sections meetings • Other Seminars and colloquia offered within the institution

  19. Training RequirementsAttendance at Scientific Meetings MSKCC:CAB_IB 1. AAPM Resident membership 2. Registration one Annual Meeting: AAPM, ASTRO or ACPM 3. RAMPS Spring Symposium (registration waved)

  20. Training RequirementsRotations Content: Major components MSKCC:CAB_IB

  21. Clinical rotations MSKCC:CAB_IB

  22. Clinical Rotations MSKCC:CAB_IB Radiation Dosimetry (24 Months) (will overlap with all other rotations) Dr. Thomas LoSasso

  23. Major Items included in the Dosimetry rotation: • Calibration and periodic (daily, weekly, monthly, annual) quality assurance (QA) of medical Linacs (treatment and imaging beams). • Measurement of external beam therapy and imaging dose in phantom and “in-vivo”; patient-specific measurements. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  24. Major Items included in the Dosimetry rotation: • Measurement-based confirmation of new treatment planning software. • QA of CT and MRI simulator. • Acquisition of external beam data needed for treatment planning. • Acceptance testing and commissioning of medical Linacs, CT & MRI simulators. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  25. External Beam Treatment Planning (12 Months)Dr James Mechalakos MSKCC:CAB_IB

  26. Major Items covered MSKCC:CAB_IB • Patient simulation for external beam therapy including design and fabrication of immobilization devices and acquisition of necessary patient data • Calculation of monitor units from the clinical data tables • Patient-specific computer-assisted treatment planning for external beam therapy

  27. MSKCC:CAB_IB • Preparation and QA of both paper and electronic “charts” for external beam • Providing dosimetric guidance for physicians to aid in evaluation of radiation treatment options • Patient-specific quality assurance (both computational and measurement) of dosimetry and localization systems. • Acceptance and commissioning of treatment planning systems*

  28. Brachytherapy(4 Months)Dr. Marco Zeider MSKCC:CAB_IB

  29. Major Items covered Ordering short-lived isotopes for brachytherapy. Preparation of sealed sources for low and high dose rate brachytherapy Patient-specific computer-assisted treatment planning for brachytherapy treatment Acceptance testing & commissioning of hardware and software used for brachytherapy treatments * MSKCC:CAB_IB

  30. Radiation Safety(2 months)Jean StGermainLawrence Dauer MSKCC:CAB_IB

  31. Items covered during the Radiation Safety rotation MSKCC:CAB_IB • Radiation safety including shielding design. • Planning and site preparation for new equipment

  32. Imaging - (2 months)(activities will spread over 12 months, as scheduling becomes available)Dr. Y. Erdi, Dr. J.Humm, Dr. J. Koucher) MSKCC:CAB_IB

  33. Purpose of this rotation: Familiarize the medical physics residents with imaging procedures that will be used in radiation therapy, and their QA/QC procedures. MSKCC:CAB_IB

  34. QA/QC procedures (at least 2 of each)Computed Tomography diagnostic CT and CT simulators Radiography/Fluoroscopy-(in place of conventional simulators) PET/CT and SPECT/CT (clinical use in Rad. Therapy & QA/QC procedure) MSKCC:CAB_IB

  35. MRI/MRSLearning objectives: Basic principles of operation Relevance to Radiation Oncology planning and treatments Quality assurance programsPatient and staff risks MSKCC:CAB_IB

  36. MRI/MRS (clinical use in Rad. Ther. & QA/QC procedures) QA Testing: a -ACR Accreditation Testing of a Clinical MRI Unit (if possible) b - If ACR tests not being done - any other QA Testing MSKCC:CAB_IB

  37. Clinical Scanning Observation: At least two of the following (one with special coils): a- Head Scan b- Body Scan c- Breast Scan d- Prostate Scan (with MRS Analysis) MSKCC:CAB_IB

  38. Satellite Facility(Last 4 Months of clinical rotations)Dr. Chandra Burma MSKCC:CAB_IB

  39. The content of all rotations from Main Campus will be reinforced in the rotation at a regional center under conditions more typical of clinical workflow at small centers.Biomedical Engineering: Mechanical Instrumentation Service MSKCC:CAB_IB

  40. http://www.mskcc.org/education/residency/therapeutic-medical-physics/slideshow/residents-fellowshttp://www.mskcc.org/education/residency/therapeutic-medical-physics/slideshow/residents-fellows MSKCC:CAB_IB


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