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Gallup Student Poll Results. Jacksonville
Gallup Student Poll Results Jacksonville This powerpoint is designed to be a worksheet for dialogue about hope, well-being, and engagement at your site. Your site’s results are displayed along side the aggregate results of all SIATech schools and the national results of all participating schools.
Hopethe ideas and energy we have for the future.Hope drives:attendance, credits earned, and high school GPAHope predicts:college GPA and retentionHope scores are better predictors of college success than high school GPA, SAT, and ACT scores. Mean score: 4.35; n = 28 Mean score: 4.37; n = 1,546 Mean score: 4.37; n = 228,508
HOPE I will graduate Question Text: I know I will graduate from high school. (Five point scale) Comments:
HOPE An adult cares Comments: Question Text: There is an adult in my life who cares about my future. (Five point scale)
HOPE Get good grades Comments: Question Text: I can think of many ways to get good grades. (Five point scale)
HOPE Pursue goals Question Text: I energetically pursue my goals. (Five point scale) Comments:
HOPE Ways around a problem Question Text: I can find lots of ways around any problem. (Five point scale) Comments:
HOPE Find good job Question Text: I know I will find a good job after I graduate.(Five point scale) Comments:
Engagementthe involvement and enthusiasm for school.Engagement scores separatehigh-performing from low-performing schools Mean score: 3.48; n = 33 Mean score: 3.96; n = 1,537 Mean score: 3.99; n = 230,265
ENGAGEMENT Best friend Question Text: I have a best friend at school. (Five point scale) Comments:
ENGAGEMENT Feel safe Question Text: I feel safe in this school. (Five point scale) Comments:
ENGAGEMENT Schoolwork important Question Text: My teachers make me feel my schoolwork is important. (Five point scale) Comments:
ENGAGEMENT Adult calls home Question Text: If I miss school, an adult from school calls home to ask how I am doing. (Five point scale) Comments:
ENGAGEMENT Opportunity to do best Question Text: At this school, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. (Five point scale) Comments:
ENGAGEMENT Recognition/Praise Question Text: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good schoolwork. (Five point scale) Comments:
ENGAGEMENT Volunteered time Question Text: In the last month, I volunteered my time to help others. (Five point scale) Comments:
Well-Beinghow we think about and experience our lives.Well-being is an indicator of how students are currently doing.Well-being also predicts future success.A thriving student earns 10% more credits and a 2.9 GPA compared to a struggling or suffering student who completes fewer credits and earns a 2.4 GPA. Mean score: 8.39; n=33 Mean score: 8.89; n = 1,667 Mean score: 8.46; n = 246,682
WELL-BEING Treated with respect Question Text: Were you treated with respect all day yesterday? (Yes or no) Comments:
WELL-BEING Smile or laugh Question Text: Did you smile or laugh a lot yesterday? (Yes or no) Comments:
WELL-BEING Learn/do something Question Text: Did you learn or do something interesting yesterday? (Yes or no) Comments:
WELL-BEING Enough energy Question Text: Did you have enough energy to get things done yesterday? (Yes or no) Comments:
WELL-BEING Health problems Question Text: Do you have health problems that keep you from doing things other people your age can do? (Yes or no) Comments:
WELL-BEING Family or friends Question Text: If you are in trouble, do you have family or friends you can count on whenever you need them? (Yes or no) Comments: