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Community Accountability Planning Submission (CAPS) 2014-17

Community Accountability Planning Submission (CAPS) 2014-17. Health Service Providers Orientation Session October 1, 2013. Agenda. Introduction M-SAA Overview Community Accountability Planning Submissions (CAPS) Overview Completing the CAPS Next Steps. Helpful Documents.

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Community Accountability Planning Submission (CAPS) 2014-17

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  1. Community Accountability Planning Submission (CAPS) 2014-17 Health Service Providers Orientation Session October 1, 2013

  2. Agenda • Introduction • M-SAA Overview • Community Accountability Planning Submissions (CAPS) Overview • Completing the CAPS • Next Steps

  3. Helpful Documents • Local Health System Integration Act 2006 (LHSIA) • CAPS Reference Overview 2014-17 • CAPS User Guide 2014-17

  4. Introduction • It is a requirement of the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006 (“LHSIA”) that Local Health Integration Networks (“LHINs”) have a Service Accountability Agreement (SAA) in place with each Health Service Provider (HSP) that it funds. • The current 2013-14 Multi-sector Service Accountability Agreements or M-SAAs for the Community Health Centre (CHC), Community Care Access Centre (CCAC), Community Mental Health and Addiction (MH & A) and Community Support Service (CSS) sectors expire on March 31, 2014 and thus must be replaced with new agreements that will take effect on April 1, 2014.


  6. 2014-17 M-SAA Overview • Multi-sector Accountability Agreements (M-SAA) for a three year period effective April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2017 • The M-SAA focuses on accountability as an integral part of the ongoing effort to improve health sector performance and provide high quality, client centered care.

  7. The CAPS-M-SAA Process • Both the CAPS and the M-SAA promote enhanced accountability through multi-year planning and funding projections.

  8. CAPS/M-SAA Timelines


  10. CAPS Overview • In order to facilitate the negotiation of the M-SAAs with HSPs each HSP will be required to submit a planning document known as the Community Accountability Planning Submission (CAPS). • The CAPS and the new M-SAA will each cover a three year period from 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17.

  11. The Parts of the CAPS The CAPS has 2Parts and 4 components. Both parts and all components must be completed by the HSP and submit to the LHIN by November 15, 2013.

  12. Improving the CAPS HSP and LHIN feedback identified the following high level themes • Simplify forms • Reduce errors through early testing • Eliminate duplicate manual entry of information included in other reports submitted to the LHIN • Improve timelines for release and review of CAPS • Timely training and education • Version control

  13. Key Enhancements between the 2011-14 and 2014-17 CAPS Valuable feedback was provided following the 2011-14 CAPS and M-SAA process and the LHIN SRI Reporting Working Groupwas able to implement the following enhancements: • 2013-14 CAPS budget information is pre-populatedinto the forms.  No need to load additional files. • Functional Centres for Community Health Centre’s have been added • Reports created and submitted via SRI system to mange versions and store files for future access

  14. Key Enhancements. continued • New lines have been added to the Identification page to allow for communication of contact changes for several positions in the organization. • Additional lines have been added to the finance screens to provide new calculations and a further breakdown of information (Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Other Medical Staff) where applicable. • Functionality to adjust what statistics are reported per functional centre has been added to the Activity Summary page

  15. Key Enhancements. continued • Administration FTE on the LHIN Service Summary screen is updated automatically from the Total FTE on the LHIN Financial Summary. • Worked Hours and Benefit Hours have been combined on one line in CAPS to make the process easier for the providers.  Benefit contributions remains a separate line entry. • The schedules have been removed from the CAPS file. For further details on more specific enhancements please see CAPS Reference Overview document

  16. Enhancements for Future Consideration • Many great ideas for improving the CAPS have been received from Health Service Providers, LHINs, and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. • The LHIN SRI Reports Working Group has been cautious in considering major changes to the CAPS given that using SRI is new territory and already represents a significant improvement to the process from the previous year • Pre-population of other historical data may be possible in the future

  17. Enhancements for Future Consideration continued • It is intended that the CAPS process is a one-time exercise covering 3 fiscal years • The file will be redeveloped for 2015-16 and 2016-17 to allow LHINs and HSPs to refresh planning targets, if the LHIN chooses to do so or if it is required. • The LHIN SRI Reports Working Group will be soliciting feedback on further enhancements from Health Service Providers, LHINs, and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for consideration well in advance of this next release

