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Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program ( OYAP ). Post Secondary Destinations. Work University College ?. The 4 th Post Secondary Destination … often not thought of or clearly understood:. Apprenticeship. What is Apprenticeship?.
Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship and theOntario YouthApprenticeship Program (OYAP)
Post Secondary Destinations • Work • University • College • ?
The 4th Post Secondary Destination …often not thought of or clearly understood: Apprenticeship
What is Apprenticeship? Apprentices are workers, so you: “EARN while you LEARN!” A Three way partnership and agreement among: • An individual wanting to learn a skilled trades or occupation • An employer who needs skilled employees • The government who handles trade standards, regulations, exams, certification, registration and monitors the on-the-job training
Apprenticeship only applies to skilled trades or skilled occupations
Trades in Ontario • Approximately 130 apprenticeable trades in Ontario • Trades are divided into 4 sectors: Construction, Motive Power, Industrial, and Service • There are approximately 48,000 active apprentices in Ontario today
TIME-BASED MODEL • Governed by the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act (TQAA) • Applies to all Construction Trades • Trade Specific Regulations exist for most trades • Overview: • Contract of Apprenticeship • Employer • Age 16 • Minimum Grade 10 • Wages
Construction Trades Ex. Of TQAA Compulsory (construction) Trades: • Electrician (2 branches) • Plumber • Refrigeration & air conditioning mechanic • Sheet metal worker • Steamfitter Ex. Of TQAA Voluntary (construction) Trades: • Painter • Drywaller • General Carpenter • Brick and stone mason
COMPETENCY-BASED MODEL • Governed by the Apprenticeship and Certification Act (ACA) since January 2000 • Applies to all Industrial, Service and Motive Power Trades • Policy and Guidelines for specific trades, or groups of trades are under development • Overview: • Training Agreement • Sponsor • Age 16 • Completion of academic standards as prescribed in the Industry Committee Guidelines (under development) • Grade 12 OSSD, if no standard prescribed
Only 3 ACA trades do not require OSSD: Auto Body Repairer, Branch 2 310Q: Restricted trade, grade 10 minimum, approx. 4800 hours with 2 level of in-school training; must be a registered apprentice or licensed journeyperson to be working in this trade Assistant Cook 415B: Non restricted (voluntary) trade grade 10 minimum, approx. 2000 hours (1 – 1 ½ years) with 1 level of in-school training 360 hours (see fact sheet) Forklift mechanic 282C: Non restricted (voluntary) trade, grade 10 minimum
To pursue journeyperson status for ALL other ACA trades, OSSD required; includes hairstylist, cook, early childhood educator, tool and die maker
Be reminded that … • Students may work in non restricted trades such as Cook, Farm Equipment Mechanic, Landscaper-Greenskeeper, Early Childhood Education, and Small Engine Mechanic without pursuing apprenticeship. Legislation for these trades do not make apprenticeship / licensing mandatory to be working in these areas. • Restricted trades such as Hairstylist and Automotive Service Technician do require a student to be registered as an apprentice or to be a licensed journeyperson to perform the majority of tasks inherent in these trades
What is Apprenticeship? • A way of learning a skilled trade from a professional tradesperson, also called a journeyperson • 80 – 90% of training occurs on the job where the apprentice learns by watching, practicing and performing tasks under the supervision of a certified journeyperson • 10 – 20% is theoretical, in-school or classroom training usually taught by a college or other approved training institute
What is On-the-Job Training? • Learning by doing • Hands on • Trained by an experienced journeyperson • Training in up-to-date new technologies • Mastering skills to industry performance standards
What is In-School Training? • Registered apprentices take time away from their work to attend school, usually a community college; • This training is usually done in 3 eight week blocks of time • Here the apprentice learns the theory (math, science and communication skills) to support their work • In-school delivery can also happen through night school, day release or through the internet • NEW! Apprentices pay $400 classroom fees per level starting August 2002 …
How long does it take to train as an apprentice? Examples Industrial Millwright Electrician Brick and Stone Mason HAIRSTYLIST Installs, repairs and maintains all machinery and equipment in plants Plans and installs electrical panel boards, switches… Constructs, erects, installs and repairs walls, fireplaces... cuts, shampoos, styles, colours, facials, manicures and pedicures ... 8,000 hours 8 weeks in-school 7,200 - 9,000 hours 3 -- 10 week in-school sessions 5,600 hours 3 -- 8 week in-school sessions 3,500 TO 5,500 hours two 8 week in-school sessions for the apprenticeship program or 1,500 hrs at a private hairdressing school followed by a 2,000 hour apprenticeship
WOMEN APPRENTICES ? • Women will account for two-thirds of the growth in the labour force over the next ten years. • Women are capable of doing every type of job. • Women are an untapped talent pool when it comes to skilled positions.
After you complete the on-the-job training (hours plus all sign offs on the Training Standard) plus in-school training... Apprenticeship Certificate to: Kathy Frappier Completing an Apprenticeship... WRITE a certification exam (70% minimum) RECEIVE both: 1. Certificate of Apprenticeship 2. Certificate of Qualification
When Can Students StartApprenticeship Training? • The OYAP program allows high school students the opportunity to train in an apprenticeable occupation while enrolled in school • Students earn credits towards OSSD while hours worked on the job are applied to journeyperson certification
Apprenticeable Trades Available in OYAP Manufacturing Technology Precision Metal Cutting Trades Mould Maker Tool and Die Maker General Machinist Transportation Technology Automotive Service Technician Auto Body Repairer Food Services Technology Cook/Chef Horticulture Technology Horticulturist Nursery-Greenhouse Worker Landscaper-Greenskeeper Cosmetology Technology Hairstylist
How Does OYAP Work? • If successful, employer hires student and pays wages for placement hours in grade 12, half day all year or full day one semester (earn 4 cooperative education credits) • Formal registration as an apprentice can occur anytime during the program • Grade 11 and 12 placement hours are accredited towards apprenticeship agreement • Upon graduation, full-time employment secured • Attend college at night or day release to fulfill in-school portion of apprenticeship training
Something new … • Starting August 2002, registered apprentices will have to pay classroom fees, $400 per 240 hour apprenticeship in-school curriculum; remainder of costs still covered by Ministry of Training • Classroom fees are not applied to OYAP students while still in high school • Students / apprentices can challenge exemption exam and if successful advance to next level and thus save classroom fees
Access the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities web site on apprenticeship http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/training/apprenticeship/appren.html