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Karangasem Gore Bay GG Water Project

Karangasem Gore Bay GG Water Project. Making clean water more accessible and exploring alternative agricultural opportunities for the highland communities of Karangasem, Bali. Project Scope and Description. Description

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Karangasem Gore Bay GG Water Project

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  1. Karangasem Gore Bay GG Water Project Making clean water more accessible and exploring alternative agricultural opportunities for the highland communities of Karangasem, Bali

  2. Project Scope and Description Description • This project continues the 9 year ongoing water project program being undertaken in the Karangasem region of Bali. Lead by Rich Foss this team have completed or have in progress 11 projects • The community need has been identified over the years and prioritized to ensure those most in need get first access to assistance Scope • More accessible clean water. Whilst people can get water it is often 2 or 3 hours away involving descending from the highlands and then climbing back with your water on the head. • Introduction to sanitation. • Economic development through the introduce of need agricultural opportunities to broaden the productive farming period from the short wet season to all year round.

  3. Project Funding & Team Funding; • Cash and DDF from RC Gore Bay and Collingwood of District 7010 • TRF Grant • Total Budget ~$US 35 to 39000 Project Budget • $US 35,000 Team • Sunset; Allan Starr, Silvia McGroarty, Ron Dixon, Marilyn Carson • RC Colorado Springs; Rich Foss • Other Members: Ping – from Culik

  4. Financial Budget & Current Status Budget Comment – Still being developed.

  5. Project Description & Status • Project Summary • Beneficiary: Communities of Karangasem • Funding Source/Partner: RC Gore Bay & Collingwood • Funding Request: $US 38,000+ • Estimated Cost: ~ $US 38,000+ • Disbursed to Date: • Planned Schedule: Commence Dec 14, complete July 17 • Special needs: drilling contractor and Economic Dev support • Project Scope and Issues • Scope: Undertake clean water projects at a number of communities in the East Bali Region of Karangasem, introduce a pilot sanitation facility and set up an economic development opportunity • Issues: • Supervising the economic dev activity • Engaging and supervising a building contractor for the sanitation facilities • Ensuring regular supervisory trips to the region – cost and resources Current Status & Look Ahead Planned Key Milestones and Dates Kepalas Dusun & Adat agreements April 15 Lingguwana incl Bore April 15 Songowong Ancut Beluu Aas part 2 Select sanitation contractor March 15 Sponsor interim report & Visit Final report and Follow-up visit

  6. The Progress - • Funding confirmed • GG App underway

  7. Why

  8. Stewardship

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