  18. Data Quality • The ongoing quarterly reporting of accurate financial and statistical data is essential to the management of performance • Accurate historical performance data is crucial to inform target setting and negotiations following the submission of the CAPS • Quality data informs an effective, efficient, and equitable basis for directing future investments, it assists Health Service Providers to improve client outcomes, and supports evidenced-based evaluation


  20. Introduction • Part A, the Narrative Model is a separate file from CAPS • Part A is available from your LHIN either through email or posted on their Website. Part A will not be posted on SRI • When complete, submit directly to the LHIN via Email

  21. Features of Part A • Part A of the CAPS has 5 pages to complete • Each page has links to and from the steps that need to be completed. • All of the detailed instructions are contained in the file to the left with links from the main menu and from the individual forms • This model will be used to populate the M-SAA schedules in the E-forms. • Print areas are already set up with Print Buttons that will print individual forms or all of the forms in the package.

  22. Forms: Main Menu

  23. Forms: Service Plan Narrative Part A1-1

  24. Forms: Service Plan Narrative Part A1-2

  25. Forms: Description of Services A2-1

  26. Forms: Description of Services A2-2

  27. Forms: A3: Population & Geography

  28. Completing Part Bof the CAPSCommunity Accountability Planning Submission Tool • Go to https://www.sri.moh.gov.on.ca/UserRegistration/faces/login/index.jsp • If you are already registered, you can follow the red arrow and click “SRI Submissions”. If not, you can follow the purple arrow and click “Register Here”

  29. Checking Out your CAPS • Following the instructions and steps in the CAPS User Guide will eventually lead you to the opportunity to “Check Out” and start completing your CAPS • https://www.sri.moh.gov.on.ca/UserRegistration/faces/login/index.jsp

  30. Main Page When the CAPS file is first launched the following Menu Page will display. This page provides links to each form contained within the CAPS. Note: The ID Edit Check will fail if you do not “Select a LHIN” on this Main Page

  31. Commenting in your CAPS Comments: The Comments column should be used to explain differences between the budgets across the years. The comments provide clarification and will help the LHIN understand why reallocations have been made between functional centers and understand why budget changes are being made by the HSP.

  32. Verifying the Edit Checks • Green happy faces  indicate successful edit checks. Red sad faces indicate failed edit checks, which must be corrected before submitting the CAPS • If you see a red sad face, a description of the problem to be resolved will appear in the Message Area of the row.

  33. Checking In your CAPS • After you have entered all information and passed the edit checks you are ready to upload your CAPS to SRI again. • Checking In your CAPS into SRI is similar to when you Checked Out your CAPS from SRI

  34. Submitting CAPS to SRI • You can now submit the report. To do so, right click and select “Submission Status” and then “Submit”. If it does not work, you may need to wait a few minutes so that the upload will take

  35. Main Contacts • If you have any questions about the CAPS that you have “Checked Out” from SRI, please call or email your LHIN contact • Main Contacts at each of the LHINs is available within both the User Guide as well as the Reference Overview document

  36. Release of Documents from LHIN Prior to October 1, 2013 or on October 1st, 2013 it is recommended the LHIN release the following documents to their HSP’s • CAPS Orientation Session (taped) and Slide Deck • CAPS User Guide • CAPS Reference Overview • Part A Narrative Model • Part A Narrative Model Orientation Slides On October 1, 2013 the CAPS Part B File will be posted on SRI, making it available to the HSPs’

  37. Next Steps • Following the November 15th submission due date the LHINs will begin reviewing the HSP’s CAPS • Engagement with your LHIN is encouraged as you complete the CAPS and communication is mandatory if the HSP plans to make any changes in previous year M-SAA targets. • Mutually signed M-SAA in place by April 1, 2014

  38. Questions and Answers • Between the launch of the CAPS on October 1, 2013, and October 4, 2013, LHINs will be responsible for holding their own engagement sessions with their HSPs and seek any questions about completing the CAPS. • Following the review of this presentation please submit your questions by the end of the day October 4, 2013 to your LHIN contact. • Any questions raised during your Local Q&A will be forwarded through each LHIN contact to the LHIN SRI Working Group by the end of the day October 4, 2013

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