1. Spatial Analysis with Raster Datasets - 2 Francisco Olivera, Ph.D., P.E.
Srikanth Koka
Department of Civil Engineering
Texas A&M University
2. Reclassification Reclassify creates a new grid by replacing the input cell values with new output cell values.
New cell values are based on new information or grouping existing values together.
To reclassify, click on Spatial Analyst/Reclassify.
3. Straight Line Distance Straight Line gives the distance from each cell in the grid to the closest source (point or line dataset).
Optionally, Create Allocation and Create Direction can be used to create grids with cells representing the value of the source and direction (out of eight options) of the source, respectively.
To use the straight line distance function, click on Spatial Analyst/ Distance/Straight Line.
4. Allocation Allocation is used to allocate cells to the closest source. The source can be a point feature class or any grid or feature class. It is similar to the Straight Line Allocation function.
To create an allocation grid click on Spatial Analyst/ Distance/Allocation.
5. Cost Weighted Distance The Cost Weighted Distance function creates a grid in which each cell represents the least accumulative cost from that cell to the nearest source (cost can be money, time, etc.).
Needs a cost grid; for example: Cost raster = f(slope, landuse).
To create a cost weighted distance grid, click on Spatial Analyst/Distance/Cost Weighted.
6. Interpolate to Raster Interpolate to raster is a global function which creates a grid that stores values interpolated from a point feature dataset.
The options are Inverse Distance Weighted, Spline and Kriging.
To create an interpolated surface, click on Spatial Analyst/Interpolate to Raster.
7. Surface Analysis-Contour Create contours creates a line feature dataset in which the lines connect points of equal cell value. To create contours, click on Spatial Analyst/Surface Analysis/Contour.