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Chapter 38 The Stormy Sixties

Chapter 38 The Stormy Sixties. Kennedy’s New Frontier. His youth brought vigor and a hope of renewal “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Peace Corps Program for the nations youth to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries.

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Chapter 38 The Stormy Sixties

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  1. Chapter 38 The Stormy Sixties

  2. Kennedy’s New Frontier • His youth brought vigor and a hope of renewal • “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” • Peace Corps • Program for the nations youth to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries. • .Domestic ideas • .Medical assistance for the aged • .Increased federal aid to education • .Had a difficult time with a hostile conservative congress • .Tried to hold down inflation with noninflationary wage agreement with the steel industry • )Failed because industry still raises prices • Land a man on the moon by the end of the decade • )Would be good military strategy • )Good economic stimulus

  3. Kennedy’s Foreign Policy • Berlin Crisis • Soviets begin construction of the Berlin Wall in Aug. 1961 • Trade Expansion Act of 1952 • Cut tariffs up to 50% • To promote trade with common market • Increased trade • Flexible Response • Was the brain child of defense Sec. Robert McNamara • Was created to deal with the brush fire war that could not be controlled by massive retaliation • Developing an array of military options that could be precisely matched tot he scope and importance of the crisis like the Green Berets • Helps us into the Vietnam War

  4. Alliance for Progress • Marshall plan for Latin America • Close the gap between rich and poor • Slow communist agitation • Had little impact because of other factors.

  5. Bay of Pigs April 1961 • Planned by CIA and Eisenhower Admin. • Idea to help anti-Castro forces take back the island • The U.S. was going to train and give them air support • Kennedy let the pan go but refused to lend a hand • Failed miserably and hurt U.S. Latin America relations

  6. Cuban Missile Crisis • Soviets try to build missile bases in Cuba as we discover form U-2 photographs • In October of 1962 Kennedy orders a naval blockade of Cuba • Kennedy said any attack on the U.S. from Cuba would be seen as an attack from Russia • If we seized or sunk a Russian ship approaching the blockade Russia might retaliate. • The world was extremely tense • Russia finally backs down. • Fallout of crisis • Khrushchev was disgraced and toppled • Launched more military expansion • Kennedy pushed for test ban treaty and gets one • Sets up hot line • Brings on Kennedy’s policy of Peaceful Coexistence

  7. Kennedy Assassination • Nov. 22,1963 • In Dallas Texas • By Lee Harvey Oswald who was later Killed by Jack Ruby • Question of conspiracy • Probably remembered more for the ideals he had enunciated and the spirit he had kindled than the concrete goals he had achieved

  8. LBJ • Election of 1964 • Johnson the DemocratThe Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1964 - Accomplishments • Goldwater the Republican. • Goldwater seen as to conservative and Hawkish • Johnson used the gulf of Tonkin incident to escalate the war

  9. Great Society • War on poverty • Flood of new legislation similar to the New Deal • Office of Economic Opportunity given 2 billion budget • Improves education in Appalachia • Creates Medicare for the elderly • Creates the Dept. of Transportation. • Project Head Start • Created the Dept. of housing and Urban Development • Robert Weaver Sec. of HUD first black cabinet Mem. • Creates a demonstration cities program • Combats urban blight

  10. Civil Right in the Johnson Era • Civil rights of 1964 • Gave federal government more power to enforce school desegregation. • Prohibits racial discrimination in public Accommodations and employment • Freedom riders • 24th amendment does away with poll tax • Voting rights act of 1965 • Outlaws literacy tests • Sent voter registrars to the south • Ended the era of civil rights in the south • Violence in the North • Watts riot • Movement towards the radical call for militant tactics • Malcolm X • Preaches blacks separatism • Condemns whites. • Stokeley Carmichael • Lead the Student non Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC • Pushes another voter registration march in Miss. • Encourages Black and peaceful demonstrations . Riots in Newark • Kills 29 • Riots in Detroit kills 43 • Martin Luther King Jr. killed in Tenn. In April of 1968

  11. Election of 1968 • Robert Kennedy strong democratic challenger until assassinated in 1968 • Eugene McCarthy for Minn. Strong peace candidate • Humphrey gets Democratic Nomination • Strong Demonstration at the Chicago Convention • Mayor creates for Daley • Calls out the national guard • Many arrested and jailed • Republicans nominate Nixon • Says he has a program to end the war • Really has no program but eventually came up with Vietnamization • Nixon wins

  12. Counter Culture of the 60s • Struggles with racism, poverty, Vietnam • Young People disillusioned with American Society • Lost their moral rudders • “Trust no one over thirty” • Free Speech Movement at Berkley • Some turned to • Drugs • Acid Rock • Dropped out of straight society

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