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The Art of Public Speaking Dos, Don’ts and What Ifs

The Art of Public Speaking Dos, Don’ts and What Ifs. Created by Ms. Kaitlin leMoine. Objective. Students will learn the 3 types of Delivery Methods, how to structure the Content of their presentations and the important components of presentation Delivery.

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The Art of Public Speaking Dos, Don’ts and What Ifs

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  1. The Art of Public SpeakingDos, Don’ts and What Ifs Created by Ms. Kaitlin leMoine

  2. Objective Students will learn the 3 types of Delivery Methods, how to structure the Content of their presentations and the important components of presentation Delivery. Taken from: awordlessordinary.wordpress.com

  3. Delivery Methods • Reading • Limits eye contact, body language, expressiveness • Memorizing • Inward rather than outward energy, Mechanical • Extemporaneous Speaking • Allows for natural style, but requires just as much preparation

  4. Extemporaneous Speaking Content Requirements • Strong Beginning • Logical Structure to Presentation-makes sense to YOU and OTHERS • Conclusive, clear ending Delivery Requirements • Well-practiced • Display both enthusiasm & sincerity

  5. Extemporaneous Speaking-Content • Once you have the basic structure… • Use “Confidence Cards” • 3x5 cards to glance at during uncertain moments • Use your PowerPoint to guide card creation • Content & Delivery Bullet points-NO SENTENCES (exception: opening and closing) • Number the cards

  6. Extemporaneous Speaking-Content Confidence Card Example Card Number Content to Remember-Bullets! • Remember: #3 • Senior seminar: • Independent • Product-based • Year-long • Anecdotal story here…change slide Delivery Action

  7. Extemporaneous Speaking-Content Confidence Card Cautions • Do NOT shuffle them around during the presentation • Do NOT stare at them instead of looking at the audience • Do NOT add filler words between the words on the card!

  8. Extemporaneous Speaking-Delivery Eye Contact • Expresses Emotions and Power • If you don’t pay attention to your audience, they won’t pay attention to you! • Eye contact=look at different people for 2-3 seconds • DON’T sweep your eyes over faces • DON’T jerk your eyes around the room as quickly as possible Image taken from: www.snpnet.com/.../images/eye-contact.jpg

  9. Extemporaneous Speaking-Delivery Hands & Gesturing • Nervous Hands • Fiddling • Touching/scratching face, hands, hair, etc. • Shoving into pockets, in lap, behind you • Pointing at the audience • Clutching the podium, your hands, etc. • Forgetting that your arm starts at your shoulder • Waving your arms Image taken from: www.nationalpost.com/news/321689.bin?size=404x272

  10. Extemporaneous Speaking-Delivery Hands & Gesturing • Calm hands • Use your full arm when gesturing • Leave your arms relaxed and at your sides when not • Gesture with the hand that does not have notecards in it • Hold your hands lightly clasped in front of you

  11. Extemporaneous Speaking-Delivery Position & Posture To Avoid:

  12. Extemporaneous Speaking-Delivery Position & Posture To Do:

  13. Extemporaneous Speaking-An Example • What is it that makes Dan Pink effective? • http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/dan_pink_on_motivation.html

  14. Bibliography Stuart, Christina. How to be an Effective Speaker: The essential Guide to making the most of your communication skills. NTC Publishing Group. Chicago, Illinois. 1988

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