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Learn basics of workforce planning, why it's urgent, general guidelines, steps, leadership support, aligning plans, predicting future needs, job inclusions, preparing for vacancies, developing strategies, and identifying competencies.
BASICS OFWORKFORCE PLANNING Presenters: Max Reichert 225-342-8541 max.reichert@la.gov Dwuena Wyre 225-342-8084 dwuena.wyre@la.gov
WORKFORCE PLANNING OVERVIEW Max Reichert Department of State Civil Service Contact Information: (225) 342-8541 max.reichert@la.gov
WORKFORCE PLANNING DEFINED Workforce planning is • getting the right people • with the right skills • in the right jobs • at the right time Pg. 2
WHY IT IS URGENT Why is workforce planning urgent now? • 14% are eligible to retire in one year. • 21% are eligible to retire within three years. • 29% are eligible to retire within five years. Pg. 2
GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR WORKFORCE PLANNING • Avoid overreaching. • Don’t collect data until you know how you will use it. • Keep it simple Pg. 3
OVERVIEW OF STEPS IN WORKFORCE PLANNING • Define your purpose for workforce planning. • Get top management and leadership support. • Integrate and align with strategic plan and budget. Pg. 4
OVERVIEW OF STEPS IN WORKFORCE PLANNING • Determine scope of workforce planning • Form a task force • Predict future workforce needs • Analyze workforce supply Pg. 4
OVERVIEW OF STEPS IN WORKFORCE PLANNING • Determine gap between supply and needs • Create action plan to address gap • Create evaluation process to assess progress Pg. 4
GETTING STARTED Dwuena Wyre Department of State Civil Service Contact Information: (225) 342-8084 dwuena.wyre@la.gov
GETTING STARTED • Determine the purpose Ask, “Why do we need to do this?” • 3 Good Reasons (out of many)… • To create a pool of potential replacements • To preserve critical knowledge • To retain and recruit valuable employees • Determine the goal of your workforce plan Pg. 5
LEADERSHIP SUPPORT • Communicate to all the purpose, importance, & intentions • Designate an executive level employee to oversee efforts • Provide funding for staff development Chief Executive Endorsement: Pg. 6
ALIGNING THE PLANS • Strategic Types of Plans We Have: • Budget • Workforce Provides information to support executive decisions. Includes the strategic vision. Pg. 6
PREDICTING FUTURE WORKFORCE NEEDS • What positions should be included within the scope of the workforce planning efforts? 2. What positions will need to be filled and when? Two Important Questions: Pg. 7
IN OR OUT? • Determine which jobs or positions to include. • Jobs to consider: • difficult to recruit • require scarce or technical expertise • executive or managerial level • occupied by retirement eligible employee • mission specific • high turnover Pg. 7
YOU’RE LEAVING? • Determine when positions need to be filled. Current workforce data • Timeframe for projections • Retirement eligibility • DROP participation Pg. 8
AGENCY WORKFORCE PROFILES • Data is for classified permanent and probational employees. • Data is organized by EEO-4 job categories. • Data items include average age and the number of employees: - currently eligible to retire, - in DROP, and - eligible to retire in 5 years. Pg. 8
IMPACTS ON THE WORKFORCE • Should these vacancies be filled? Look to your strategic plan for guidance. • - Technology • - New Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities • New Programs • Budget • Reorganizations Pg. 9
THE ANSWERS Many questions have to be answered when trying to predict future workforce needs. Guess who has the answers… YOU! Pg. 9
DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR EACH POTENTIAL VACANCY Max Reichert Department of State Civil Service Contact Information: (225) 342-8541 max.reichert@la.gov
DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR EACH POTENTIAL VACANCY THE GOAL: Create a pool of well qualified applicants who will be available when the vacancy occurs Pg. 10
THREE STRATEGIES • Fill with internal employees who do not need much training or development. • External recruitment. • Train and develop internal staff to succeed to vacancies when they occur. Pg. 10
IDENTIFYING COMPETENCIES Competency: the combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and behaviors an employee must have to successfully perform a job or task
JOB PROFILING • A formal process for identifying and documenting competencies required and connecting them to job duties
WHO TO TRAIN AND DEVELOP? • Use job-related objective criteria • Do not just nominate people with “potential” • Communicate to employees what to expect
WHAT ABOUT PRE-SELECTION? • Creating a pool is not pre-selection • Legal standards for hiring apply to selecting who gets into the pool • Use of details and double incumbency can be competitive
Two Key Decisions • Will training and development be mandatory for promotion to the position? • How to evaluate performance during training and development
CONTINUING THE PROCESS • Establish a schedule to assess progress • Get feedback from managers • Survey employees • Modify and maintain workforce plan as ongoing process
APPENDICESand HANDOUTS • Assessment Tools • Classification and Pay issues • Job Profiling • Websites • Sources of Competency Lists
WRAP-UP Question and Answer Session