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Respiration and Excretion Review

Respiration and Excretion Review. Chapter 23. Excretory System. Many different chemical changes take place in cells . As these changes take place waste products form. Ex: Cellular Respiration -> CO 2 + H 2 O

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Respiration and Excretion Review

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  1. Respiration and Excretion Review Chapter 23

  2. Excretory System • Many different chemical changes take place in cells. • As these changes take place waste products form. • Ex: Cellular Respiration -> CO2 + H2O • Other waste products from cells: salts, nitrogencompounds, and heat.

  3. Formation of urea occurs in • Kidneys  • Small intestine  • Liver • Pancreas 

  4. Bag like structure in which urine is stored • Urinary Bladder • Urethra  • Ureter  • Nephron 

  5. What is the major function of the Excretory system? • Cell protection • Blood movement • Waste removal • Food breakdown

  6. What major components make up the excretory system? • Kidneys • Ureter • Urinary Bladder • Urethra • Skin

  7. Kidneys • Humans have 2 kidneys which are located just above your waistline. • Main job of the kidney is to remove waste products from the blood • Each minute about 1 L of blood pass through your kidney. • In 1 day your kidneys remove waste products from about 170 L of blood.

  8. Clearly explain how the nephrons filter waste products and nutrients from the blood?

  9. What is the main function of the kidney? • Produce hormones • Waste removal • Support and Shape • Absorbs water • 2 and 4

  10. Waste removal • Waste products leave the kidney through the collecting tube as a liquid called urine. • Urine = H20 + salts + urea • Excretion is not completed until urine is removed from the body. • The job of the urinary system is to remove liquid waste (urine) from the body.

  11. What are the filtering structures of the kidney? • Ureter • Urethra • Collecting tube • Renal artery • Nephron

  12. Millions of tiny tubelike structures called nephrons are located inside the kidney. • Nephrons are the filtering structures of the kidneys

  13. How is urine removed? • Urine leave the kidneys through a tube called the ureter. • 1 ureter from each kidney carries urine to the urinary bladder, which is a muscular sac that stores urine. • When the bladder becomes full, muscles from the bladder contract forcing out the urine into the urethra. • The urethra carries urine to the outside of the body.

  14. What is urine made of? • Water • Salt • Urea • Glucose • 1,2, and 3

  15. Why is water an important components in excretion?

  16. Answer H2O is a universal solvent because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This means that wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.

  17. Which of these is not a normal constituent of urine: glucose, urea, salt or water? • Glucose • Salt • Water • Urea

  18. What tube carries urine outside of the body? • Ureter • Urinary bladder • Urethra • Nephrons • Renal vein

  19. Which of these is not true -- 1, 2, 3 or 4? • Kidney excretes urea  • A small fraction of CO2 is removed through the skin  • Small amount of salt is excreted through skin  • Feces is excreted through the anus

  20. Which of these is not a function of kidneys? • Maintenance of acid base balance.  • Excretion of nitrogenous waste products.  • Temperature regulation.  • Maintenance of water balance.

  21. What is the major function of the skin? • Protection • Sensation (touch) • Excretion • Temperature regulation • All of the above

  22. What other organ besides the kidney removes H2O, salts, and urea? Explain • Liver • Skin • Heart • Stomach • Intestines

  23. Skin • Skin has small structures called sweat glands, which excrete waste products in the form of perspiration. • Perspiration = H2O + salts + urea • Each sweat glands has a small tube that leads to the surface of the skin called a pore.

  24. Which of these is not an excretory organ: intestine, lungs, heart or kidneys? Explain • Heart • Intestine  • Lungs  • Kidneys

  25. Excretory Problems • Kidney Stones • Acne

  26. What causes a kidney stone disease? • Glucose in the form of carbohydrates in the body • Oil clog in the pores of the skin • Calcium compounds and nitrogenous waste • Burning or breakdown of food in your cells

  27. Kidney Stones • They are formed from calcium compounds and nitrogen wastes that are not excreted by the body. • Small kidney stone can pass through the ureter, but can cause great pain. • Large kidney stones cannot pass through the ureter, causing a blockage which can destroy kidney cells.

  28. How are large kidney stones removed? • Medication – causes the stone to dissolve and break apart • Surgery – involves the risk of infection, can lead to complications. • Sound waves – aim shock waves at the stone causing it to vibrate and break apart

  29. Acne is a common human skin disease. Identify some ways of controlling acne

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