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Mary Wagner Visual Rhetoric Assignment. Every year, approximately 6-8 million animals are surrendered to shelters throughout the United States. Of that number, nearly 50% of the animals left at shelters are euthanized each year.
Mary Wagner Visual Rhetoric Assignment
Every year, approximately 6-8 million animals are surrendered to shelters throughout the United States
Of that number, nearly 50%of the animals left at shelters areeuthanized each year.
A lot of the animals found at shelters throughout the United States are there because they have been rescued from dangerous homes, irresponsible breeders or found wandering on the streets.
These animals did not ask for this life. They have no one to speak for them. This is why local organizations, like the Anne Arundel County SPCA exist: to give these innocent animals a chance to live the type of lives they deserve, with people who love and care for them.
Founded in 1920, the Anne Arundel County SPCA exists to provide shelter and care to stray and abandoned animals.The organization also advocates for the humane treatment of animals and speaks out against cases of animal cruelty and neglect.
The AACo SPCAtakes in thousands of different animals every year with the hopes of re-homingthem with new families.
In addition to cats and dogs, you will find other small animals including turtles, rabbits, birds, and hamsters available for adoption at the AACo SPCA.
The animals that are cared for at the AACo SPCAcome from a variety of places, including: • Pets given up at the shelter • Stray animals who have run out of time at Animal Control • Other area shelters when they have run out of space
The shelter, medical care, and feeding of these animals is covered solely by donations and adoption fees. The AACo SPCAreceives no funds from local, state or federal government.
Adoption Process 1. Look at all of the available pets on the AACo SPCA website: http://www.aacspca.org 2. Meet your potential new pet. You will be able to interact with the animal with staff supervision to get to know each other’s personalities. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t find a pet you like right away. Make a few visits.
Adoption Process 3. If you can’t find a pet of your choosing you can be put on a waiting list for a specific breed. The shelter will call you when they get one. 4. Once you have found a pet you want to adopt, you will fill out an application to take the animal home with you.
Adoption Process Once you fill out your application for your potential pet, staff will evaluate if you are a good candidate for that animal based on living situation, people in home, references and needs of the animal. The application process can take up to seven days.
Adoption Process When your application has been approved, you will be allowed to take your pet home when you pay the adoption fee. The adoption fee partially covers some of the expenses your pet incurred during its stay at the shelter.
Congratulations! You get to take home your new family member!
“I adopted these two pups from the SPCA when I decided my Rufus needed a friend. The pups were from the same litter and I didn’t want to separate them. I’m so glad I welcomed them both into my family, Rocco and Reggie get along great with Rufus and they make each day more fun. They love long walks and belly rubs, which all three get every day. I am so grateful to the SPCA for bringing these boys into my life.” - Derrick
“Here are my girls, Alice and Jessica, with their new rabbit, Flopsy. We got her last month at the SPCA and she quickly became a wonderful addition to our family. She enjoys munching on carrots on our laps while we watch movies as a family. We take her for a daily walk around the yard on her leash where she likes to rest in spots of sun. I’m so glad we decided to adopt her and can’t imagine our lives without her.” - The Bradley Family
“I adopted my cat,Sarge,from the SPCA last year. Here he is interrupting my Skype session with my brother. He is always ready to play and he makes my days much more fun. I’m so glad he’s joined my family and am thankful the SPCA brought him into my life.” - Jon
“We adopted our dog, Max, almost two years ago from the SPCA. It was one of the best decisions we have ever made. He is truly a member of our family and he makes new friends where ever he goes. He love long walks, swimming, and playing fetch. We are so glad we stopped by the SPCA that day and were able to bring him home with us later that week. It’s hard to imagine what life would be like without his fun-loving personality.” - The Wagner Family
Visiting Hours for Adoption: Monday - closed Tuesday - 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wednesday - 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM Thursday - 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM Friday - Sunday - 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Please adopt your next pet and save a homeless animal. Visit the Anne Arundel County SPCA anytime at http://www.aacspca.org/ • SPCA of Anne Arundel County • 1815 Bay Ridge Avenue • Annapolis, MD 21403 • 410-268-4388 • info@aacspca.org
SourcesCommon Questions about Animal Shelters : The Humane Society of the United States . (n.d.). The Humane Society of the United States : The Humane Society of the United States . Retrieved March 11, 2013, from http://www.humanesociety.org/animal_community/resources/qa/ common_questions_on_shelters.htmlSPCA of Anne Arundel County. (n.d.). SPCA of Anne Arundel County. Retrieved March 18, 2013, from http://www.aacspca.org/
Image Sources • Slide 1: AACo SPCA logo - http://www.insideannapolis.com/archive/2005/issue3/spca.html • Slide 2: Shelter Dog in Cage - http://earthrated.com/blog/adopting-a-shelter-dog • Slide 3: Shelter Cat in Cage - http://www.examiner.com/article/unsure-about-whether-to-adopt • Slide 4: Dogs in Cage - http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2012/11/illinois-shelter-offers-black-fur- day-for-pets/ • Slide 5: Cats in Cage - http://www.unitedhope4animals.org/2011/08/shelter-kitties-need-your-help/ • Slide 6: Hand and Paw - http://members.petfinder.org/~FL639/shelter_letter.html • Slide 7: Girl and Dog - http://www.karenrenard.com/2012/09/23/adopt-dont-shop/ • Slide 8: Turtle - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Yangzhou-market-turtles-3392.jpg • Slide 8: Bird - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bird_in_cage.jpg • Slide 8: Rabbit - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cilantro.jpg • Slide 9: Both Pictures - http://www.nycstopdoginc.com/nycs-top-dog-wish-list.php • Slide 10: Rabbit with Vet - http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/vet.html
Image Sources • Slide 11: Shelter Cat in Cage 2 - http://greenheritagenews.com/jim-morans-resolution-against-killing-shelter- animals-by-gassing/ • Slide 11: Dog Licking - http://www.co.washington.or.us/HHS/AnimalServices/AnimalShelter/Adoption/ index.cfm • Slide 12: Girl picking Dog - http://www.pet360.com/dog/adoption/8-reasons-to-adopt-a-dog/ l1AvcWKyOUyQMnJVUVaF1Q • Slide 12: Boy picking Cat - http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Photos-Feline- Fest-1665669.php#photo-1203414 • Slide 13: Adoption Application – http://aacspca.org/images/spca/cat_application.pdf • Slide 15: Man with dog - http://www.azhumane.org/adopt-a-pet/how-it-works/ • Slide 15: Girl with Cat - http://cappers.grit.com/Pet-adoption-requires-serious-commitment.aspx • Slide 15: Family with Dog - http://www.globalanimal.org/2012/05/24/suitcase-6-puppies-find-forever- homes-photos/75000/ • Slide 15: Kids with Hamsters - http://petsplayland.com/hamsters-great-pets-for-kids/ • Slide 15: Girl with Turtle - http://mommynoire.com/tag/salmonella/
Image Sources • Slide 15: Woman with Cat - http://www.aspca.org/Adoption/aspca-happy-tails/asbury • Slide 16: Man with Three Dogs - http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/nyc-top-dog-boarding-facility- helps-rescue-city-animals-article-1.989576 • Slide 17: Girls with Rabbit - http://www.oamarumail.co.nz/news/kids-what-ate-our-pets/1336698/ • Slide 18: Man with Cat - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2202184/The-photobombing-felines- Worldwide-internet-craze-ruining-perfect-picture-isnt-just-humans-cats-animals-action.html • Slide 19: Couple with Dog – personal photograph