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Conceptual Study for Cycle Track Visualizations in Brandenburg (Lebuserland)

Conceptual Study for Cycle Track Visualizations in Brandenburg (Lebuserland). Alexander Arpaci 4.Sem MSc. Studies Forest-Information-Technologies FH-Eberswalde. Themenradwege durch das Lebuser Land nach Polen. The idea. promote a landscape for potential interested tourists

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Conceptual Study for Cycle Track Visualizations in Brandenburg (Lebuserland)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conceptual Study for Cycle Track Visualizations in Brandenburg(Lebuserland) Alexander Arpaci 4.Sem MSc. Studies Forest-Information-Technologies FH-Eberswalde

  2. Themenradwege durch das Lebuser Land nach Polen

  3. The idea • promote a landscape for potential interested tourists • with different cycle routes especially designed to give access to historical, ecological and geological knowledge stations • accessable with modern technical tools …gps…internet…audioguides

  4. The project - Design a conceptual study - Develope new cycle tracks - Combine touristic developers with scientific experts to create new highlights - Build solid connections into the polish border region - Open an office to maintain the regular tasks - Organize and hold a conference to show results and gain more financial founding

  5. Why? • improve sustainable touristic income sources • make landscape highlights experiencable • build german/polish connections • transport expert knowledge to the public

  6. my task Start to edit first cycle route Design the first knowledge station Create examples of possible visualizations Technical adviser Financial calculation

  7. Visualizations..? to provide Informations/knowledge create couriosity motivate to explore

  8. Cycle-maps

  9. Visualization of knowlege stations Landscape genesis: Iceage Modern history: Brecht-Weigel Haus

  10. Buckow

  11. BeispielBuckow

  12. BuckowBrecht Weigel HausEiszeitgarten

  13. ExamplesAnimationsLandschaftsgenesis • Iceage in Brandenburg

  14. Iceage

  15. Iceage

  16. Iceage

  17. Iceage

  18. Iceage

  19. Iceage

  20. resume • creating maps out of different data sources is difficult and time intensive • using software at it´s best means switching i.e. between Arc Gis and Photoshop for colouring and combining layers. • georeferencing is never exact enough • generalization is mostly necessary (dgm errors) • data structure is the key to efficient workflow create geodatabases, check formats

  21. outlook • connectivity with databases to provide information materials (PDF und MP3) • embedment within webapplications • Klecks, Google Maps, Google Earth • design and development of an web-application • financiation and progress will start from juli 2008

  22. questions & remarks ? • Contact • Alexander Arpaci • aarpaci@fh-eberswalde.de Thanks for listening

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