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Explore the findings and progress of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership, a comprehensive project aimed at improving math education through distributed leadership, teacher learning, and student achievement.
Findings and ProgressMilwaukee Mathematics Partnership Sharing in Leadership for Student Success DeAnn Huinker & Kevin McLeod, UWM Beth Schefelker, MPS 18 April 2008
Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership • National Science Foundation (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program • Comprehensive Projects (12) • Targeted Projects (28) • Institute Projects (12) • Research, Evaluation, & Technical Assistance (25) • Cohort 2, Comprehensive K-12 Mathematics • $20 million over 5 years • 2003–2008 (Currently in Year 5)
MSP Projects: Key Features • Partnership-driven • Teacher quality, quantity, and diversity • Challenging courses and curricula • Evidence-based design and outcomes • Institutional change and sustainability
Mathematics Framework Distributed Leadership Teacher Learning Continuum Student Learning Continuum
Math Teacher Leader (MTL) position begins, joins Learning Team. Math Teaching Specialist position begins. Significant increase math achievement fall 2005 to 2006. Math gap between district and state narrows. Community plan provides focus & accountability for the next five years. MPS funds $5 million to expand MTL role. Learning Teamsin each school established. Comprehensive Math Framework (CMF) developed. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Governor budgets $10 million for MPS math. MPS budgets $3 million to sustain implementation of the MMP initiatives. MMP focuses on formative assessment and descriptive feedback. Revises math textbook adoption process. MMP designs model classroom assessments. Aligns targets to State Assessment Framework. NSF funds the MMP. CMF disseminated. MPS math learning targets developed.
Percent of MPS Students Proficient or Advanced on the WKCE Mathematics (MMP Years 1-3 Impact)
What goes in the box? 5 + 7 = + 8
Always true, Sometimes true Never true 1. A parallelogram is a rectangle. 2. A square is a rectangle. 3. A trapezoid is a rhombus.
School-basedLearning Team Math Teacher Leader Literacy Coach Principal Other Key Teachers Math Teacher Leaders are “key” for focusing their Learning Teams and schools on mathematics.
Learning Team Math Teacher Leader Principal Other Key Teachers LiteracyCoach District Mathematics Leadership (MCS, MTS, TIR) IHE Faculty Mathematics & MathEducation
Math Teacher Leader • Maintainsclassroom responsibilities. • Focusesthe school on mathematics through the Learning Team. • Bringsbest practices in math to school. • Supportsschool-based professional learning. • Linksschool to district leadership andIHE expertise.
Math Teacher Leader Seminars Monthly strands: • Mathematics content knowledge. • Leadership skills. • District alignment—math framework, learning targets, state standards and descriptors, common classroom assessments, descriptive feedback.
Percent of Schools at Each Stage of the Continuum for Mathematics
District Trends: Significant Change Spring 2005 Spring 2007 3.01 2.81 Quantity of PD Consistency in math instruction Engaged in activities to align curriculum to learning targets Engaged in activities using CABS and student work samples Engaged in activities to gauge student progress Talked about teaching & learning of mathematics with others 2.85 3.06 2.63 3.42 2.79 3.60 Engagement 2.98 3.17 3.72 3.16
School Math Focus Consistent curriculum + Teachers working together + PD perceived as valuable Strong Math Focus Predicts
Student Achievement Are student achievement gains in mathematics greater in schools that have more fully embracedMMP principles?
Analytical Approach: HLM WKCE Student Achievement Data from 2005+MMP Online Survey Results from 2006to explain variability inWKCE Student Achievement in 2006 (Thus, the impact of Year 3 MMP)
MMP Distributed LeadershipSocial Network Analysis Low High 1 2 3 4 5 Tight Network MTL Central Many Links to MTL MTS Inside Many Links to MTS Loose Network MTL Not Central Few Links to MTL MTS Outside Few Links to MTS
Analysis Maps identify MTL MTS Teachers Principal Literacy Coach Others in school Others outside Statistics Network density (%) In-Degree(z-score)
Low Student Achievement: 2006: 20% Proficient 4-year trend: -4%
High Student Achievement: 2006: 50% Proficient 4-year trend: +7%
Some Conclusions • The MTL and MTS network positions are good indicators of MMP impact within school-based networks. • Distributed leadership really begins to take hold when teacher communication networks are tightly webbed.
And so much more…. • Preservice Teacher Math Preparation • MATC • UWM • Teacher Professional Development • UWM-MMP courses & workshops • MMP School Action Plans • Assessment Pilots: K-7, 8-9, HS • Transition to College Mathematics • Textbook Selection Process
Support & Direction for Next Steps • MPS Action (Strategic) Plan • MPS Mathematics Functional Plan • MPS DIFI Plan • Governor’s MPS Mathematics Initiative • Proposal submitted for MMP Phase II • Other grant proposals
MMP website • www.mmp.uwm.edu DeAnn Huinker • huinker@uwm.edu Kevin McLeod • kevinm@uwm.edu Beth Schefelker • schefeba@milwaukee.k12.wi.us