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Is Tulsa Moving Toward Becoming More Sustainable? February 2009 Mary McIntyre Coley City of Tulsa Communication Officer Member - The Mayor’s Green Team. Definitions:.

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  1. Is Tulsa Moving Toward Becoming More Sustainable?February 2009Mary McIntyre ColeyCity of Tulsa Communication OfficerMember - The Mayor’s Green Team

  2. Definitions: • Sustainability – the use of resources so that their availability and/or usefulness to future generations is not compromised or diminished • Environmental Footprint – the comprehensive resource requirements of an individual, city or country (Water, energy, clothing, transportation, food, stuff)

  3. History • July 2001 –Mayor Susan Savage creates an energy policy. • 2002-2006 – Mayor LaFortune continues to request an annual “plan,” primarily in the form of reports from Public Works sections. • 2006 – Kathy Taylor elected Mayor, joins the Blue Skyways Collaborative.

  4. Internal Policies in place • Zero idling plan • Employee policies regarding electricity usage and lighting • City policies encouraging recycling • Ozone Alert plan and directives to employees

  5. - Moving toward Sustainability • Mayor Taylor signs four agreements to accept grant money from OK Dept. of Transportation related to the use of Compressed Natural Gas in municipal vehicles. • Mayor Taylor is the 500th signee of the US Conference of Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement.

  6. 2008 - January • Mayor Taylor announces the ReGreen Tulsa program to replace trees devastated by the Dec. 09 ice storm. • Goal: 20,000 trees by 2010.

  7. 2008- April – The Green Team • Mayor appoints team of citizens to lead city-wide green efforts, The Green Team. Co-chairs: • Michael Patton, the M.e.t. • Sean Griffin, Vizalution • Mayor announces a City of Tulsa website focusing on “green” efforts – BeGreen Tulsa. www.BeGreenTulsa.com

  8. 2008 – May – EC and S Team Formed • Internal team begins weekly meetings: Energy Conservation and Sustainability Team. Members: • Public Works • Administration • Public Facilities – Building Operations • Environmental Operations • Solid Waste Management • Communications • Purchasing • Equipment Management • Planning

  9. 2008 – July – new City Hall - OTC • City of Tulsa employees begin relocation to City Hall at One Technology Center. • Benefits: • More efficient use of space (reduced space by 20% due to consolidation. • Energy savings (consumers 30% less) • Reduced annual operating costs • Elimination of environmental and air quality concerns at old City Hall.

  10. 2008 – July – EC & S Team Plan • Energy Conservation and Sustainability Team submits a draft Sustainability Strategic Plan to Mayor Taylor, outlining Goals and Objectives

  11. 2008 – July – Green Traveler Portal • The City opens an internal “portal” to INCOG’s Green Traveler website, allowing employees easy access to the Green Traveler program. • Carpool match • Energy-savings calculator • City Trail and bus line information

  12. 2008 - general • City becomes an Energy Star member (ways to reduce energy) • City becomes a Waste-Wise member (ways to increase diversion rates and recycling) • City becomes a Water Sense member (ways to promote water conservation) • City requests membership in ICLEI.

  13. Sustainability Advisor • December 2008 – Mayor Taylor appoints Brett Fidler as her Special Advisor for Sustainability issues. • Fidler also serves as Conservation Director for the Tulsa Zoo, and has developed successful recycling and sustainability programs at the Tulsa Zoo. • Fidler’s Sustainability Plan is due to the Mayor on April 1, 2009.

  14. Green Fleet on the Street • 24 City of Tulsa vehicles are on the street featuring either hybrid technology or use of CNG as primary fuel. • 89 such vehicles were ordered in 2008.

  15. What’s Next? • Action Steps for Energy Conservation and Sustainability Team’s Strategic Plan (2008) to Mayor by March 1, 2009. • Report from Sustainability Advisor – to Mayor on April 1, 2009.

  16. Local Sustainability Partners • Mayor’s Green Team • Sustainable Tulsa • Sustainable Green Country • TYPROs Sustainability Team • Sierra Club of Green Country • Local Chapter, AIA – COTE

  17. Greening the (918) Programs(Sustainable Tulsa and Mayor’s Green Team) • What it is: A monthly seminar series featuring topics of interest to Tulsans • Start date: October 2008 • Programs to date: • November 2008 “Green Building” • January 2009 “Local Foods and Sustainable Agriculture” – rescheduled

  18. Greening the (918) Programs 2009 • February 2009 – Alternative Transportation • March 2009 – Ecological Footprint - Citywide • April 2009 – Green Space • May 2009 – Solid Waste Management and Reduction • June 2009 – Local Foods and Sustainable Agriculture (rescheduled from January) • July 2009 – Water Quality and Conservation

  19. Greening the (918) Programs 2009 - continued • August 2009 – Green Energy • September 2009 – Sustainable Economic Prosperity • October 2009 – Keeping Communication on Green Issues Transparent

  20. Go Green Conference(Tulsa architects and Mayor’s Green Team) • Held September 2009 • Audience: • Low to mid- income individuals and families • Regional architects (continuing education credits) • Topics: • Reducing expenses by going “green” • “Green” Remodeling projects

  21. Thank You for the Opportunity!

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